Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Epiro

Sivota Diamond Spa Resort
4.4/550 Recensioni
My wife and I stayed for 7 nights in an Executive room with stunning sea views. The views from the hotel are terrific probably the best from any hotel we have stayed in. The hotel is spotless and well cared for. The hotel staff are pleasant and helpful. We stayed bed and breakfast but ate evening meal once at the hotel. Lots of other people used the restaurant and seemed pleased with it. The hotel is set on a steep hill outside of Sivota. We walked into Sivota of a night and got a taxi back (5 euros). Some people did walk back but regretted it later. The Taxi rank in Sivota could be busy some nights but worth the wait. Plenty of sun beds and a separate adults section round the pool area of the hotel. The Danish tour operator guides did turn up one day to perform for the kids and blast everyone out but I must give them marks for effort in the heat. We were disappointed that on some days techno beat music was blasted out round the pools and pool bar. It seemed strange the hotel allowed this as they ask you to ”come and relax” but maybe they vary it to suit all age groups. The other main issue we had was the hotel advising us on the day we arrived that a wedding would be taking place on the Friday at the hotel. (It does say in the brochure the hotel caters for weddings.) This meant however that the View restaurant was not available that night and also the main pool area was cleared of all sunbeds on that day to set out chairs etc for the ceremony. The main pool area was then out of bounds from 2pm. It's a matter of choice but why anyone would want to get married surrounded by other half naked people lying round on sunbeds I don't know. Obviously the Danish couple thought the photos with the beautiful view in the background made up for it. The wedding and reception took place followed by the disco in the View restaurant until late on. I think if other paying guests had been screaming and shouting like the wedding party the hotel would have done something about it. I know weddings are big busines for hotels but at the expense of inconveniencing paying guests? Overall a pleasant stay at the Diamond helped by the fact we met some other fantastic guests while we were there.
Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa
4.6/524 Recensioni
Την Παρασκευή 6/8 έκανα κράτηση μέσω internet στο Lake Spirit Boutique Hotel & Spa στα Γιάννενα για μία διανυκτέρευση για το Σάββατο 7/8. Στην κράτηση μου η οποία επιβεβαιώθηκε από το ξενοδοχείο γίνεται ρητή αναφορά στο ότι είμαι χρήστης αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου και μάλιστα τηλεφωνικά μίλησα τέσσερις φορές με υπαλλήλους του αναφορικά με το θέμα οι οποίοι με διαβεβαίωσαν δεν υπάρχει κανένα απολύτως πρόβλημα. Λόγω κάποιων συναντήσεων που είχα στην πόλη έφτασα στο ξενοδοχείο στις 5:00 το απόγευμα και Βρέθηκα προ εκπλήξεως Γιατί δεν υπήρχε πρόσβαση προς το ξενοδοχείο από το πεζοδρόμιο. Όπως μπορείτε να δείτε στη φωτογραφία ακριβώς έξω από την είσοδο του ξενοδοχείου υπάρχει μία αναπηρική θέση στάθμευσης όμως αν παρκάρω εκεί αυτομάτως κλείνω τη μοναδική ράμπα πεζοδρομίου προς το ξενοδοχείο. Μπαίνοντας στο ξενοδοχείο υπήρχε ένα αναβατόριο το οποίο όπως μπορείτε να δείτε στις φωτογραφίες επουδενί δεν μπορεί να εξυπηρετήσει έναν χρήστη αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου. Είναι κατάλληλο για ηλικιωμένα άτομα ή για άτομα με κάποια ελαφριά αναπηρία. Το αναβατόριο Είναι μικρό είναι σε πολύ λάθος θέση με κίνδυνο για τον χρήστη αναπηρικού αμαξιδίου όταν τον πλησιάσει να πέσει στις σκάλες και το πιο κοντινό σημείο που μπορεί να φτάσει αφήνει μεγάλο κενό μεταξύ αμαξιδίου και αναβατορίου ώστε να γίνει η μεταφορά. Ακόμα και αν μπορούσε να γίνει η μεταφορά ( και μιλάω υποθετικά) θα έπρεπε κάποιος να μετακινεί το αναπηρικό αμαξίδιο αυτομάτως αυτός ο χώρος δεν μπορεί να καλείται προσβάσιμος Η υπάλληλος της ρεσεψιόν