Recensioni su Yangshuo Baiyue Jianshan Hotel (Yangshuo Yulonghe Branch)
Yangshuo Baiyue Jianshan Hotel (Yangshuo Yulonghe Branch)
No.56-3 Qiqiushu Village, Gaotian Town, Yangshuo, Guangxi, ChinaDettagli hotel
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339 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.3
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Camera Luxury panoramica con Letto King Size e balcone
Soggiorno: feb 2024
9 recensione
Pubblicata: 28 mar 2024
Fantastic location right by the fields and river. Very peaceful environment with good opportunities for nature experiences - ideal for tourists who want to cycle, relax and experience beautiful Yangshuo
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝百悦貴賓百忙之中給我們點評,酒店所有房間都面朝遇龍河,在房間就能看到輕舟碧波上、竹筏水中游,酒店為家人們提供免費的旅遊諮詢以及行程規劃,還能代訂陽朔優惠門票,酒店精心為家人們準備了營養早餐,有桂林米粉、雞蛋、紅薯、玉米、豆漿等。期待您再次回到百悦這個大家庭
Utente ospite
Camera Luxury panoramica con Letto King Size e balcone
Soggiorno: set 2023
28 recensione
Pubblicata: 20 nov 2023
Amazing location with not so good service
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您選擇百悦酒店,酒店位於遇龍河景區水厄底碼頭與驥馬碼頭中間,距離桂林千古情、印象劉三姐、如意峯、月亮山、遇龍河竹筏以及西街步行街等景點都在8公里範圍內,這裏遠離城市的喧囂與快節奏,迴歸樸實田園滿生活,是您旅行度假的好去處,沒有得到您的5星好評説明我們的工作還需要完善,爭取讓每一位入住的家人都有好的入住體驗,期待您再次回到百悦見山這個大家庭
That Lorna
Lusso con letto king size e balcone
Soggiorno: giu 2022
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 25 set 2022
The hotel interior is okay. Not super luxurious but you do get a good nights rest after sightseeing all day. P. s The bathroom has no privacy/door so best be going with someone you are truly comfortable with e.g or very close friend😉.
Breakfast: Truly Chinese style and mostly the same food daily (I stayed for 4 nights and left quite overwhelmed by toasted bread and rice noodles).
One wakes up to such amazing views and the air is refreshing.
The hotel is nicely looked close to most of the attractions one would like to see and there is a great option to hire an e-bike daily for moving around. A bonus is that the hotel staff let you know of all the places you can visits and you get a discount when you buy the tickets to these places at the hotel.
A big thank you to Smiley and the rest of the stuff for providing a pleasant stay by being attentive.
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的百悦貴賓感謝您對酒店的肯定,酒店位於遇龍河景區棋丘樹村,距離網紅竹筏漂流水厄底碼頭一公里步行10分鐘左右,距離驥馬碼頭2公里,距離西街8公里左右是您休閑度假,遠離城市喧囂迴歸慢生活,享受田園生活的好去處,期待您再次回到百悦這個大家庭
Suite per famiglie
Soggiorno: giu 2022
Viaggio con amici
7 recensione
Pubblicata: 24 lug 2022
This hotel is amazing! The view from the hotel is really beautiful and the staff are extremely helpful. They helped up book e-bikes for day ride and other book tickets for other activities for the trip and were just really lovely.
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您選擇我們以及您的肯定和好評!我們會再接再勵做到更好!酒店位於遇龍河景區棋丘樹村,門口就能欣賞小小竹筏水中游,綠油油的稻田就在眼前彷彿住進山水畫裏,歡迎您下次再來!一起喝茶聊天!
Camera con Letto King Size e Balcone
Soggiorno: giu 2022
31 recensione
Pubblicata: 20 lug 2022
The hotel seems a bit further away from the town than other hotels, although only a 20 minute taxi ride. If you’re looking for peace and quiet, this is a great hotel! Lovely scenery all around.
