This was a trip that I took my 86 years old mom to travel with me. After a long bullet train ride and shuttle ride, Banyan Tree Huangshan gave us a warm welcome by upgrading our room to a villa. The place is beautifully designed, nested in a valley with traditional Hui style building. Inside the rooms, they have the western style bedroom and bathroom comforts, but the deco is traditional Chinese arts with a modern twist, very elegant, not the tacky hotel chain style but details that fits the surrounding nature beauty. All the rooms and facilities are very clean, and service people are very nice too. We had the front desk clerk Sweet, who updated our stay and a room cleaning lady May Zhang who helped us with our needs. Very thankful to their help!
The outside garden design blends in with the surrounding mountains. They even have a petting zoo for visitors young and old.
We dined in their Chinese restaurant the first night. The foods were good but I won't say exceptional. For two of us, it was way too much in food quantity for one order. We felt bad to waste food this way. Wish they have had smaller choices. But their breakfast is very impressive.
And even though they are very close to Hong Village where the shuttle stops, they did not offer free shuttle which I think they should.
I highly recommend this place and will travel back with my other family members in the future.
我和我86岁的妈妈旅行到黄山附近, 住的第一家旅店就是悦榕庄。不得不说,印象深刻。整个山庄外观是徽州传统建筑+现代设计,高挑壮观。Villa的庭院设计轻松惬意,完全融入周围的自然景观。室内非常干净,西式的床和卫生间舒适温馨,很容易消除旅途的疲倦。装饰很典雅,是传统中国书画兼有现代的元素,赏心悦目。
我们天刚黑时到达, 很快感受到温暖贴心的服务。前台给我们免费升级房间, 让我们渡过了愉悦的两天。
早上在庭院里跑步是个美好的体验, 健身房也比一般希尔顿或是万豪好很多。
我们第一晚在饭店的中餐厅吃的,不错但没有特别让人印象深刻。早餐则不同, 选择非常多且很多精致可口的饭菜。