Recensioni su Mehood Lestie Hotel (Nanchang Bayi Square)
Mehood Lestie Hotel (Nanchang Bayi Square)
No.199 Chaoyangzhou Middle Road, Xihu District, Nanchang, Jiangxi, ChinaDettagli hotel
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1 notte
Recensioni degli ospiti
8410 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.7
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Tutte le recensioni(8410)
Recensioni positive(8355)
Recensioni con foto/video(1578)
Ottima colazione(968)
Reception gentilissima(646)
Ottimo tè pomeridiano(463)
Da tornarci(251)
Ottimo ristorante(128)
Vicino alla zona panoramica(123)
Comodo per taxi(51)
Fantastica vista sul fiume(46)
Recensioni negative(55)
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: 2024 年 9 月
36 recensione
Pubblicata: 2024 年 9 月 15 日
This is our third stay at this incredible hotel (a total of about 15 nights). We're a family of 4 people and have booked 2 rooms every time.
The food:
Breakfast has loads of options and it varies slightly from one morning to the next.
After breakfast there is high tea until 10PM. There you can have coffee, tea, juice, cakes, fruits, rice porridge etc., for free all day.
At 10PM the night meal starts. There you can eat noodles, also for free.
Snacks such as fruits and drinks, are delivered to the room in the evening.
The water:
There are bottles in the room, but there are also bottles by the elevator that you can take if you need more. So basically you can have as much water as you want.
The laundry service:
It's just one of the best aspects of this hotel.
We put your laundry outside the room in the morning, and when we came back in the afternoon it was in our room. Cleaned, dried and folded. For free!!
The staff:
All of the staff is very friendly and polite if it's the ladies at the reception, the men standing in front of the hotel, the cleaning ladies, the staff in the breakfast area... All of them nice and welcoming.
Late checkout (at 4PM at no extra cost).
The spa:
We went to the spa for a massage. It doesn't belong to the hotel even if it's a part of it. Very good experience. The ladies were nice and you can eat as much as you want (snacks or noodles), for free.
The bad aspects:
I honestly can't find any bad things to say about this hotel, even if I try!
We'll definitely be back.
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您如此走心的評價!一定會轉告給我們的小夥伴們,希望通過我們的努力讓您的南昌之旅多一份愉悦,很榮幸為您服務,期待您再次入住!
Veron Ng
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: 2024 年 6 月
13 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 2024 年 6 月 5 日
Butler 橘子 is very attentive. Room first given to us is without fridge call and they have ran out of fridge so they upgraded our room. Very convenient as most services are till late n laundry is free and 24hours. One thing bad is the scent of the hotel and pillows overly soft. Room is definitely clean
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的賓客,您好。感謝您對我們肯定,為了給您提供更加細緻周到的服務體驗,我們酒店有推出“枕頭菜單”(Pillows Menu)多種功能枕頭任您選擇,如果您需要的話,是可以聯繫我們的呢。滿意只有起點,沒有終點,我們會用真心、誠心、用心期待您的下次光臨!祝您天天好心情!
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: 2024 年 5 月
10 recensione
Pubblicata: 2024 年 5 月 26 日
夹子很好! Nice hotel and great location. If I stay in Nanchang again I would stay here.
Risposta dalla struttura: Thank you for your approva,looking forward to your next visit!!
Utente ospite
Camera Deluxe (letto a due piazze, con vista sul fiume)
Soggiorno: 2024 年 3 月
Viaggio con amici
2 recensione
Pubblicata: 2024 年 4 月 3 日
Hotel no clean the room while we walk in the room, request change the room after.
the only reason i choose this hotel is have laundry services.
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的賓客,您好!非常感謝您的惠顧與評價!請允許我們在這裏未能讓您滿意舒心而致上最誠摯的歉意。您所反映的情況我們很重視,其它也將反饋至相關部門知曉並進行,給您帶來不便,希望能得到您的諒解,也希望在您下次蒞臨之際,能看到我們的改變,期盼您的再次光臨!