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您選擇我們以及您的肯定和好評!我們會再接再勵做到更好!酒店位於遇龍河景區棋丘樹村,門口就能欣賞小小竹筏水中游,綠油油的稻田就在眼前彷彿住進山水畫裏,歡迎您下次再來!一起喝茶聊天!
Camera Luxury panoramica con Letto King Size e balcone
Soggiorno: giu 2022
22 recensione
Pubblicata: 8 lug 2022
Ok. Let me start with all the amazing things about this hotel…
1. The view is simply amazing, it’s so incredibly beautiful and with the weather seems to change every moment.
2. The staff are incredible. Exceptionally kind, always going out of their way to be super friendly.
3. We would check on ticket prices for local attractions online and with ticket sellers around town - in almost all cases the reception desk could provide cheaper prices tickets - sometimes considerably cheaper.
4. The hotel has only a few rooms and so the swimming pool was mostly empty when we wanted to go.
Some other reviewers did complain about the breakfast and said it was limited. Whilst I agree that the spread and options were not extensive (it’s only a small hotel with a limited number of rooms) and I for one enjoyed the Guilin Mi Fen, which is the local breakfast delicacy.
Ohh and if you want to eat some of the freshest local vegetables and poultry the nearby local restaurants grow their own vegetables and raise their own chickens and they will literally go and collect vegetables and live chickens from their fields as you are ordering!
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您選擇我們以及您的肯定和好評!我們會再接再勵做到更好!酒店位於遇龍河景區棋丘樹村,門口就能欣賞小小竹筏水中游,綠油油的稻田就在眼前彷彿住進山水畫裏,歡迎您下次再來!一起喝茶聊天
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的顧客您好!感謝您選擇百悦見山酒店,感謝您對我們提出的寶貴建議,對於您提出的問題我們非常重視,這邊已經找到問題所在,並已及時改善。希望您有機會再來入住我們酒店,見證我們的成長哦。酒店位於景色秀麗的國家級風景區遇龍河景區,在這裏您可以感受到真實淳樸、生機盎然的田園生活,讓您融入到大自然中,我們會繼續努力認真服務好每一位家人朋友,期待您下次入住百悦,在此祝您及家人生活愉快!
Utente ospite
Camera con letto King Size panoramica con ampio balcone
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好,感謝您選擇百悦見山酒店,並在百忙之中給的寶貴建議,您是2大2小入住一間大床房,贈送了2份早餐,當時有孩子在泳池那邊哭我們趕快出去看,見兩個孩子在爸爸旁邊,爸爸在跟他們説話,以為是兩個孩子鬧意見爸爸在跟他們講道理,剛好有客人到辦入住就忙去了,並不是知情而不管,請您理解!我們的床品牌美國蕾絲,柔軟舒適,床體重而結實,很多客人住後都問床墊哪裡買,2米大床超員住了4人,多少是有點影響睡眠質量的,請您理解!沒有同意您延遲退房是這個房型已全部被預訂,需要準時退房打掃衞生,有餘房我們是會給客人適當延遲的呦!淋浴間已讓工程部去檢查是否漏水,馬上加強對死角衞生的檢查,會努力提升服務質量,非常感謝您的建議,祝您生活愉快!
