Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Contea di Meru

Elsa's Kopje
4.9/527 Recensioni
This was our third visit back to Elsa’s and we were greeted at the airstrip by our favourite bushman, Joel. We were so excited to back. Greeted at reception by Grace, Jane, Sylvia and the rest of the team and we settled in. Shadrack, our lovely room attendant showed us to our room, cottage number 5. The cottage was lovely, had everything you needed along with stunning views across Meru. The food at Elsa’s and other Elewana properties is always top notch. Flavourful and plentiful along with a great drinks selection. Our waiter Solomon, was charming and funny. When we asked if the genet cats still came in to the bar area he took us back to the kitchen to see them sitting on their rock eyeing up any potential dropped food. The pool area is beautiful, that pool is simply stunning. Really warm and a great way to cool off after a morning drive. You don’t necessarily go to Meru for the sightings but we’ve always been so lucky when we’ve been. We didn’t see so many lions as last time but were lucky to spend time with a lovely female on her morning walk, a leopard at night just walking along the road, rhinos, giraffes and so many elephants. The Ellie’s in Meru are always so interesting due to previous poaching back in the day they are still mistrustful of humans but they’re slowly learning that we aren’t there to hurt them and simply admire their beauty. We also saw lots of birds and my one of my husbands favourites, the e gerunuk. Every time we go back the landscape is so different, this time it was so green because of the recent rains. It’s such a beautiful park and so untouched, you often won’t see another vehicle and with Elsa’s being the only camp in the park, it feels very special. Thank you especially to Grace for always being so accommodating and friendly and to Joel for being funny, interesting and our friend. We will be back!
Alba Hotel Meru
4.4/530 Recensioni
L'hotel è molto piccolo, le camere sono pulite e confortevoli e il personale è molto amichevole e utile. Per esempio, abbiamo dovuto controllare molto presto la mattina del nostro ultimo giorno, così il personale organizzato per colazione iniziare 30 minuti prima, solo per noi! La mia unica piccola denuncia era che non c'è nessun giardino (c'è una bella piscina all'aperto). Capisco che l'htel sia stato recentemente rinnovato e che alla fine ci sarà un palestra.
Elewana Lewa Safari Camp
4.9/541 Recensioni
Thiiri Cultural Center
4.6/50 Recensioni
Nkubu Heritage Hotel
4/51 Recensioni
Ikweta Safari Camp
4.5/542 Recensioni
Gatimene Gardens Hotel
4.8/52 Recensioni
Sunset Guest House
0/50 Recensioni
Airman's Pavillon
0/50 Recensioni
Adala Motel
4.6/50 Recensioni

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Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel59
Numero di recensioni186
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)854 MYR
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)825 MYR