Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Melbourne

Domi Serviced Apartments
3.9/532 Recensioni
First impressions not good , reception at reception was abrupt , unhelpful and unfriendly. The guy appeared bored and disinterested. On entering the unit we firstly noticed the apparent poor cleaning standards , as we looked closer it got worse , see photo. Ill only post one , as they say ” a picture tells ........” Then , we went out onto the balcony and received a severe fright as the floor tiles were loose and moving around due to poor building standards, didn't end there though, the electrical wiring of the apartment was an issue , the bathroom lights worked ok , but when someone was in the ensuite , those lights overrode the bathroom lights , so , Im in the bathroom , ensuite lights turned off , then darkness ! This is a safety issue . We reported this. On the second day , we noticed a foul odor , it was appalling , even on the 7th floor , we had to put a blanket under the door to try to stop the stench. Apparently the plumbing isn't real good either , the building shares a drain with thee crab restaurant next door , so apparently it was rancid crab juice , residents ( from the 13th floor ) said its happened before and the management hasn't done anything. The management didn't seem to care , and funnily enough , reception wasn't often manned after that. On the positive side , good location if you want to shop at the Glen , or eat in an Asian restaurant.

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