Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di West Coast

Beachfront Hotel Hokitika
4.4/555 Recensioni
We stayed in a very comfortable hotel room located on the ground floor. The room is very light n breezy and we could park our car outside our room which made it very easy to load and unload our baggage. It was also an easy walk out to the beach which is across the road. Opposite the hotel is a supermarket which is convenient if you need anything. It's also an easy walk to eateries
Heartland Hotel Glacier Country
3.7/510 Recensioni
Il nostro soggiorno in questo hotel ha avuto qualche problema. Le camere sono pulite e sembravano belle a prima vista, ma abbiamo trovato le camere sono rumorose dal rumore interno ed esterno. Non c'è posto dove appendere vestiti, né armario né ferrovia. Le cieche del camion hanno lasciato un sacco di luce in mattinata. Il bagno era pulito, ma la temperatura del doccia era erratica e la testa del doccia si è mantenuta in calo. Il cibo e il drink nel ristorante sono buoni, ma il servizio è un po' caotico. Abbiamo pagato per il nostro colazione, ma la mattina ci è stato detto che non eravamo sulla lista per il colazione, quindi dovevamo andare alla ricezione due volte per risolvere la questione. Non è un grande inizio al giorno. Il servizio di cena di sera consiste nel fare la coda in un posto per chiedere una tavola e poi ordinare il cibo. Allora devi fare la coda al bar per ordinare bevande. In generale, per il prezzo che abbiamo pagato per la stanza non mi sento come se avessimo un valore per i soldi.
Asure Gables Motor Lodge
4.5/532 Recensioni
Arrivato all'hotel un po' tardi per l'iscrizione, ma la ricezione era molto accogliente e ancora trattata per noi con un sorriso grande e molto amichevole! Le camere erano molto pulite, completi con AC e riscaldamento, asciugamani anche forniti. Lavaggio disponibile per l’uso (solo l’uso pagato e le ore sono applicabili) Le letti erano bellissime, grandi strutture! Con cucina completa, compresa frigorifero, forno, microonde e lavastoviglie. Non mi aspettavo molto per un motel, ma questo era davvero un soggiorno molto bello e confortevole! Dirigi 2-5 minuti a supermercati e stazioni petrolifere più vicine
Mt Cook View Motel
4.3/565 Recensioni
La nostra notte è stata divertita in uno studio esecutivo. Le bagni sono ben attrezzate con acqua calda e buona pressione. La camera dispone di un frigorifero e di cucina con un bel bagno in acciaio inossidabile. La proprietà è in una posizione tranquilla - ascolta gli uccelli che si sgridano al mattino e c'è una bella vista al monte Cook. Gavin era un ospite sorprendente - niente era troppo difficile.
Jade Court Motel
4.2/567 Recensioni
I have had the pleasure of staying here two years in a row for three weeks at a time. I have really enjoyed my lengthy stays the owners are fantastic and the staff are amazing they go above and beyond to accomodate your needs. Have found the rooms are lovely and clean. Thank you jade team for your most welcome and fantastic hospitality during my stays. Will definately be back to stay with you guys roughly same time 2023.
58 on Cron Motel
4.5/559 Recensioni
Il mio partner e io ci siamo fermati qui per una notte, mentre avevamo prenotato un tour eco-turismo. Questo sembrava la migliore opzione in zona e siamo stati molto felici della nostra selezione. Il coppia che ci ha salutati (sostituiti per gli amici che possiedono il posto) era così dolce! Erano un po' anziani e mi piacerebbe adottare! L'iscrizione e l'iscrizione erano semplici. Parcheggio abbondante. La stanza era spaziosa, immacolatamente pulita e tranquilla. Ci siamo addormentati una grande notte! Ci sono molte opzioni di ristorante vicino (la coppia era gentile abbastanza per darci una mappa della zona e consigliarci un paio), così come una stazione di gas (importante!).
