racism, not convenient
The location is not that convenient, first you have to climb up the stairs to get there by carry your suitcase, when we arrive there we saw a couple to telling us ‘this is the best hotel they ever visited’ then the man come out who is wearing a black suit he apologise to us, this make us feel confused and worry but it seem like normal? When we come back to the hotel we holding a hot red wine since outside is very cold and the shop almost close and we only can choose take away. Then a woman seems like an housekeeper saw us at the outside she do nothing when we take our key she doesn’t let us in because we taking a drink that belongs to the hotel, then we get outside to drink it all, and she rejects us again. Then the black suit suit man happens and telling us we cannot take our paper cup inside, for me in here I feel like nvm I can take this outside to throw it out I ask him where it the rubbish bin that I can throw it outside since I don’t find any bins outside. He said NO then he tell me I should put it back to the shop I said it’s closed already he told me put it back in front of the shop???? When I was a kid my kindergarten teacher told me rubbish belongs to the bin not throw at the stop;) Plus when we get inside and during the Check in nobody telling us their rules maybe they think about this rule is quite normal? When we throw out rubbish and turn it back to the hotel the funny thing happens a couple take it this drink can get inside, how wonderful it is. I think our difference is we are ASIAN and they are not. If you are not care about the hospitality and you didn’t have your luggage you can choose here. I did not have a choice since I have my reservation here and it can’t cancel, I want to put my experience here to let you guys know what is my experience and what I saw in this hotel. Good luck and as a hospitality staff saying that this is not professional. And drinking is not allowed in the hotel I never heard this before.
首先這個酒店位置不太好你要爬樓梯的,其次當我們走到酒店門口我們看到了一對情侶正常與職員吵架,情侶說這是我住過最好的酒店但是他們是在吵架的喔 我心想算了我也訂了這裡我們沒有辦法退房而且職員出來以後還跟我們說對不起.我們便出門去小鎮那便逛了一下 因為太冷了 我們買了一些熱的飲料 他們這裡的店太早關 我們只能選擇拿走 當我們回到酒店門口 我們正在拿房卡的時候我看見有個女人在門口裏的 但他沒有要幫我們開門的意思 沒關係我們自己開 進了以後他指著我們飲料說不能進 我們就把他渴光了再進 第二次進去也不能他說我們拿着的垃圾是不屬於他們酒店的 我心想也是 我就問職員在外面哪裡可以扔垃圾 因為我沒有看到有垃圾桶 他說你可以給回咖啡店裡的人 我說已經關門了 他說我放在他們的門口??我心想這是合理的嗎?我一直被教育的是垃圾是放在垃圾桶而不是要當垃圾蟲的?最搞笑的來了 當我們扔完以後有一對情侶拿著飲料進沒有被欄 我們唯一的差別是我們亞洲人他們不是 而且他們一開始在我們進酒店的時候也沒有明說這個規矩,我是覺得我既然進了你們酒店我就要遵守你們的酒店規則這是我沒有辦法選擇 我寫這個是把我的經驗告訴你們 讓你們可以選擇,祝你們好運 我真沒有看過酒店是這樣的因為是做酒店業的