Room 101, Unit 1, Building A16, No.76 Yingbin Avenue (Xiangxi Street), Muyu Town, Shennongjia, Hubei, ChinaDettagli hotel
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Recensioni degli ospiti
778 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.7
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Tutte le recensioni(778)
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Ben arredato(33)
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Ideale per famiglie(18)
Con camere per famiglie(10)
Recensioni negative(29)
Camera Speciale
Soggiorno: set 2024
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 10 ott 2024
Beautiful property in Muyu, that you can use as a base to explore the wider Shennongjia Forestry District area. Staff went above and beyond to accommodate my family, including our toddler. They even help us to secure a last minute driver to take us around the national park.
Risposta dalla struttura: [❤Beautiful environment, large rooms❤】Thank you very much for giving us such a high evaluation! Your and your family's satisfaction is our greatest achievement. It is our honor to provide help for your journey in Muyu, especially taking good care of your toddler. We look forward to your next visit. We will serve you as always. Wish you a happy life!
Utente ospite
Romantic Duplex Family Suite (Mini Fridge, Bathrobe, Safe)
Soggiorno: nov 2023
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 6 gen 2024
We had an amazing stay at this hotel! We were traveling with another couple to go skiing for the New Year's weekend and needed a place where we can all stay together and this place was perfect. They have nice big rooms with two floors each floor with its own bed perfect for two couples. The balcony is super spacious and it's great for hanging out. Our friends loved the bathtub on the second floor. The staff was incredibly helpful and friendly always ready to help with any request. On new years eve we were treated to a relaxing tea brewing and after one of the staff walked us all the way to a bar that gave us 6 free beers.The rooms are beautiful and clean and the location is perfect. I will definitely be back and highly recommend this hotel when visiting Shennongjia!
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guest, We are absolutely delighted to hear that you had an amazing stay at our hotel! It's wonderful to know that our rooms were perfect for you and your friends on your skiing trip over the New Year's weekend. We're glad you enjoyed the spacious balcony and that your friends loved the bathtub on the second floor. Our staff takes great pride in being helpful and friendly, so it's lovely to hear your kind words about them. The special treats on New Year's Eve sound like a great memory. We strive to keep our rooms beautiful and clean, and we're happy that you noticed. The perfect location is also something we're proud of. We look forward to welcoming you back soon. Thank you for your highly recommended review. It means a lot to us. Best regards,