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好,感謝您選擇百悦見山酒店且在百忙之中抽出時間給我們提的建議,空調我們會安排電工師傅去檢查一下,那個防詐騙提示是因為最近全國各地很多人被電信詐騙了錢,所以警方要求我們擺放在顯眼位置提醒客人不要受騙呦,您提的意見我們非常重視,會改進,歡迎您下次再來,祝您生活愉快愉快!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的顧客您好!感謝您從萬千酒店中選擇了百悦見山。很抱歉此次入住沒有給您帶來一個滿意的入住體驗,我們誠摯的向您道歉。關於房間衞生,房間每天都有安排專業的客房人員進行打掃和消毒。陽朔7月8月的氣温正值最高峯,由於房間沒有開窗通風,會有一股悶熱的味道。就像家裡陽光充足的房間,白天被暴曬了一整天,開門的第一感覺會有股悶熱的味道襲來一樣。您跟管家反映,管家第一時間馬上查看房態,暑假期間遊客比較多,房間確實是預訂滿了,回覆您説沒有房間換了。擔心您在這個房間住得不滿意,管家緊接着就馬上給經理打電話(經理當天幫朋友預留了房間,客人還沒到店),經理也是本着客人至上的服務宗旨,也不想讓您帶着情緒在咱們家住一晚,選擇了把她朋友安排到了其他地方入住,把房間騰出來給您換房。關於風景,咱們百悦見山是鄰近周邊所有酒店唯一一家,正面朝向所有房型都能看到河景跟山景的景觀房。最後感謝您的點評,有批評才有進步,期待您的下次光臨能看我們的改變和進步。祝您生活愉快~
Utente anonimo
Camera con letto King Size panoramica con ampio balcone
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的顧客您好!感謝您選擇百悦見山酒店和您的寶貴意見,我們的床品牌是美國蕾絲,廠家的設計是床架2張拼,床墊是一整張2米床且柔軟舒適哦,泳池的水是井水且每天都有消毒呢,會不會是小朋友曬太久皮膚不適呢,我們的空調沒有靜音模式,但是可以調大調小的,您調的製冷模式如果覺得太冷可以調高温度或關掉呦!圖二的圓沙發是新買的,灰色底座配有4個大抱枕,綠色是防曬的蓋巾,非常抱歉本次入住沒有給您帶來滿意的體驗。我們非常重視您提的寶貴意見,會一一改變做到更好,歡迎您下次有機會再來,看到我們全新的面貌,祝您生活愉快!
Utente ospite
Cute Scenic Family Twin Room With Tent + Scenic Balcony + Extra-Large Bathtub
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的家人,感謝您的青睞和滿分好評,我們十分歡喜,很高興給您的陽朔之行留下美好的回憶,酒店位於遇龍河景區水厄底碼頭與驥馬碼頭中間,距離桂林千古情、印象劉三姐、如意峯、月亮山、遇龍河竹筏以及西街步行街等景點都在8公里範圍內,這裏遠離城市的喧囂與快節奏,迴歸樸實田園滿生活。我們期待您的再次光臨,祝您生活愉快~
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的百悦家人您好!感謝您從百忙之中抽空給予我們點評,很欣慰看到的大部分都是您對酒店的讚美和肯定。也很遺憾此次入住沒有給您帶來滿分的入住體驗,酒店是位於遇龍河景區的度假民宿,跟星級酒店配套相比我們做得還遠遠不夠。感謝您提出的寶貴建議,為此我們也會努力提升自己。希望能給大家帶來更完美的入住體驗,歡迎親下次有機會再來陽朔玩哦!祝您生活愉快!
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的家人,感謝您的青睞和滿分好評,我們十分歡喜,很高興給您的陽朔之行留下美好的回憶,酒店位於遇龍河景區水厄底碼頭與驥馬碼頭中間,距離桂林千古情、印象劉三姐、如意峯、月亮山、遇龍河竹筏以及西街步行街等景點都在8公里範圍內,這裏遠離城市的喧囂與快節奏,迴歸樸實田園滿生活。我們期待您的再次光臨,祝您生活愉快~
Risposta dalla struttura: 遇龍河竹筏漂流〗〖十里畫廊景區內〗感謝您的肯定及選擇,您的入住體驗給還在猶豫中的朋友們穩穩的定心丸,酒店位於遇龍河景區水厄底碼頭與驥馬碼頭中間,距離桂林千古情、印象劉三姐、如意峯、月亮山、遇龍河竹筏以及西街步行街等景點都在8公里範圍內,這裏遠離城市的喧囂與快節奏,迴歸樸實田園滿生活,是您旅行度假的好去處,期待您再次回到百悦見山這個大家庭