Copthorne Hotel Greymouth
4/5102 Recensioni
We arrived at the hotel and had a pang of disappointment. It looks quite austere from the outside. When we entered we were very pleasantly surprised. It is modern, clean and well laid out. We were greeted by Kelly who is absolutely wonderful at her job. She is so enthusiastic and welcoming - the best Kiwi welcome of our road trip so far. She gave us some great recommendations of things to do and places to go in the area. We went to our room and it was huge! Two double beds and a lovely bathroom (and a great shower). It had obviously been refurbished recently to a very good standard. The bed was very comfortable. We were on the top (6th) floor with great views. We had a nightcap in the evening -the bar is well stocked with some great gins. Kelly and Ella chatted with us like old friends and we had a lovely time and found out lots more what the area had to offer....so much so that we booked another night! Another nightcap and another great chat with Kelly and Ella again. We didn't have dinner in the restaurant but breakfast was superb and the coffee outstanding. Great staff, comfortable room and in the middle of town with its own parking.....what more could you ask?
The Westhaven Motel
4/547 Recensioni
First time staying at The Westhaven Motel. We usually stay down at one of the motels on Cook Flat Road but this time chose to stay in 'town'. Sadly not too many people around Fox Glacier township and a number of businesses have closed. Stayed 2 nights. Room was large. Self catered one night and ate out at the White Pub the next. Did both the classic Lake Matheson walk, and the longer and steeper Lake Gault walk on seperate days (starts off the main Lake Matheson walking track). We would stay again at The Westhaven Motel. Price had reduced than earlier advertised, was very reasonable being $100 pn
High Peaks Hotel
3.6/542 Recensioni
We stayed here one night. Franz Josef Glacier is a nicer place to stay, but we wanted to be positioned at Fox Glacier so we were better positioned to do the early morning walk to Lake Matheson. Many of the accommodation options in Fox are closed due to COVID, others seemed to me to be ridiculously expensive. This place looked okay on paper. I booked on line. When we arrived our first impression was that it was closed. The entrance looks unkempt and the car park area is full of ****s. However there was a woman behind the reception counter. The first thing she wanted was for me to pay in cash, because their eftpos machine was not working. Needless to say I did not have enough cash - who carries much cash around these days? I asked her if there was an ATM in town, but she did not know. I logged onto their wi-fi to find for myself that there is no ATM in Fox Glacier, the nearest being in Franz Josef. We were not driving back to Franz Josef to get some cash! On reflection, at this point, I should have said we would go elsewhere, but instead I offered to try and get some cash out in the town in conjunction with buying a meal. We were allowed to drop our gear in the room and we drove back into town (hotel is a little distance outside the township). Not many options for a meal, but we found a very decent burger and chips at a cafe. But they could not provide me with the amount of cash I needed for the hotel. Back to the hotel, to be told the eftpos had been fixed - presumably by the guy we saw arriving as we left to go back into town. So we paid for the room and settled in for an early night. We were the only occupants. The owners/operators didn't appear to live on site, so we must have been the only people in the building overnight. There was absolutely no sign of life and it was a bit spooky. They did not provide any phone number to contact anyone if we had a problem. The rooms are nice enough - spacious and comfortable, with everything you need. There was mould on the curtains. The hotel restaurant is of course closed at the moment, thanks to COVID. Reception hours were something like 9am to 7pm. We left in the morning about 7.30am. Not a soul to be seen. We left our room key in the box on the reception counter, unlocked the main door to leave the building and departed. Had to leave the door unlocked. This was not a pleasant experience, but I am sure it would have been better if things had been ”normal”, and COVID was not hurting everything. We would definitely not consider returning to this hotel.
Theatre Royal Hotel
4.4/567 Recensioni
Dopo aver completato un giorno di ciclismo, abbiamo bisogno di un po' di cibo. L'hotel era aperto, quindi abbiamo dato un'esperimento. Che bella zona di bar restaurata. Tutti i mobili di tempo sono stati organizzati deliziosamente. Il personale era così amichevole e accogliente. Tutte le tavole da pranzo avevano un arrangiamento di fiori freschi. I locali arrivavano e tutti erano benvenuti come la famiglia. Un'esperienza speciale. Il nostro pasto era grande. Si consiglia fortemente di visitare se siete nella zona. Ci è stato assicurato che l'alloggio era buono come la zona bar e completamente prenotato in stagione.

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Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel316
Numero di recensioni5,214
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)4.327 TWD
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)4.294 TWD