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Canfield Corner Pharmacy

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection
4.4/549 Recensioni

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection

When you are spending a LOT of money on one night in a special inn in the beautiful Connecticut countryside, you expect excellent service. And you hope for a relaxing night with no stress. Unfortunately, on our first visit to the Mayflower Inn, we did not receive it. Upon arriving and checking in we were told we were in a building across the street. The staff member offered to walk us across but as we only had two small bags and didn't need help, we asked which building? She pointed to the one on the left. We walked up (in snow and wind) and could not find Room 10 anywhere. My spouse walked back down to the front desk and asked for better directions to Room 10. The clerk said, ”oh! You haven't been to your room yet? Did you go down to the basement?” Obviously not. Another staff member then pointed out the correct building, on the right and we were able to access our room. Room 10 is two rooms, a large living area with fireplace and large bedroom with fireplace. Two large bathrooms and a patio complete the space. Very pretty decorations and comfortable. Odd placement of the TV, not over the FP in front of the sofa. You have to turn and align to the left to watch it. We were very off put by the large beetle in one toilet. We couldn't figure out how it got there until the next morning when we saw a swarm of lady bugs on the curtain next to the toilet. Eww. We dined at the Inn and had a lovely experience. However, we were quickly brought back down to earth, when we walked up to our room (on a path only partially cleared of ice and snow) to find our room key did not work! Note: they are very proud to explain the keys have no numbers on them for security reasons. My spouse trudged back down to the front desk, they gave him another key-he walked back through the cold...and new key also does not work. At the point we are irritated and cold. We call the front desk and they promise to send someone. it was about 25 minutes of being unable to gain access to our room before a maintenance man was able to unlock the door. The next day they delivered a key to the spa while we worked out. We had to laugh when that key didn't work either! You would think for $1800 for one night, service would be top notch and bend over backwards to ensure your stay is excellent. They didn't. We even explained our displeasure at the key situation and received a shoulder shrug in response. We work hard for our money and really had been looking forward to a stress-free stay. We did not get it. Overall not impressed with the Mayflower Inn and certainly don't consider it a 5 star hotel.

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Glebe House Museum

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection
4.4/549 Recensioni

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection

When you are spending a LOT of money on one night in a special inn in the beautiful Connecticut countryside, you expect excellent service. And you hope for a relaxing night with no stress. Unfortunately, on our first visit to the Mayflower Inn, we did not receive it. Upon arriving and checking in we were told we were in a building across the street. The staff member offered to walk us across but as we only had two small bags and didn't need help, we asked which building? She pointed to the one on the left. We walked up (in snow and wind) and could not find Room 10 anywhere. My spouse walked back down to the front desk and asked for better directions to Room 10. The clerk said, ”oh! You haven't been to your room yet? Did you go down to the basement?” Obviously not. Another staff member then pointed out the correct building, on the right and we were able to access our room. Room 10 is two rooms, a large living area with fireplace and large bedroom with fireplace. Two large bathrooms and a patio complete the space. Very pretty decorations and comfortable. Odd placement of the TV, not over the FP in front of the sofa. You have to turn and align to the left to watch it. We were very off put by the large beetle in one toilet. We couldn't figure out how it got there until the next morning when we saw a swarm of lady bugs on the curtain next to the toilet. Eww. We dined at the Inn and had a lovely experience. However, we were quickly brought back down to earth, when we walked up to our room (on a path only partially cleared of ice and snow) to find our room key did not work! Note: they are very proud to explain the keys have no numbers on them for security reasons. My spouse trudged back down to the front desk, they gave him another key-he walked back through the cold...and new key also does not work. At the point we are irritated and cold. We call the front desk and they promise to send someone. it was about 25 minutes of being unable to gain access to our room before a maintenance man was able to unlock the door. The next day they delivered a key to the spa while we worked out. We had to laugh when that key didn't work either! You would think for $1800 for one night, service would be top notch and bend over backwards to ensure your stay is excellent. They didn't. We even explained our displeasure at the key situation and received a shoulder shrug in response. We work hard for our money and really had been looking forward to a stress-free stay. We did not get it. Overall not impressed with the Mayflower Inn and certainly don't consider it a 5 star hotel.

