Recensioni su Yushu Yihuanshan Secret Land Suxi Tang Hot Spring Resort Hotel (Anji Shenxi Canyon Drifting Branch)
Yushu Yihuanshan Secret Land Suxi Tang Hot Spring Resort Hotel (Anji Shenxi Canyon Drifting Branch)
No.25 Xianyin Mountain, Jingxi Village, Baofu Town, Anji, Zhejiang, ChinaDettagli hotel
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Molto buono
176 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.6
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Utente ospite
Mountain View Two-Bedroom Whole Floor
Soggiorno: nov 2024
Viaggio con amici
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 19 dic 2024
This was a lovely escape for a weekend! The mountain views from the hotel were fantastic! The service at the hotel was also great! The hosts were so hospitable, going above and beyond for everything! They were so welcoming and made sure our stay was the best! The host cooked a great and fulfilling breakfast and even made dinner too! Hot springs were so relaxing, with 3 temperature of pools to choose from! The hotel also has an amazing and adorable puppy to accompany you for the weekend :) Would really recommend a stay here!!
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, we are overjoyed to receive such a wonderful review! Your kind words about the mountain views, our service, and the hospitality of our team mean the world to us. It was our pleasure to cook delicious breakfast and dinner for you. We're also glad you enjoyed the hot springs and the company of our cute puppy. Thank you for recommending our place. We look forward to welcoming you back for another relaxing and memorable stay in the future!
Utente ospite
Soggiorno: ago 2023
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 20 ott 2023
We stayed at this beautiful bed and breakfast for 4 nights during the October holidays. The owner and his family and staff were very warm and accommodating. It was a relaxing experience for our family of old and young. We enjoyed a nearby waterfall cafe, a petting farm, and river rafting all within a 10 minute drive. Overall a great place to relax! We hope to go back in the future when the hot springs are completed ☺️
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您入住民宿並分享, 很高興民宿的每一個環節都得到您的認可, 通過您細緻入微的描述, 可以感受到這次旅程給您帶來的幸福感, 這是我們服務者一直追求的, 這也將成為我們繼續努力、不斷進取的動力, 期待下次為您服務!
Cho Kai James
Studio adatto alle famiglie Camera Smart - con vista (2 letti) (con terrazza, pavimento riscaldato)
Soggiorno: feb 2024
17 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 31 mar 2024
Very nice resort. The owner is friendly and accommodating. She provided fruits for us daily. There is also an espresso machine for those who could not do without their daily cuppa. The resort is thoughtfully layout with private terraces for almost every room.
Risposta dalla struttura: Thank you so much for your affirmation and love of our resort, we are glad that you have enjoyed the fruit and espresso machines we offer, and we are committed to providing the best experience for every guest. In addition, we are very pleased that you love our well-designed private terrace and hope to make you feel the warmth and comfort of home here.
Lukas Hild
Studio adatto alle famiglie Camera Smart - con vista (2 letti) (con terrazza, pavimento riscaldato)
Soggiorno: feb 2024
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 31 mar 2024
Great place with hot spring and great facilities in a beautiful surroundings
Risposta dalla struttura: Thank you for your affirmation and love of our homestay, we are glad that you enjoyed the pleasure of the hot springs and beautiful surroundings. We will continue to work hard to ensure that we provide the best services and facilities to make your stay here a perfect one. We look forward to seeing you next!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您選擇御墅・思慕,並分享如此細緻且暖心的評價!得知全家在這兒度過了愜意的温泉之旅,我們由衷地開心。超大床與沙發,本就是為了給您和家人極致舒適而設,房間私湯搭配山景,更是希望能為您營造獨一無二的放鬆時刻,看來這一切都如您所願。民宿依山的環境和公共温泉區,能得到您的青睞,我們倍感榮幸。老闆娘一直秉持着以客為友的理念,您的認可就是對她最大的褒獎。期待未來能再次與您和家人相遇,御墅・思慕會準備更多驚喜,讓每一次相聚都滿溢温馨與歡樂 !
Camera intelligente per luna di miele in giardino - Vista cortile (letto matrimoniale) (Riscaldamento a pavimento)
Risposta dalla struttura: 哎呀,聽到您和朋友們一起來民宿過生日,還玩得這麼盡興,我這心裏真是樂開了花!看到你們一到就喝上了我特意準備的白茶,還有新鮮的歡迎水果,我就知道你們會喜歡的。圍爐煮茶時電爐無煙,食材也新鮮,這都是為了讓你們能更愜意地享受這份寧靜和美好。KTV音效不錯,泡湯也讓你們感到放鬆和舒適,這些都是我們民宿的用心之處。窗户外的風景也是我們精心挑選的,希望能給你們留下難忘的回憶。感謝你們誇獎我,我會繼續努力,為每一位客人提供温馨周到的服務。下次有機會的話,歡迎你們再來,我們一定會讓你們再次感受到家的温暖和歡樂!