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤房間很安靜,服務很熱情❤】感謝您的熱情分享和大力推薦!我們非常高興聽到您對民宿的滿意評價。小楊的熱情服務和公共區域的精心佈置都是為了給每一位客人帶來家的温馨和舒適。我們會繼續保持並提升服務質量,為您提供更好的入住體驗。期待您的再次光臨,讓我們有機會再次為您服務!祝您生活愉快,旅途平安!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤房間很安靜,服務很熱情❤】能得到您這般滿是喜愛與驚喜的誇讚,我們滿心都是歡喜與感動!您帶着憧憬踏入香溪水榭,我們就想着一定要把這段旅程變得熠熠生輝。繁花綠植是迎接您的浪漫序曲,戳心的房間佈置是為您專屬打造的温暖角落,能讓陽光為您勾勒如畫清晨,一切都值了。小田姐姐看到您的表揚,笑得合不攏嘴,分享小眾玩法、準備精緻早餐,本就是盼着您能沉浸式體驗這兒的美好。時光慢下來才夠味兒,已經在搓手期待您下次再來,香溪水榭永遠給您留着這份愜意!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤服務很好,設施齊全❤】尊敬的客人,看到您對香溪水榭民宿如此高的讚譽,我們滿心歡喜!房間的整潔與獨特裝飾,是我們為營造“家外之家”的用心呈現。田姐姐會因您的表揚而倍感欣慰,她一直秉持着顧客至上的理念,力求及時迴應大家的需求。民宿的選址,意在讓賓客出行便捷、盡享周邊美景。豐富美味的早餐,也是我們希望為您開啟活力一天的小小心意。您對性價比的認可,更是對我們最大的鼓勵。期待與您重逢,香溪水榭將持續為您締造温馨之旅!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤房間很安靜,服務很熱情❤】親愛的客人,您的好評如同一束絢爛的光,照亮了我們的民宿。看到您對房間設計、小一服務以及整體氛圍如此滿意,我們滿心歡喜與感激。我們一直努力營造獨特而温馨的空間,能得到您的認可,一切都值得了!期待您的再次到來,願我們能繼續為您留存美好記憶,也感謝您的推薦,讓更多朋友能加入這場温暖之旅。
Utente ospite
Romantic Duplex Family Suite (Mini Fridge, Bathrobe, Safe)
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤環境優美,房間很大❤】尊敬的客人,您好! 非常感謝您給予我們如此高的評價!您的滿意是我們最大的動力。從您踏入酒店的瞬間,我們便立志為您打造賓至如歸的體驗,優雅環境與熱情服務是我們的待客之道,精緻裝修與嚴格的衞生把控是我們的品質追求。我們會將您對小一的表揚轉達給他,讓他知曉自己的努力得到了您的認可。期待您的下次光臨,願我們能再次為您提供優質服務,祝您出行一切順利!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤設計獨特,小院環境好❤】親愛的貴賓,衷心感謝您對酒店的全方位稱讚!能為您的出行提供便捷的交通、舒適的環境、豐富的早餐以及現代化且豪華的設施體驗,我們滿心歡喜。小一也因您的認可而備受鼓舞,期待未來還有機會為您締造更多難忘的入住記憶,伴您暢遊更多的美好風景!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤服務很好,設施齊全❤】親,非常感激您坦誠分享入住體驗!看到您認可酒店環境,還喜歡圍爐煮茶,我們超開心。但很愧疚,讓您在洗手間受凍、拎行李受累,石仔路也給您添了麻煩。我們已經把保暖和行李搬運問題記在小本本上啦,會火速優化,讓洗手間暖烘烘,也會琢磨更貼心的行李協助方案。下次您再來,肯定舒舒服服、輕輕鬆鬆。期待再相逢,給您超暖心服務!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤環境優美,房間很大❤】親愛的客人,您好!看到您如此高的評價,我們滿心歡喜,尤其是對小一的誇讚,我們已經第一時間轉達,她開心得不得了,這對我們全體員工都是極大的鼓舞。您的滿意是我們前行的最大動力,香溪水榭會一直保持高品質的服務與環境,期待您的再次光臨,願與您在未來的時光裏續寫美好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤設計獨特,小院環境好❤】親愛的客人,非常感謝您的熱情點贊與強力推薦!您的滿意是我們最大的動力。我們用心打造有格調的房間,就是想為大家營造温馨舒適的“家外之家”。便利的出行條件和宜人的周邊環境,也是我們選址時的重要考量。小萬得到您的認可,我們都為他開心,他和全體員工會繼續努力,以更貼心周到的服務迎接您的再次光臨,願您往後的旅程都似這般美好!
Utente ospite
Courtyard Terrace Family Room (Mini Fridge, Bathrobe, Safe)
Risposta dalla struttura: [❤設計獨特,小院環境好❤】尊敬的客人:您好!非常感謝您對我們民宿的高度評價。看到您對房間設施、衞生、環境、服務以及圍爐煮茶體驗都如此滿意,我們深感榮幸。關於房間設施,我們一直致力於為客人提供舒適且有特色的居住空間,精心設計的兩張床格局,就是希望能給您帶來更好的住宿體驗和更強的空間感。在衞生方面,我們始終把乾淨整潔作為基本要求,提供一次性洗臉巾和浴巾也是為了讓您住得更加安心。民宿的環境力求營造出小橋流水人家的愜意氛圍,讓您在忙碌的旅途中能找到一處寧靜的港灣,放鬆身心。而我們的前台小哥也會一直保持熱情的服務態度,為每一位客人排憂解難。圍爐煮茶是我們精心為客人打造的特色活動之一,很高興能在夜晚為您帶來温暖與愜意。再次感謝您的好評,我們期待着您的下次光臨,一定會為您提供更加優質的服務和體驗。祝您生活愉快,旅途平安!
Risposta dalla struttura: 【❤房間很温馨,服務很熱情❤】非常感謝您的熱情評價和推薦!我們很高興聽到您在民宿的入住體驗如此美好。小楊和他的團隊總是致力於為客人提供温馨舒適的環境和周到的服務,您的滿意是我們最大的動力。我們期待您的再次光臨,將繼續努力為您提供更加卓越的住宿體驗。再次感謝您的支持,祝您生活愉快!