I was bullied and harassed by the lady manager. I am writing this review at half past midnight after having somewhat recovered from the shock and horror of what I just went through. Reading other reviews, I now know others have had similar experiences with this particular person. I had perhaps the most rude, harassing behaviour at this holiday park by two individuals who apparently manage the place. The lady was just completely horrible in regard to how she spoke to me. The man was still somewhat better. This will be a long review as the owners and future guests of the Holiday Park need to know what a disgrace these people are to the otherwise awesome Kiwi Hospitality I have experienced everywhere in NZ. I am on a solo motorcycle trip and had reached the holiday park at half past ten in the night. I had phoned in advance about my late arrival and was told this wont be a problem and there would be an envelope for me at the reception. There was no mention of a lockbox on the phone. And the email (screenshot attached) simply mentions categorically a Blue Box which will contain the envelope. The said blue box was empty when I arrived. I was cold from the ride and very tired. So I parked the motorcycle inside the Holiday Park in a well lit area by the side of the road and started to look for my tent site. Suddenly I hear someone calling me from behind in a rather rude voice. It was this lady. Instead of asking me if I needed help as I was clearly lost, she rudely asks me, is this your motorcycle. I was in full riding gear, of course it was mine. I was still relieved that I had some help. But she was anything but. I told her my site was 266 and if she could point me to it. Instead of helping me, and despite having seen the email confirmation, she continued to rudely ask me to walk to the lockbox and grab the map. I asked her if there was a problem as she appeared annoyed. She asked me 'do you know what time it is?'. I said I did and that I had phoned in advance. To which she downright scolded me and said 'hey dont argue'. The man in the car was also saying soemthing but I could hear it properly as I still had my helmet on because of the cold. At this point I was fully in shock and gave up and walked to the lockbox to grab the map. When I returned the rude lady was gone. The man said that if anyone entered without a map, they would call the police on them as they would be tresspassing. And he is telling this to a person with a PREPAID BOOKING! It has taken me two hours to actually process this rude incident. I have a booking for two nights but I will be leaving here as early in the morning as possible because my entire holiday experience has been ruined by the rude lady who apparently is the manager. If the owners of the Holiday Park are reading this, please have a chat to your park managers as they are the furthest thing from service orientated. A simple conversation was all that was required instead of taking the persona of a bully
66 Recensioni