Scopri la nostra offerta di hotel con Colazione a Tres-Saint-Redempteur

Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Tres-Saint-Redempteur

Auberge des Gallant
4.5/561 Recensioni
My in laws booked a two night visit here because it's only a few minutes away from us and we are 5 hours away from them. My MIL booked it online with the hotel website and it was very glitchy. She booked 2 nights with the free Sunday brunch included. So they would check in Saturday and check out Monday morning. My MIL called the hotel to make sure the booking went through because she never got a confirmation email. The concierge assured her that her booking was confirmed and she would have the two nights at $200 a night. WELL, they go to check in and the front desk say that my MIL booked 2 rooms for 1 night. Not 2 nights with 1 room. My MIL explained that she had called to confirm. But the hotel said they had no idea what she was talking about. But they offered to send my in laws to a hotel down the road free of charge. And pay for their dinner the following night. My in laws said that they were trying to make a reservation for dinner for all 6 of us. The hotel said they would pay for all 6 of us. My in laws were understanding and appreciated the dinner offer. However when they got to the hotel it was a HOSTEL!!! A HOSTEL WHERE ROOMS ARE ONLY $40!!! Not equal value at all. And my in-laws had to clean their own room at this hostel. The following night my in laws went to the hotel to check in and were charged a deposit of $150 which was fine. At that time they checked to make sure that dinner was going to be covered for all 6 of us. The hotel said yes. Check in went fine. We all go to sit down for dinner and my in laws check again with the front desk. ”will all 6 of us be covered?” They said yes. The waitress comes over and tell us that only my in-laws (including my sister in-law) will be covered for dinner. It was a 5 star restaurant so it was very expensive.... and the AC was broken was we were super hot and sweaty and it took 2 hours to get our mediocre food. The next morning they go to eat breakfast and they are told they aren't covered.... They go to check out and they are charged $800. 800. EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS! they are confused and ask why they are being charged so much for 1 night. They are then told that when they booked they were told it was that much. No ma'am they were not. They were charged for dinner and breakfast pluses the deposit. ***.

Domande frequenti

  • : quali sono gli hotel con Colazione più richiesti?

    : che tu sia in viaggio in questa città per lavoro o piacere, Auberge des Gallant è un hotel preferito.

  • : qual è la tariffa media degli hotel con Colazione?

    : per gli hotel con Colazione, il prezzo medio nei giorni feriali è pari a 329 NZD, mentre quello nei fine settimana (venerdì e sabato) è di 399 NZD.

  • : quali promozioni sugli hotel con Colazione sono disponibili? offre agli utenti vari sconti e promozioni durante tutto il corso dell'anno. Per scoprire le offerte disponibili, vai alla pagina dedicata su

Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel1
Numero di recensioni61
Prezzo più alto591 NZD
Prezzo più basso260 NZD
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)329 NZD
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)399 NZD