No.4 Shengli West Road, Xiangcheng District, Zhangzhou, Fujian, 363000, ChinaDettagli hotel
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2046 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.6
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The insider
Camera Elegante Doppia
Soggiorno: lug 2024
2 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 25 ago 2024
It is one of the oldest hotels in the city, designed for the government executive hospitality, you can see a lot of political propaganda signs and billboards in the hotel garden and inside the buildings. Not a bad experience overall.
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, thank you very much for sharing your stay experience with us. We value the opinions of every guest, as they help us constantly improve. As one of the historic landmarks in Zhangzhou City, Zhangzhou Hotel indeed carries a unique culture. We strive to preserve the historical features while providing a comfortable accommodation experience for all guests. We will also continue to optimize our products, enhance our services, and provide the best accommodation experience for every guest who comes on vacation. If you travel to Zhangzhou for business again in the future, remember to choose our Zhangzhou Hotel again. We welcome guests from all over the world, and we are even more welcoming to you. Welcome back, I wish you a happy life!
Camera Elegante (2 letti)
Soggiorno: set 2024
10 recensione
Pubblicata: 20 ott 2024
good food, good service, good place. It is good for me to stay.
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, thank you very much for sharing your accommodation experience at the Zhangzhou hotel with us. What you mentioned is what we should do, and your satisfaction is the direction we strive towards. I hope to see you again soon at Zhangzhou Hotel. Wishing you a smooth journey and a happy life.
Camera Elegante Doppia
Soggiorno: apr 2024
5 recensione
Pubblicata: 21 mag 2024
good environment... great view... surrounded by big garden
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, thank you very much for sharing your stay experience at Zhangzhou Hotel with us. What you said is what we should do, and your satisfaction is the direction we strive for. I hope to see you again at Zhangzhou Hotel soon~
Makmur Tanudjaja
Camera Elegante Doppia
Soggiorno: ago 2023
15 recensione
Pubblicata: 16 set 2023
Big room, old but well maintained. Good equipped and clean. Worth to stay again.
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, hello! Thank you for sharing your stay experience with us! We have been working hard to provide guests with the most warm and comfortable living environment! Give you a feeling of being at home! May the hotel become your preferred residence for business trips to Zhangzhou! Looking forward to your next visit!
Camera Elegante (2 letti)
Soggiorno: lug 2023
Viaggio con amici
5 recensione
Pubblicata: 27 ago 2023
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的賓客,您好!金盃,銀盃,不如您的口碑!金獎,銀獎,不如您的誇獎!感謝您的支持,我們將不懈努力,致力成為賓客最喜愛的酒店,期待您的再次光臨。
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的賓客,非常感謝您選擇入住凌波樓並分享您的寶貴意見。對於電梯地毯及床墊未能達到您的期望,我們深感歉意,這已反饋至相關部門並立即着手改進。很高興您喜歡我們的餐廳、停車便利性及優越的地理位置與環境。您的滿意是我們最大的動力,期待未來能以煥然一新的面貌再次迎接您,為您提供更加舒適的住宿體驗。再次感謝您的支持與理解!祝您旅途順利~
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的賓客,收到您為父母預訂後的滿意反饋,我們心裏別提多開心啦!🎉 房間乾淨整潔,設施齊全,看來我們的努力都被二老看在眼裡,暖在心裏了呢!關於您提到的空調暖風問題,我們已經迅速反饋給了相關部門,開啟供暖系統,確保每一位賓客在寒冷的天氣裏都能感受到温暖如春。再次感謝您的理解和支持,也感謝您對我們工作的肯定。我們期待在不久的將來能再次迎接您和家人的光臨,繼續為您提供更加貼心、舒適的服務。祝您和您的家人身體健康,萬事如意!
Risposta dalla struttura: 親,您的好評就像冬日裏的一縷暖風,讓我們團隊倍感振奮!感謝您把漳州賓館當作您的城市首站,您的滿意就是對我們最大的肯定。房間寬敞明亮,園區綠樹成蔭,都是我們用心為您打造的温馨家園。前台、餐廳和客房的小夥伴們聽到您的誇讚,肯定笑得合不攏嘴啦!希望下次您來漳州,還能想起我們,繼續選擇我們。期待與您再次相遇哦~
Risposta dalla struttura: 親~非常感謝您選擇我們的漳賓並抽出寶貴時間給予詳盡的評價。得知您對我們的整體環境、綠化以及安靜舒適的住宿體驗感到滿意,我們深感欣慰。您的認可,特別是對我們寬敞院落和熱情服務的肯定,是對我們團隊莫大的鼓勵。關於房間內設施稍顯陳舊的問題,我們已記錄在案,並將此作為未來升級改造的重點方向,力求為每一位賓客提供更加現代與舒適的住宿環境。同時,很高興得知您對我們的中餐推薦感到滿意,這離不開我們團隊對品質的不懈追求。對於自助晚餐的供應,我們也會持續聽取意見,豐富菜品種類,確保温度與口感俱佳。對於早餐未能滿足您的期望,我們深感抱歉。您的反饋是我們寶貴的財富,我們將調整早餐菜品,反饋相關部門,未來將考慮增加蔬菜品種與粥類選擇,同時加強菜品的温度控制,確保每位賓客都能享受到豐富且高品質的早餐體驗。再次感謝您的寶貴意見,期待您下次光臨時,能看到我們的進步與改變。祝您一切順遂~
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的朋友,感謝您一直以來對漳州賓館的厚愛與支持!聽到您如此讚譽我們的花園酒店,真是讓人心花怒放!四季如春的景緻和鳥語花香,是我們引以為傲的自然寶藏。看到您對漳賓的服務都讚不絕口,我們深感欣慰,您的滿意是我們不斷努力的方向。早餐豐富多樣的美食選擇,是希望每位賓客都能享受到賓至如歸的感覺。再次感謝您的美好評價,我們期待在不久的將來,能再次迎接您的光臨,為您帶來更多驚喜與舒適。祝您生活愉快,萬事如意!
Risposta dalla struttura: 哇哦,看到您的評論,我們的心情瞬間像陽光一樣明媚啦!感謝您對房間寬敞整潔、床上用品舒適度的認可,還有我們熱情禮貌的服務人員哦!賓館環境安靜優美,確實是個放鬆小憩的好地方呢。早餐豐富多樣,價格親民,性價比超高,聽到您這麼誇,我們心裏美滋滋的!離古城超近,下次再來古城玩,記得還找我們哦!期待再次為您服務,祝您生活愉快,萬事如意!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您選擇漳州賓館並分享您的入住體驗。得知您對我們漳賓的設施新度和地理位置表示滿意,我們非常高興。關於無煙房有煙味的問題,我們深感抱歉,這確實未達到我們的服務標準。我們已加強房間清潔和通風,確保為您提供無煙的舒適環境。在您的生日當天,我們非常榮幸能為您送上蛋糕,感謝您對此的認可。同時,我們也會加強其他服務環節,讓您感受到我們的用心和熱情。關於早餐種類,我們已着手增加更多選擇,以滿足不同賓客的需求。期待您下次光臨,感受我們的進步與提升!祝您生活愉快~