η οποία ήταν ευγενέστατη και εξυπηρετικότατη προσφέρθηκε να με βοηθήσει στη μεταφορά η οποία εκ των πραγμάτων είναι αδύνατη προς το αναβατόριο γιατί αυτές τις οδηγίες είχε όμως ούτε την πιστοποιηση έχει για κάτι τέτοιο ούτε τις γνώσεις και σε περίπτωση ατυχήματος θα έφερε μέρος της ευθύνης. Μάλιστα μου είπε ότι το ξενοδοχείο στο παρελθόν έχει δεχτεί κάποια άτομα με αναπηρία Αλλά πάντα με συνοδό και τότε της είπα ότι υπάρχουμε και εμείς Πού είμαστε ενεργοί και αυτοεξυπηρετούμενοι. Προσπάθησε να επικοινωνήσει με την υπεύθυνη του ξενοδοχείου η οποία βρισκόταν σε άδεια και εναλλακτικά επικοινώνησε με την ιδιοκτήτρια του ξενοδοχείου και όταν μου έδωσε το τηλέφωνο για να μιλήσω μαζί της δέχτηκα επίπληξη με άσχημο τρόπο και τόνο από εκείνη η οποία στην ουσία με μάλωσε χωρίς να με αφήσει να αρθρώσω λέξη. Φυσικά δεν συνέχισα την επικοινωνία έφυγα από το ξενοδοχείο και βρήκα κάπου αλλού δωμάτιο παρότι λόγω της συγκεκριμένης ώρας η τιμή που βρήκα ήταν αρκετά μεγαλύτερη από αυτήν που θα έβρισκα την προηγούμενη μέρα Απαράδεκτες υποδομές ακκμα πιο Απαράδεκτη η συμπεριφορά της ιδιοκτήτριας του ξενοδοχείου Κανένας σεβασμός στην αναπηρία
Epirus Palace Congress & Spa
4.4/544 Recensioni
L'hotel è davvero bello,sountuoso:bella facciata,bella piscina,bello cenare nella sala accanto la piscina,cena e colazione davvero super, ambiente tranquillo...Se devo cercare qualche difetto è solo per un gusto personale:troppo nero nelle camere,troppa pesantezza di arredi e soprammobili negli spazi comuni, un po' kitch gli alberi finti da frutto ,le gocce dorate che pendono dal soffitto, il finto cinguettio degli uccellini registrato la mattina a colazione...Servizio un po' freddo e impersonale da parte dei camerieri...
Dioni Boutique Hotel
4.4/555 Recensioni
Delightful hotel in the heart of the town with friendly staff, spacious bedroom, relaxing (slightly small) pool area and a heart bedroom. Very happy to recommend it It also features a large and well decorated lounge and bar area. The bar was under used probably as guests can easily walk 3 minutes to the sea front. The beach is 15 minutes from the hotel. Free use of the hotel bikes enables a good explore.
4.9/556 Recensioni
Very nice and clean rooms, the breakfast is delicious, fresh orange juice, coffee, in fact everything was very tasteful. Thasos, Elena and Magda are very welcoming hosts and helped us with very good recommendation. Private parking is available in the proximity with discount price for the hotel customers. Definitely will book again if we will come back to Ioannina.
Angelika Pallas Hotel
3.7/516 Recensioni
Rimasto per 2 notti alla fine di maggio, questo hotel è la mia unica scelta a Igoumenitsa per anni. Guarda il porto di traghetto dove le navi parteno per l'Italia e è un moderno edificio con abbastanza belle camere. Le camere con balcone guardano il porto sono le migliori, anche se un po' rumorose. Il lato posteriore guarda la città, senza una bella vista, ma sicuramente più tranquillo. La distanza da camminare verso il confine marino di Igoumenitsa è di 5 minuti e di altri 2 minuti verso la zona dove si trovano le agenzie di biglietti per l'Italia e Corfu. Il parcheggio gratuito e facile è un grande vantaggio, come è il fatto che un negozio di comodità e un negozio di pasticceria/caffè sono letteralmente passi lontano dall'ingresso. Come ogni hotel, il colazione è un po' troppo costoso, ma la paniera accanto all'hotel offre una grande e costosa alternativa. In ogni caso durante la visita di quest'anno, ma anche l'anno scorso, la sala colazione/restaurante dell'hotel non era in uso a causa della pandemia. Credo che sia certamente di valore per i soldi e si consiglia di prenotare presto, perché durante i mesi estivi si può correre in casi in cui l'hotel si riesce a ottenere abbastanza velocemente, a causa di ritardi o cancellazioni dei traghetti. Il personale è amichevole e utile, anche se non sembrano essere addestrato nel business dell'hotel.