Camera Deluxe (2 letti)
Soggiorno: 2023 年 11 月
5 recensione
Pubblicata: 2023 年 11 月 13 日
We have a cosy and pampered experience. Our room butler is very friendly. She took good care of our laundry and returned on the same day. Her name is Shen Hai Xiang. Well done! 沈海香
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guests, you have chosen our Meihao Hotel among many hotels. Thanks to your kindness, we hope that our intimate check-in service will make you feel the warmth of home, perfect supporting facilities, warm accommodation environment and rich breakfast, and you will enjoy it at a great value! I hope that you will like Meihao Hotel as always, and that Meihao will be a beautiful scenery on your journey. I look forward to another spark with you!
Derek Yap C K
Camera Deluxe (Letto Matrimoniale)
Soggiorno: 2023 年 9 月
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 2023 年 9 月 12 日
I am glad to have booked 3 rooms at this hotel as when the moment we arrived at the hotel, we were warmly greeted by the hotel staffs. The hotel staffs also helped us in booking didi rides numerous times as we are foreigners without WeChat pay or AliPay facilities in our mobile phone. The service attitude of all the staff are excellent and helpful. I would like to thank 丝丝,小王 and all the staff for giving us a wonderful experience in your hotel. I would highly recommend anyone to stay in any Mehood hotels! Lastly I would like to thank the front desk staff whom I did not get her name with the mobile number ending 7109, who helped to call for medical assistance in the middle of the night.
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, hello! Thank you for choosing the Meihao Lizhi Hotel Nanchang Bayi Plaza store! Traveling outside requires comfort, kindness, and warmth. How can we not work hard to fulfill your wishes, because this is also our wish. May every VIP who comes to Meihao Lizhi Hotel be happy!
Utente ospite
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: 2023 年 9 月
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 2023 年 9 月 10 日
ZSZ offers really great service, will be back again later!
Risposta dalla struttura: 親愛的賓客,感謝您對咱們服務的肯定!美豪一直致力於為顧客提供貼心的服務,使每一位到店的朋友都能有賓至如歸的感覺。期待下次與您相遇,陪您度過您最美好的旅途時光!
Utente ospite
Camera Deluxe (letto matrimoniale, con vista sul fiume)
Soggiorno: 2023 年 9 月
Viaggio con amici
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 2023 年 9 月 20 日
