Scopri i nostri prestigiosi hotel a 5 stelle a Torba per il massimo del comfort e della convenienza

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Samara Hotel Bodrum
4.4/559 Recensioni
Great hotel with friendly staff, great food and super amenities. Hotel reception staff of Hatice, Aysu and Rabia went out of their way to always be helpful. The staff in the canteen area were always on hand and never made you wait for anything which was refreshing. Havanur and Mahsum were especially nice and helpful. Rasime and Hacer with the evening entertainment were always engaging and pleasant to deal with and made sure the guests were involved in evening activities. Christina in guest relations was also someone who will be missed with her great sense of humour and insight into Bodrum life
Rixos Premium Bodrum
4.6/557 Recensioni
I am writing to formally express my appreciation for the exceptional experience I recently enjoyed at Rixos Premium Bodrum in Turkey. My stay was marked by several noteworthy aspects: 1) The culinary offerings were truly exceptional, boasting a diverse array of delectable options available throughout the day. 2) I had the privilege of staying in one of the newly renovated rooms, which featured modern decor and offered breathtaking panoramic views of the surroundings. 3) The private beach, a veritable gem, left a lasting impression with its stunning beauty and the added convenience of bar service facilitated through QR codes. 4) The attentive and proficient staff, proficient in English, contributed significantly to the overall enjoyment of my stay. 5) While my experience was overwhelmingly positive, it is worth noting that the entertainment options, particularly the availability of live music, could benefit from improvement, as the only available entertainment occurred at 9:30 PM. In summation, I am delighted with my stay at Rixos Premium Bodrum and have every intention of returning in the future. The exceptional food, the newly renovated rooms, the captivating private beach, and the attentive staff all combined to make my stay truly memorable.
Selectum Luxury Door’a Bodrum
4.3/547 Recensioni
Это был роскошный, запоминающийся отдых. Заезд прошел максимально быстро. Сам номер у нас был самой простой категории, но он очень даже неплох - стильный, c минимализмом. Спать было очень комфортно. Система кондиционирования работает тихо. Уборка производилась каждый день. Ни разу не приходилось ни о чем напоминать и просить. Ежедневно наполнялся минибар водой, менялось постельное белье, косметические и ванные принадлежности. Территория отеля. Видно, что очень постарались ландшафтные дизайнеры, все очень продумано, удобно, красиво. Всюду зелень, цветы, краски которых гармонируют. По территории ездят гольф-кары, но они и не нужны. Долго добираться никуда не нужно. Куча инста локаций. Для визуалов, которые любят фотографировать. Инфинити бассейн с шикарным видом. Море и пляж Два пирса и два пляжа. Мы отдыхали всегда на маленьком пляже. Лежаки качественные, деревянные. Очень удобные. Полотенца подходишь и берешь, сколько хочешь, но также их укладывают каждое утро аккуратно на лежаках. Занимают лежаки с утра, но не все. Возможно, сентябрь, народу все-таки поменьше, интересно, как было бы в пик сезона. Мне несложно было пойти занять хорошие места в 9 утра) На пирсе всегда места были заняты, почему-то очень нравится многим чилить именно там) Вода кристально чистая и ооочень соленая. Из минусов - неудобный заход на одном из пляжей. Думаю, поэтому там обычно отдыхало максимум пару человек. Еда и напитки Аля-карт меню во всех ресторанах отеля. Это супер удобно. Нет ощущения столовой, никто не бегает и нет привязки ко времени. Вы просто приходите и заказываете поесть, когда хотите и во сколько хотите. По еде есть все, что нужно. Меню очень разнообразное. Постоянно пробовали что-то новое и все вкусное и свежее. Можно забронировать столик на вечер, выбрав предварительно тип меню. Например, выбрав морепродукты, вам принесут qr код с меню с огромным выбором морепродуктов. Алкоголь. Выбор плюс минус как и везде, но большой плюс, что есть большое количество более качественного алкоголя и он не за extra плату. Например, из джинов: Hendricks, Monkey47. Есть отличные молты: Aberlour12, Glendronach12. За Extra есть отличный бурбон Jack Daniels Single Barrell. Сервис Весь персонал действительно старается и всегда готов помочь, несмотря на то, что день за днем они очень-очень много работают. Респект им за это. Официанты постоянно дарили позитивные эмоции, они практически все знают немного русский и было забавно с ними перекинуться парой слов. Была проблема с низкой скоростью интернета - ее решили, пришлось правда привлечь it-специалиста) Скорость для всех постоянная 5 мегабит , в целом хватает, но если вы хотите работать (особенно, если нужно созвониться по видео) или грузить в инстаграм видео без потери качества - попросите и для вас сделают скорость 100) Минусы 1) Из барменов только трое умели делать хорошо коктейли и обладали знаниями и навыками, как это делать. 2) Нужно немного доработать вечернюю программу. Есть живая музыка, но на этом в
