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676 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.7
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Utente anonimo
Camera con letto a due piazze
Soggiorno: ott 2024
14 recensione
Pubblicata: 17 gen 2025
Room had odor of cigarettes. Smells wafted in through the ac ventilation ducts. Inevitable when smoking rules are not enforced...
Risposta dalla struttura: We're truly sorry that your room reeked of cigarettes due to smoke infiltrating through the AC ducts. This is a serious lapse on our part.Our team is on high alert now. We've tightened up staff training regarding strict smoking - rule enforcement. We'll also conduct a thorough check and cleaning of the entire AC ventilation system to eliminate any lingering odors.Your satisfaction matters greatly. We earnestly hope you'll give us another shot. Next time you're with us, we're committed to providing a fresh, smoke - free environment that meets your expectations.Thank you for bringing this to our attention.Best regards
Utente ospite
Camera con due letti singoli
Soggiorno: mar 2024
5 recensione
Pubblicata: 14 apr 2024
Excellent service, front desk very attentive. Room was very clean and new. Location was convenient, within 10 minutes to train station and shopping mall.
Risposta dalla struttura: We are honoured to have your trust and praise! Every city always has a reason to miss, every season has a view we can hardly let go of, and every hotel has their sweet and warm memories. We hope that the Rainbow Flower is the most unique one, and we look forward to seeing you again! ❀
Camera con due letti singoli
Soggiorno: nov 2023
Viaggio con amici
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 30 dic 2023
The hotel staff are super helpful and friendly. The hotel is very new as it has operated for only two weeks when we stayed there, hence the cleanliness level was very high. Unfortunately, the water pressure for shower on our floor was not high enough. Yet the hotel immediately arranged us to stay in another room and even arranged an upgrade. We were satisfied with their arrangement, would recommend other people to stay in the same hotel.
Risposta dalla struttura: Thank you very much for your affirmation of our services, your support and encouragement is our driving force to continue to move forward, for the room problems we will improve, thank you very much for your feedback to help us make progress, may our sunshine and warmth of the service for you to bring you the supreme service experience. Very much looking forward to your visit again, wish you a happy life!🌻
Camera con letto a due piazze
Soggiorno: lug 2024
12 recensione
Pubblicata: 1 set 2024
nice hotel
Risposta dalla struttura: 有時幸福只是一種感覺, 衹要用心感受, 它時刻縈繞在我們身邊,記憶中的很多東西,因為幸福的感覺,時間再久,心境依然不變。享受生活,分享喜悦,感謝您對虹小花的誇獎和喜愛, 因為有您的誇獎, 我們是幸福的!誠摯的期待您的再次光臨❀
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您用如此生動的語言分享您在我們酒店的愉快體驗!得知您對寬敞的房間和絕佳的觀景視野感到滿意,並且酒店周邊的交通和公園都為您的旅程增添了不少便利與樂趣,虹小花由衷地感到開心。能夠讓您放鬆身心,享受舒適的住宿環境,以及便捷地前往高鐵站開啟下一段旅程,這正是虹小花努力的目標。期待您再次光臨,虹小花將竭誠為您服務,為您打造更多難忘的回憶!
Risposta dalla struttura: 收到您的好評,我們簡直欣喜若狂!酒店煥然一新,大堂的小賣店希望能為您帶來便利,而每個角落的整潔,都是我們精心呵護的成果。鄰近高鐵站,方便您出行,步行可達的虹橋公園,能讓您盡享自然之美,周圍又格外清靜。您的肯定是我們前進的最大動力,期待您再次光臨,繼續在這裡留下美好的回憶,我們一定不負所望 !