Aroma Dryos Spa & Eco Hotel
4.8/543 Recensioni
The Owners and staff were very attentive. Very attractive Reception Staff. A fabulous bar offering a huge variety of spirits and wine within a classic characteristic lounge. Large bedrooms with all modern amenities. Offering its own exclusive carpark was perfect Hotel occupied a central spot in the town close to many good restaurants
Preveza City Comfort Hotel
4.4/537 Recensioni
Ho soggiornato al Preveza city durante la mia settimana di vacanza a Preveza e sono stata davvero bene. L'albergo è uno dei più antichi della città ma è stato completamente ristrutturato. Si trova in centro, a due passi dalla zona pedonale piena di negozietti e taverne e dal porto. La spiaggia di Kiani Akti (attrezzata) è raggiungibile con una passeggiata di 10 minuti. La mia camera era davvero confortevole, con doppio letto, TV, terrazzino aria condizionata, cassaforte e phon. Ottime pulizie, cambio quotidiano di asciugamani, lenzuola e rifornimento di carta igienica, bagnoschiuma e shampoo. Colazione semplice, dolce o salata, per me soddisfacente. Ho apprezzato moltissimo l'infinita gentilezza e disponibilità del personale, dagli addetti alla reception (Grazie Greg per la tua pazienza col mio pessimo inglese!) alle ragazze in sala colazione e addette alle pulizie. Non c'è stato giorno in cui non sia mancato un sorriso che andava oltre la differenza linguistica. Se tornerò a Preveza sceglierei ancora il Preveza City. I stayed at Preveza city during my one week vacation in Preveza and I really enjoyed it. The hotel is one of the oldest in the city but has been completely renovated. It is located in the center, a stone's throw from the pedestrian area full of shops and tavernas and the port. The beach of Kiani Akti (equipped) can be reached with a 10-minute walk. My room was really comfortable, with a double bed, TV, balcony, air conditioning, safe and hairdryer. Excellent cleaning, daily change of towels, sheets and replenishment of toilet paper, shower gel and shampoo. Simple breakfast, sweet or savory, satisfying for me. I really appreciated the infinite kindness and helpfulness of the staff, from the receptionists (Thanks Greg for your patience with my bad English!) To the girls in the breakfast room and housekeepers. There hasn't been a day in which a smile that went beyond linguistic difference has not been lacking. If I return to Preveza I would choose Preveza City again.
Katogi Averoff Hotel & Winery
4.6/522 Recensioni
We had two superior rooms for one night in the week leading to Chris**as. It was all very lovely, comfortable, stylish and representative of the area without the over-the-top heavy/wooden look that is so traditional for Metsovo and done to excess elsewhere. The rooms were spacious and had a little balcony with only a side view unfortunately. That, and the fact that some very noisy residents kept us awake way past midnight (indicating that the walls are rather thin), are my only criticisms. The bathrooms were really spacious and the products Caudalie (with minimal plastic packaging). The breakfast was exceptional, with great variety and high quality products, made in situ or sourced by local farmers and their own cheese making business. A great way to start your evening is by having a drink at the cosy bar serving wines and tsipouro from the hotel vineyard. We also visited the shop on the premises and were given a little (20’) tour of the winery. The prices at the shop are excellent, at a small discount. (The same wine that was around €25 in the shop was being sold for €10 more in one of the local produce shops in the town square.) The Romanian lady at reception was very helpful and pleasant, as was all the other staff we came across. All in all, I would definitely recommend this hotel and hope to return soon ourselves.
Kores Boutique Hotel & Spa
4.5/512 Recensioni
Well, perhaps I'm not fair using the word ”they” in the title, since every single member of the hotel stuff, have been extremely polite. The girls in the spa, the technician, the receptionists, everybody: They have been amazing. So, the destruction, was one man's work only: the hotel owner's, himself. And of course, his guidelines-directions, that the hotel is following, should be held responsible also. I will try to be comprehensive, because if I right in detail everything that happened, I will not be over writing until...tomorrow. I had booked an executive suite for me and my wife for our wedding anniversary (3 nights). The room, costing itself 200€ per night, had a problem with heating: no matter what we tried, the temperature would not rise above 21 degress celsius during our first night (anniversary night). Hotel stuff was informed. Wasn't able to fix this also. When we woke up the next morning, and the heating was operating the whole night, the problem remained. I asked if we could switch to another room with no heating problem. Two different hotel employees, had confirmed already that there was a problem with the heating of my initial room. The receptionist agreed to meet my demand and offered us the chance to switch to the junior suite. But, when I asked how much should I pay, she said that we would have to pay THE SAME price, just like if I was staying in the executive suite , for 3 nights. I responded that this is non-sense, and she replied that she notifies us about the decision the hotel owner himself had made. I requested to see him. And request was granted. Comprehensively: I said that 1) It is non-sense to ask us to pay for the junior suite the same price to the executive suite, which is, among others, 22 square metres larger as a room, especially since the problem was at THEIR end. We already have suffered enough with all this of course, and he should consider this also and leave us transfer to junior suite in peace, for God's shake. He replied in an amazingly rude, hostile and careless manner that :there was no problem with my initial room. The heating system is controlled centrally by the hotel. So I can't modify the temperature myself, because, what if I wanted to reach 30 degrees celsius in my room? So the problem is mine and it is my choice to change room. So I have to pay the whole initial booking, which concerns 3 nights in an executive suite. After alI, I chose their hotel to come, the didn't force me to. I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EARS. And I wouldn't believe that this could happen in a 5 star hotel in my country. I said that, if so, then 1) Why this is not refered in your website? That we have to stay ”cool” in a winter destination like Zagorohoria and the heating is modified centrally depending on the preferences of the person in the reception? 2) Why then, two different employees of yours confirmed that there is a problem with the room? And why your employees didn't tell me that the heating is controlled

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Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel372
Numero di recensioni2,933
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)134 €
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)132 €