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好!非常感謝您入住酒店並給予高度的評價,酒店每一個板塊都在不斷努力,要求更加精細、及時的服務每一位到店賓客,很高興看到您對我們工作的認可,我們懷揣着您的這份信任,將不斷進取時刻準備着給每一位賓客帶來優質的服務,期待您的再次光臨!
Utente ospite
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: 2024 年 7 月
8 recensione
Pubblicata: 2024 年 8 月 8 日
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您贈予毫不吝嗇的五顆小星星,願您如同星星一般,閃耀而不孤單,在您的支持下我們將持續努力!歡迎您下次光臨
Utente ospite
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: 2022 年 8 月
2 recensione
Pubblicata: 2022 年 8 月 11 日
Superb hotel with amazing service. Perfect stay. Highly recommended
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的顧客您好!非常感謝您對我們酒店的支持,我們始終相信好的口碑一定是從客人最真誠的滿意度推薦出去的,同時我們也很榮幸能為你提供最優質的服務。非常歡迎您無論商務出差或是旅行再次選擇我們酒店!真誠期待您的再次光臨!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人:您好!看到您如此熱情的評價,我們真的非常開心和感動。首先要感謝您的大力推薦!我們一直致力於為客人提供美味的早餐,很高興能得到您的認可。全天供應水果、點心和茶水,也是為了讓客人在入住期間隨時都能感受到關懷和舒適,尤其考慮到帶小孩的家庭出行需求。給您和孩子送上小零食和公仔玩偶,就是希望能給你們帶來一些小驚喜。管家小姐姐們聽到您對她們服務的誇讚,也一定會很開心,她們會繼續保持這份熱情為每一位客人服務。延遲退房也是我們希望能為客人提供更多的便利。前台的零食框就是為像您這樣的吃貨朋友們準備的呢。我們會繼續努力,不斷提升服務品質和豐富入住體驗,期待您的再次光臨,為您和家人帶來更多的美好回憶。祝您和家人生活愉快,幸福安康!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人:您好!首先,特別感謝您對我們美豪麗致酒店一直以來的認可與支持呀,能收穫您的好評,真的讓我們整個團隊都特別開心呢。我們始終將服務品質放在首位,致力於為每一位入住的客人提供優質且貼心的服務,看到您滿意早餐裏特色的瓦罐湯,還有房間的設施以及床上用品,就覺得我們的用心都是值得的啦。不過,對於您提到的會有不明低鳴聲這點,我們真的十分抱歉呀,給您帶來了些許困擾。您放心,我們已經安排工作人員去仔細排查這個問題了,一定會盡快解決,爭取讓您下次入住的時候有一個更加完美的體驗。非常感謝您的包容,還願意下次繼續選擇我們美豪麗致酒店,這對我們來説是莫大的鼓勵呢。我們期待着再次迎接您的到來,為您呈上一如既往的優質服務哦。再次感謝您,祝您生活愉快,一切順遂呀!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您對我們酒店的高度評價。我們很高興酒店的乾淨整潔以及管家小姐姐的服務能讓您滿意。為客人清潔行李箱是我們希望能為您提供更貼心的服務,看到您感受到了這份愛,我們很欣慰。入住時的小禮物希望能給您帶來一份驚喜,很開心您正好趕上了免費夜宵,並且喜歡南昌拌粉。早餐的豐富和南昌特色小吃瓦罐湯能得到您的認可,我們也倍感自豪。聽到您對南昌印象非常好,我們也為這座城市感到驕傲。我們期待您有機會再來,再次為您提供優質的服務和美好的體驗。再次感謝您的支持與肯定!祝您生活愉快,旅途順利!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您對我們酒店的盛讚。看到您從進入酒店大門起就感受到細緻入微的服務和家一般的温馨,我們無比欣慰。我們的前台工作人員始終以熱情、專業的態度為每一位客人服務,很高興能為您提供詳盡的介紹和隨時的幫助。酒店各處的貼心小細節、電梯口的免費礦泉水、房間內的洗衣液、新鮮水果、瓶裝水和小零食等,都是我們為了給客人帶來更好的體驗而精心準備的。每一位工作人員的微笑和主動問好,也是我們努力營造温馨氛圍的體現。酒店房間、餐廳、大堂擺放的新鮮百合花,能給您帶來家的温馨氣息,我們也很開心。而便利的地理位置更是為您的出行提供了方便。保安大叔的熱心舉動也讓您心生暖意,這正是我們所希望的。我們會繼續保持並不斷提升服務品質,不辜負您對我們的期待。期待您的再次光臨,讓我們繼續為您帶來美好的體驗。再次感謝您的支持與肯定!祝您生活愉快,一切順利!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的客人,非常感謝您選擇美豪麗致酒店作為您在南昌的下榻之處,也很開心能給您帶來如此美好的體驗。對於您提到的微笑服務,這是我們一直努力為客人提供的温暖感受。我們的前台小姐姐和管家會持續以熱情、高效的服務態度來迎接每一位客人,伴手禮也是我們的一份小小心意,希望能給您的旅程增添一份美好回憶。看到酒店前台的零食和水果能為您帶來愉悦,我們也很欣慰。酒店在細節方面一直精益求精,豐富的早餐和美味的下午茶是我們為了滿足客人的不同需求而精心準備的。隨處可見的鮮花也是為了營造一個温馨、舒適的環境,讓您在旅途中也能擁有好心情。我們期待您的再次光臨,無論是出差還是旅行,美豪麗致酒店都將一如既往地為您提供優質的服務和舒適的體驗。再次感謝您的支持與認可!