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The Farm

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection
4.4/549 Recensioni

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection

When you are spending a LOT of money on one night in a special inn in the beautiful Connecticut countryside, you expect excellent service. And you hope for a relaxing night with no stress. Unfortunately, on our first visit to the Mayflower Inn, we did not receive it. Upon arriving and checking in we were told we were in a building across the street. The staff member offered to walk us across but as we only had two small bags and didn't need help, we asked which building? She pointed to the one on the left. We walked up (in snow and wind) and could not find Room 10 anywhere. My spouse walked back down to the front desk and asked for better directions to Room 10. The clerk said, ”oh! You haven't been to your room yet? Did you go down to the basement?” Obviously not. Another staff member then pointed out the correct building, on the right and we were able to access our room. Room 10 is two rooms, a large living area with fireplace and large bedroom with fireplace. Two large bathrooms and a patio complete the space. Very pretty decorations and comfortable. Odd placement of the TV, not over the FP in front of the sofa. You have to turn and align to the left to watch it. We were very off put by the large beetle in one toilet. We couldn't figure out how it got there until the next morning when we saw a swarm of lady bugs on the curtain next to the toilet. Eww. We dined at the Inn and had a lovely experience. However, we were quickly brought back down to earth, when we walked up to our room (on a path only partially cleared of ice and snow) to find our room key did not work! Note: they are very proud to explain the keys have no numbers on them for security reasons. My spouse trudged back down to the front desk, they gave him another key-he walked back through the cold...and new key also does not work. At the point we are irritated and cold. We call the front desk and they promise to send someone. it was about 25 minutes of being unable to gain access to our room before a maintenance man was able to unlock the door. The next day they delivered a key to the spa while we worked out. We had to laugh when that key didn't work either! You would think for $1800 for one night, service would be top notch and bend over backwards to ensure your stay is excellent. They didn't. We even explained our displeasure at the key situation and received a shoulder shrug in response. We work hard for our money and really had been looking forward to a stress-free stay. We did not get it. Overall not impressed with the Mayflower Inn and certainly don't consider it a 5 star hotel.

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Hollow Park

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection
4.4/549 Recensioni

The Mayflower Inn & Spa, Auberge Resorts Collection

When you are spending a LOT of money on one night in a special inn in the beautiful Connecticut countryside, you expect excellent service. And you hope for a relaxing night with no stress. Unfortunately, on our first visit to the Mayflower Inn, we did not receive it. Upon arriving and checking in we were told we were in a building across the street. The staff member offered to walk us across but as we only had two small bags and didn't need help, we asked which building? She pointed to the one on the left. We walked up (in snow and wind) and could not find Room 10 anywhere. My spouse walked back down to the front desk and asked for better directions to Room 10. The clerk said, ”oh! You haven't been to your room yet? Did you go down to the basement?” Obviously not. Another staff member then pointed out the correct building, on the right and we were able to access our room. Room 10 is two rooms, a large living area with fireplace and large bedroom with fireplace. Two large bathrooms and a patio complete the space. Very pretty decorations and comfortable. Odd placement of the TV, not over the FP in front of the sofa. You have to turn and align to the left to watch it. We were very off put by the large beetle in one toilet. We couldn't figure out how it got there until the next morning when we saw a swarm of lady bugs on the curtain next to the toilet. Eww. We dined at the Inn and had a lovely experience. However, we were quickly brought back down to earth, when we walked up to our room (on a path only partially cleared of ice and snow) to find our room key did not work! Note: they are very proud to explain the keys have no numbers on them for security reasons. My spouse trudged back down to the front desk, they gave him another key-he walked back through the cold...and new key also does not work. At the point we are irritated and cold. We call the front desk and they promise to send someone. it was about 25 minutes of being unable to gain access to our room before a maintenance man was able to unlock the door. The next day they delivered a key to the spa while we worked out. We had to laugh when that key didn't work either! You would think for $1800 for one night, service would be top notch and bend over backwards to ensure your stay is excellent. They didn't. We even explained our displeasure at the key situation and received a shoulder shrug in response. We work hard for our money and really had been looking forward to a stress-free stay. We did not get it. Overall not impressed with the Mayflower Inn and certainly don't consider it a 5 star hotel.

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