Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Tokyo

Mesm Tokyo, Autograph Collection
4.6/560 Recensioni
Tokyo Tower
Caveat: only stayed here one night and left early morning so we didn’t experience the gym or breakfast. Service was great, such as the staff waiting for us in the lobby at 5:40am because they knew we’d booked a taxi and wanted to help with the bags. That kind of proactive service. Martinis at the bar were perfect; live music made for nice ambience; check in and express check out on the TV were super quick. Dinner at the teppanyaki restaurant downstairs was delicious although surprising the staff barely spoke any English (we arrived from a small country ryokan so this was surprising in Tokyo). But Japanese people are so wonderful and friendly you can always get by with some menu pointing and miming. The real magic here though is having your own balcony, which in central Tokyo is a rare treat (pic is our view from balcony). I’d definitely stay here again.
The Prince Sakura Tower Tokyo, Autograph Collection
4.5/589 Recensioni
I had a wonderful time at this beautiful yet understated property. It was a peaceful oasis just within walking distance of shops, parks, nightlife, easy transport to the rest of the city from subway. I was most impressed by the unobtrusive consideration from staff. I came a few hours before check in, asked to store my luggage for a good nearby spot to relax. The staff, seeing I was tired, instead offered me a slightly upgraded room that was immediately available for check-in. Throughout my stay I was courteously offered umbrellas to take as I walked outside, bottles of water after my workout, but never felt as though I were being hovered over. I will certainly stay here again.

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