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Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Yamanouchi

Shiga Lake Hotel
2.8/54 Recensioni
Easy to go to Giant Ski Area because there is a slope to ski area directly. But I don't recommend for beginner to go ski area from this slope. And you can't go back to the hotel from this way, you have to go back by gondola to Yamanoeki and walk 300m. Too far if you walk with skies or snowboard. Yukata is not free of charge, you have to pay 300 yens for rent. There is a shower room in your room but you can't use it because there is ONLY cold water(hot water doesn't work). Some breakfast menu is not enough for customers. But dinner is ok.
Hotel Omodaka
4.2/526 Recensioni
L'hotel ha organizzato il trasporto dei veicoli alla stazione di Thompin.Anche se la costruzione era vecchia, il personale di servizio era molto gentile.La piscina di massa era calda, troppo calda e troppo calda per cadere. Ci hanno portati all'ingresso di un'autobus nel valle dell'inferno, ma il ritorno richiede un autobus per la stazione vicino all'hotel. L'ambiente di quel giorno, iniziare a vento e neve, e tornare all'hotel è davvero duro.
Uotoshi Ryokan
4.2/513 Recensioni
Hotel Suimeikan
3.8/55 Recensioni
È vicino alla stazione Yudanaka. Se si cammina circa 200 metri dall'hotel, c'è un fermo di autobus sul lato Yudanaka. Trasporto facile a Shigagogen Ski Resort e Monkey Snow C'è un negozio di comodità vicino a 100 metri, e non ci sono molte porte nelle negozi circostanti, quindi non c'è nulla da vedere Ma c'è molte fonti calde all'hotel, e c'è una stanza divertimento. C'è una macchina per massaggi, quindi puoi divertirti dentro. Il cibo è buffet, ma sono così delizioso a cena. Non posso dimenticare che si può mangiare birra e sake in vino illimitato per cena !! 👍 La maggior parte di loro sono familiari e amici, quindi ci sono molti anziani. Sci e fonti calde insieme Recommandato qui per godere !!! Il personale era amichevole e bello 👍
Shibu Onsen KOKUYA
4.6/534 Recensioni
From the moment you enter Kokuya Ryokan, be prepared to leave the real world behind and fully immerse yourself in the experience. You swap your shoes for slippers at the door and don’t see them again until you leave. You will receive a warm welcome from polite and gentle-mannered staff, get taken up to your beautiful room, and once you’ve changed into your traditional yukata, it’s time to let the relaxation begin. The multi-course dinner will probably be one of the best meals you’ve had in your life, with many unusual textures and flavors to try. The futons are comfortable, and your room is kept toasty warm. There are even skincare products to keep you pampered and moisturized between soaks in the onsen. Honestly, you won’t even need to open your suitcase while you’re there. The staff will take you through all the logistics when you arrive, but there are some things that might be useful to know in advance. - The ryokan sends a shuttle to Yudanaka station at about 15:00 to collect new arrivals, so time your journey to take advantage of this benefit. - The ryokan also offers guests the opportunity to catch a shuttle to the Snow Monkey Park immediately after breakfast the next morning. - After you leave the ryokan, they will take your luggage down to the coffee shop opposite the station, so you don’t need to worry about those logistics. - Trains from Yudanaka back to Nagano leave at 12:30 and 15:30. - The ryokan itself has several private onsens that you can reserve for a 45-minute slot. Because the onsens are on the property, you can go in with your partner or travel companions regardless of gender. It’s a boutique hotel, so you don’t have to worry about not getting access to all the onsens you want. - The ryokan is on the main road of the Shibu Onsen town. The hotel will give you a key so you can wonder down the main road, visiting any of the public onsens you wish - however, with so many gorgeous and more private onsens in the hotel itself, you probably won’t have time or the desire for this. - Also, there is a coffee machine in the room! (I was worried about having to survive without coffee, and this turned out to be an unfounded concern). We had an incredible and totally indulgent time at Kokuya. Experiencing a traditional ryokan is a privilege that you should try at least once if you can. And adding the Snow Monkeys in give the trip a double purpose, making it that much more memorable. The only thing that would have made the trip better is if we had been allowed to linger longer over every course of our dinner.
3.8/516 Recensioni
Questa è la cosa migliore che abbiamo fatto in Giappone. La stanza era tradizionale e confortevole con una bella vista sulla città, la città e dozzine di bagni di ryokan erano curative, bellissime e uniche. Prendetela lentamente, esplorate la città, godetevi il cibo incredibile. Sono stati in grado di accogliere facilmente e senza interruzioni l’intolleranza al glutine del mio amico. La zona offre un’incredibile camminata, quindi prendere un viaggio di giorno è facile.

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