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人,我們對於您在我們酒店的不愉快入住體驗深表歉意。您反饋的深夜噪音問題以及被子中發現頭髮的情況,我們高度重視。這確實與我們一直致力於為客人提供優質、舒適住宿環境的目標不符。關於噪音問題,我們會立即對相關房間及周邊設施進行全面檢查,經過排查可能產生噪音的原因,發現並無施工及其它噪音源,可能近幾日夜間為四級風力較大導致。對於被子中出現頭髮的情況,我們會加強客房衞生管理流程的監督和培訓,提高清潔及檢查標準,杜絕此類疏忽再次出現。您提到前台工作人員對於您反饋問題的處理方式,我們也會進行內部調查和反思。我們深知客人的滿意度是我們的首要任務,工作人員應該以更加積極、熱情和負責的態度來處理客人的投訴和建議。對於您提出的差評,我們誠懇地希望您能再給我們一次機會,讓我們用實際行動來彌補這次的不足。在您等待車的過程中,沒有工作人員及時過來向您道歉,這是我們服務的失誤。我們會加強員工的服務意識培訓,確保在今後的工作中,能夠更加主動、周到地為客人提供服務。為了表達我們的誠意,我們希望能與您進一步溝通,瞭解您的具體需求和期望。如果您下次有出行計劃,歡迎再次選擇我們酒店,我們將為您提供更加優質的服務和更舒適的住宿體驗,同時給予您一定的優惠作為補償。再次感謝您的反饋,我們會努力改進,期待能重新贏得您的信任和滿意。祝您生活愉快!
Risposta dalla struttura: 承蒙您再度光臨本酒店,且不吝讚譽,實乃吾等之榮幸。相隔一月,您依舊青睞此地,足見上次入住體驗之深刻美好。此次您再次感受到流程之順暢、服務水準之一如既往,未令您有所失望,此乃吾輩兢兢業業、不懈努力之成果。吾等必將持之以恆,力保高品質服務不墜,以報答您之信任與厚愛。未來您若重遊此區,本酒店定當竭誠相待,續寫優質住宿之佳話。期待與您再次相逢,共創更多美好回憶。
Risposta dalla struttura: 收到您的好評,虹小花全體員工都倍感温暖與自豪!非常感謝您對酒店周邊環境、房間條件以及服務質量的高度認可。為您打造安靜、乾淨、寬敞且視野良好的居住空間,一直是虹小花努力的方向。而能讓您感受到虹小花服務的熱情與周到,更是讓虹小花滿心歡喜。虹小花始終堅信,温馨舒適的體驗是從每一個細節中傳遞出來的,很高興這次能得到您的肯定。期待您再次光臨,虹小花會繼續努力,為您帶來更加難忘的入住體驗,讓您每次都能像回家一樣自在、舒心。
Risposta dalla struttura: 虹小花見過凌晨五點的月亮,見過天邊的晚霞,見過星辰與銀河的交匯點,直到見到客官您,凌晨的月亮不再那麼清冷,晚霞讓人有了期待,星辰與銀河是您温柔的眼眸,周圍是您,世界是您!有了您,虹小花才有今天的小確幸!客官可是真的觀察入微,關於玻璃門關門響聲我們將做好自查與跟進,力爭加快整改到位。虹小花一定再接再厲,做到更好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 若逢新雪初霽,滿月當空,下面平鋪着皓影,上面流轉着亮銀,而您帶笑地向虹小花走來,月色和雪色之間,您是第三種絕色。感恩您的小作文式的入住分享!深圳光明虹橋公園希爾頓花園酒店坐落於深圳市光明區中心地帶,毗鄰科技金融大廈、萬達廣場、文化藝術中心等核心商務與休閑商圈,光明區政府、虹橋公園、光明城高鐵站近在咫尺,是商務和休閑遊賓客們理想的下榻之選。
Utente anonimo
Camera con due letti singoli
Soggiorno: ott 2024
37 recensione
Pubblicata: 13 nov 2024
Risposta dalla struttura: 每個人都無法剋制對美的嚮往,就像虹小花無法剋制對您的喜歡,筆芯~~感謝您的肯定,願美好永遠伴隨您……