Duja Bodrum
4.5/562 Recensioni
Our first day was not great due to problems with our rooms. Arriving at the hotel at 2am meant not much could be done however I would like to mention the receptionist Umut was so patient and respectful despite our frustration. The next day we asked to speak to the manager and I was extremely suprised when the manager (Yasar at reception) accused us of trying to get an upgrade and treating us with disrespect. He even told me there was no point in talking basically telling me to shut up and to go and talk to the tui rep. Once the rooms were sorted I was very happy with the hotel and staff. Food was available at all times, staff were always smiling and nice. I would like to point out a few staff that went the extra mile. The entertainment team was great especially Sinan, Ugur, Ece, Nida and Rio! The waiters in the main restaurant Buse, Ismail, Devran, Gokce. Ercan and Bunyamin in the turkish Ala carte. Emrah in the seafood Ala carte. Ayaz and Ege in the starbucks was great. Very quick despite the long queues and never a moan always serving with a smile. We spent a lot of time in the lobby bar, Furkan and Selcuk was exceptional! Always smiling, very respectful and patient with the children. The night shift manager Mehmet was very professional and we could easily tell he had the management skills that Yasar failed in. Overall we had a great stay and ended the holiday on a high.
Susona Bodrum, LXR Hotels & Resorts
4.7/554 Recensioni
I stayed at this hotel in October 2023 as an early birthday celebration with my girlfriend. Due to work currently, we can only see each other every three months. We working hoping for a positive, chill experience. I am also a Hilton Gold member that has stayed all across the Hilton family of hotels; but I have never been so poorly treated by the front office than at this property. I was cheated and taken advantage of by paying over 500 euros more for their sea view room category and then given a lower category that is almost 50% of the cost per night and has no view (photos below). I would like to clarify that my grievances are with the front office. Most of the property staff are friendly, highly competent, and hardworking. Two staff members who were particularly excellent were the gentleman Efe and restaurant supervisor Merve Bilir. They provided excellent service, were genuinely warm people that care about their customers, and are hard workers. They should be the managing the entire hotel Also the food at the resort is very good and on par with any of my stays at the Waldorf Astoria properties. We also enjoyed the spa, which is run by a separate company and provided a great hammam experience Negatives: -We were given the wrong room category. The room I booked was a “King premium sea view” with “panoramic” sea views. Their reservations page is very clear about the room in both photos and its description. Instead we got room 6 with a view of some trees, which was clearly a lower room category (photos below). I typically wouldn’t care if the price difference is minimal, but lower room categories at this hotel are nearly 50% less per night (240 to 270 euros per night while I paid over 500 euros per night). Over the course of the weekend, I ended up paying between 500 to 600 euros more than was necessary for a lower room When I went to the front desk to point this out and ask for a room change, the receptionists agreed with me that this was not the right room and they offered me a free dinner with alcohol included, but they were fully booked and couldn’t move us I agreed and left but didn’t feel that was fair compensation since a 130 euro dinner doesn’t make up for paying 500+ euros for the wrong room. When I came back a few hours later, I asked for a manager and the assistant manager Tarik came out to speak with me. He was completely dismissive and couldn’t care less for what I had to say. He didn’t apologize and seemed annoyed that I was speaking to him and tried to end the conversation as fast as possible. He then informed me that alcohol would not be included in the dinner after it was promised and while he was hurriedly walking away he said he would ask the head manager what else they could do. The receptionist felt bad and offered to send a bottle of wine. During the rest of our stay we never received a bottle of wine and Tarik never got back to us -Their beach club, Frankie, was closed for two full days for a wedding while we were
Be Premium Bodrum
4.3/549 Recensioni
Molto carino soggiorno Il personale è stato molto utile. Erano lì per ogni passo della nostra strada Il cibo era così dolce, tutto si sentiva così in alto Abbiamo provato il bagno e gli sport acquatici, il personale era bello. Molto consigliare di venire qui per qualsiasi vacanza

Domande frequenti

Informazioni di viaggio locali

Prezzo più alto12.423 €
Prezzo più basso95 €
Numero di recensioni586
Numero di hotel12
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)1.281 €
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)1.446 €