Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Prefettura di Tochigi

Hoshino Resorts KAI Kinugawa
4.5/544 Recensioni
If you choose to take a bus from the station to the hotel, brace yourselves for a rather long walk from the bus drop off point to the monorail entrance along a very rough gravel road (trust me, it gets worse if it’s wet and cold and you’re dragging a 15kg luggage). The walk was far from what I’d expect when staying in such a luxury resort. If I could make any suggestion i think the hotel should perhaps pave the gravel road to make it more walk-friendly? Or negotiate with the bus company so that the stop is right outside the monorail entrance and not at the end of a muddy gravel road. But until any of that is made possible I’d highly recommend taking a taxi from station if you don’t have a car. The ‘Monorail’ (which was more like a glorified cable car) was an interesting feature on arrival. I don’t know if it was build due to geographical restriction (that prevented actual roads built right up to the hotel?) or as some sort of gimmick but sorry to say it’s really not efficient during peak hours and after the first ride it really just felt like an elevator that takes forever to arrive. Once we finally arrived the place itself was gorgeous throughout. From the decor to the atmosphere it’s just a relaxing vibe. It’s a place for getaways and the hotel made sure of that with all the attention to details (such as the meal timings, the seating arrangements etc) to make sure at no point you feel crowded or overwhelmed. The service was great and the staff know limited but adequate English. The Onsen was quite a long walk from our room in freezing cold weather, the foyer was fancy with a relaxation area and free drinks, however the actual onset felt slightly on the basic side to me with just one indoor and one outdoor (not a super fancy type) bath but since there weren’t many guests it wasn’t crowded and I was happy. Again the entire onsen area was very neat and clean. Our room was lovely and clean with a nice balcony. Food was lovely as well. Overall once you get past the gravel road and reach the hotel there’s really not much else to fault and I did enjoy my stay very much.
Candeo Hotel Utsunomiya
4.7/549 Recensioni
Akasawa Onsen Ryokan
4.2/513 Recensioni
This was my first time for staying in ryokan. This ryokan has such a delight, warming services and very nice hotel staffs. Although I can not speak japanese, the language did not bring me any problems because we could use google translate and some of the innkeeper can speak English. I felt like I stay in my home and very enjoyed interacting with both hotel staffs and shiobara people. Besides, foods there were so delicious. - traditional japanese food: they wrote a welcome note and descriptions of food in paper (in japanese) eg. Fish came from river beside hotel, everything was from local which I really really love it. - local venison(deer meat): must try yakiniku If you wanna avoid chaotic environment in the city, I would reccommend this place because you would feel a part of nature (natural sound is so nice) and you can find a true calm of your soul. We were very surprised because we were only foreigner tourist in the hotel. Thank you innkeeper and staff for caring us. We always miss there when we come back to busy city!
Hotel Miyoshino Annex
4.3/57 Recensioni
L'atmosfera di edifici con una reception è un vecchio hotel occidentale?Sembra, ma l'edificio è completamente un hotel commerciale.E'perche' è destinato a vari clienti, quindi è questa struttura?E'un po'.La stanza e' cosi' piccola come un hotel commerciale. I bagni sono separati, ma sembrano essere tutti camere private chiuse, senza grandi bagni pubblici.
Pension Lakes Nikko
4.6/55 Recensioni
Eravamo ospitati da un paio di anziani e da un familiare. Erano molto carini, amici e gentili. E'come il loro piccolo affare familiare, il pavimento era un ristorante occidentale, il secondo piano verso l'alto erano tutte le camere degli ospiti. Conoscono un po' di inglese, quindi la comunicazione non ha alcuna intenzione. Quello che ci piace di questo soggiorno è che, a parte la stanza con splendida vista sul lago, l'ospite è stato molto utile per permetterci di immagazzinare il nostro bagaglio con loro anche prima del nostro check-in. Egli ha anche offerto di mandarci al lavandino, quando gli chiediamo casualmente di lavarlo, e ciò che mi sorprende di più, è che ci ha anche portati fuori dal lavandino dopo che siamo finiti. Sarà certamente di nuovo in questo posto se sono a Nikko! Scappa le palle! Super host!! 😁
Super Hotel Sano Fujioka
3.9/57 Recensioni
+ clean rooms + great location (i was driving) + great onsen, small but sufficient (max 4 pax) + great service +/- small rooms, but typical of this budget range and location +/- no on-site parking if you check in after 7pm (first-come-first-serve), but there's additional parking opposite which is also free - onsen is a little small (4 pax max) - pillows weren't comfortable, and the pillows that you could borrow from the lobby ran out early
Yutorelo Nikko
4.2/523 Recensioni
Really nice room with an epic view of the lake and enough space for everything. Meals are wonderful and abundant and a seasonal selection each day Perfect place to stay if you are planning to explore okunikko area or to cycle around the lake, there are also restaurants nearby for lunch. The public bath is very pleasant with an outdoor spring to soak in while enjoying an open sky. Found out there was a shuttle bus back to tobu-nikko station setting off at 11am from the hotel after speaking to a kind staff member, Diane. Do make reservations for the shuttle beforehand at the reception if you plan to take this as well. Rental bikes available at the Nikko natural history museum which is a 10min walk from the hotel
Sakahijiri Nikko
3.9/57 Recensioni
Posizione : non molti negozi o ristoranti vicino, devono guidare 20 minuti alla città di rabbia Servizi : l'acqua è super calda all'interno, nessuna porta elettrica quando torno all'hotel alle 20:00, Wi-Fi in camera è piuttosto debole, fuga d'acqua nel bagno della camera Servizi: la vecchia donna del desk front non può parlare inglese come previsto, ma non ha un brutto sorriso. Non ha nemmeno cercato di offrire alcuna assistenza quando le chiedo di aiutarmi a chiamare il negozio di noleggio auto Totale basso valore cp
Nikko Senhime Monogatari
4.4/532 Recensioni
Having only just arrived a few days earlier in Japan - this was our first experience of a ryokan . We didn’t know what to expect but it turned out to be a fantastic experience. From choosing our own Kimono to wear around the hotel to our beautiful spacious room with wonderful views of the autumn trees behind, every detail had been thought about. The onsen was wonderful with a pool. Inside and outside. We had a private dining room where we were served the most incredible meals in beautiful Japanese ceramics of all kinds of shapes and sizes. We were attended to by the Chun, a young Vietnamese girl who was just charming, she couldn’t do enough for us and tried so hard with her English - she really made our stay.. this ryokan is also right opposite the shrines , so its a great location and right on the bus route for getting further into the hills. We really recommend this place.
Toyoko Inn Tochigi Ashikaga-eki Kita-guchi
4/586 Recensioni
questo hotel è un minuto o 2 dalla stazione di Ashikaga. struttura pulita e personale gentile. ma tieni presente che non c'è niente intorno. puoi chiedere alla reception l'elenco dei ristoranti e cosa fare nei dintorni. non consigliabile se hai bambini, nel caso in cui tu abbia il lato ashikagashi è meglio rimanere. hanno bento che devi prendere dal 1 ° flr e riportarlo nella tua stanza. l'abbigliamento da notte di cui hai bisogno. chiedi alla reception perché non possono essere trovati nella tua stanza. c'è un minimarket se sei affamato. tutto sommato va bene se hai solo bisogno di un posto dove riposare il tuo corpo stanco.

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Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel401
Numero di recensioni4,953
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)234 US$
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)261 US$