Utente ospite
Studio adatto alle famiglie Camera Smart - con vista (2 letti) (con terrazza, pavimento riscaldato)
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好!非常開心收到您如此用心的好評,能為您的週末周邊遊增添一抹美好的色彩,我們深感榮幸。您提到酒店的環境和停車便利性,這正是我們努力為客人打造舒適體驗的重點之一。我們希望每位前來的朋友都能從踏入酒店的那一刻起,就感受到輕鬆與愉悦,沒有停車的困擾,盡情享受這趟旅程。老闆一家人始終堅信,熱情好客是民宿的靈魂所在,歡迎水果和圍爐煮茶只是我們表達心意的小小方式,能讓您在寒冷的冬天感受到温暖,我們也由衷地高興。房間的佈置我們也是花了不少心思,寬敞整潔是基本要求,能讓您在房間裏欣賞到遠處的山巒,更是我們想為您呈現的獨特景緻。至於室外的温泉,聽到您説在冬天的夜晚泡着也不覺得冷,還很有氛圍感,我們真的特別欣慰,這也證明我們在温泉設施的打造和維護上的付出得到了您的認可。您説這次的體驗不錯,適合週末朋友小聚,這是對我們最大的肯定和鼓勵。我們會繼續保持並不斷改進,期待着您和朋友們的再次光臨,相信下一次我們會給您帶來更多的驚喜和温暖!祝您生活愉快,事事順心!
Utente ospite
Camera intelligente per luna di miele in giardino - Vista cortile (letto matrimoniale) (Riscaldamento a pavimento)
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好!再次收到您的好評,我們滿心歡喜,也倍感榮幸。很開心能成為您在安吉的 “老朋友”,老闆和老闆娘對您的熱情,那是我們真心希望每一位客人都能感受到家的温暖。看到小朋友如此喜歡我們的温泉,真是意外之喜!能為您一家創造歡樂的回憶,這也是我們最大的收穫。窗外的大山,是我們民宿最美的背景畫,希望能讓您在房間裏就能盡情享受自然之美。而房間的乾淨整潔,也是我們一直努力維持的標準,您的認可讓我們覺得所有的付出都值得。您説下次還有機會會再來,這對我們來説是最動聽的話語。我們會一如既往地用心經營,不斷改進和完善,期待着與您的下一次相聚,繼續為您打造温馨舒適的住宿體驗。祝您和家人生活幸福,萬事如意!
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的客人,非常感謝您的好評!聽到您對温泉佈置和環境的喜愛,我滿心歡喜。能為您提前準備好温泉水,讓您舒舒服服地享受,這都是我應該做的。圍爐夜話,茶香相伴,能與您共度這樣温馨的時光,我也覺得格外幸福。您的滿意就是我最大的動力,期待您再次光臨,我會繼續努力,為您打造更美好的住宿體驗!
Utente ospite
Camera intelligente per luna di miele in giardino - Vista cortile (letto matrimoniale) (Riscaldamento a pavimento)
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好!非常感謝您如此細緻且用心的評價,能讓您在我們民宿擁有一次難忘的住宿體驗,我們由衷地感到高興。對於房間的佈置,我們一直致力於營造温馨舒適的氛圍,讓每一位客人都能在温暖與靜謐中放鬆身心,您對空調的好評也讓我們更加堅定了在細節處用心的決心。温泉是我們民宿的特色之一,兩個人蔘和薰衣草湯池,是我們為客人精心準備的獨特體驗,配上舒適的浴袍,希望能給您帶來全方位的舒適享受。周邊安靜的環境是我們民宿的一大優勢,而那衹可愛的小狗也成為了許多客人的心頭好,它能為您領路和送行,我們也覺得特別温暖和有趣。早餐的品質是我們重點關注的部分,聽到您説量足且種類豐富,我們很欣慰,畢竟美好的一天要從一頓豐盛的早餐開始。KTV 裏豐富的歌曲種類和舒適的沙發,就是為了讓您和朋友們盡情歡唱,釋放壓力。您説下次來附近徒步還會選擇我們,這是對我們最大的認可和鼓勵。我們會繼續努力,不斷提升服務品質,期待您的再次光臨,屆時一定為您準備更多的驚喜!祝您生活愉快,萬事勝意!
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的客人,真的非常感謝您如此用心且細緻的評價!您的滿意就是我們民宿最大的動力源泉。我們一直致力於打造一個設施完備、環境宜人的度假空間,麻將桌、KTV、茶室這些設施的配備,就是希望無論是團隊夥伴們能夠在此盡情團建娛樂,增進彼此感情,還是一家人前來享受天倫之樂,都能各得其所,留下一段難忘的美好時光。説到温泉,我們深知水質對於客人體驗的重要性,所以堅持每天換水,採用流動水系統,衹為讓每一位客人都能放心地沉浸在温暖愜意的温泉之中,舒緩身心,洗去疲憊與煩惱。而這獨棟別墅的環境,背後那大片竹林更是大自然賜予我們的寶藏。清晨,您可以伴着竹林中的鳥鳴醒來,呼吸着清新的空氣,感受着自然的寧靜與美好;夜晚,在靜謐的氛圍中伴着蟲鳴聲安然入睡,彷彿與塵世的喧囂隔絕。再次感謝您的選擇與認可,期待您的再次光臨,我們會一如既往地為您提供最優質的服務,讓您每一次到來都有賓至如歸的感覺!