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Dream International Hotel
4.6/546 Recensioni
Vorrei dare 10/10 punti all'hotel Dreamland International. L'ospitalità che forniscono è più che solo il servizio, ma anche l'impegno per noi. Tutti i membri del personale dell'hotel mi hanno fatto sentire benvenuto e legato all'ambiente. Grazie mille Team Dream International !
Buddha Maya Garden by Kgh Group
3.8/527 Recensioni
We stayed at BMG Hotel for 2 nights and booked through a travel agency for our Lumbini trip. It was disappointing as we didn't have a good experience from the very start. When we checked in, we were very tired as our flight was delayed- we were asked to wait at the lobby because we're supposed to get welcome drinks which came later and its absurd that we had to wait for it. It was disappointing to see our room as it had strong smell of mold and I had specifically informed the travel agency that I am allergic to mold. The furniture were really old and dusty. I requested the front desk staff to switch but he wasn't too cooperative. As we were late for our tour, we had to be on our way right away but we were able to switch to another room which looked better at first but then we found out a number of issues in the other room: 1) The condition of the mattress was very poor, it was all torn and there were threads hanging from it, we also saw a lot of bed bug poo on the mattress and bed sheet (as you can see on the photos). Looks like they had beg bugs before and they never cared to change the mattresses which is absolutely disgusting! 2) The lamps looked like they're from an old era- needs changing! 3) The air conditioner was falling apart, looked like it's going to fall out any moment 4) TV was not working and we had to call the maintenance to fix it 5) My mom wanted to drink hot water but the water kettle didn't work as the plugs were not working. 6) The main door doesn't close and we had to use the latch to lock it 7) The bathroom door doesn't close properly 8) Water keeps dripping from the shower tap in the bathroom It looks like this whole place needs maintenance. We spent so much money to stay here but it's not up to the standards of a KGH hotel and it is not worth it. The food in the restaurant was good and all the kitchen staff were very nice and friendly and I would like to thank them for their wonderful service. This is the only thing good about this resort. I will not be staying at this resort again and I do not recommend this hotel to anyone.
Lumbini Five Elements Hotel
4.9/54 Recensioni
In un campo verde di ruggine, c'è un buon posto a 15 minuti a piedi dalla città culturale di Moyer e sono tranquillamente riparato.Il manager dell'hotel è molto bravo. Mi ha mandato all'ospedale locale quando sono malato, mi ha dato cura, mi ha fatto sentire caldo all'estero.
Tiger Palace Resort
4.6/542 Recensioni
Tiger Palace Resort prioritizes both luxury and responsibility, making it a truly exceptional destination for discerning travelers. They were always ready to assist with a level of service that exceeded my expectations. it's not just the stunning surroundings that set Tiger Palace Resort apart; it's also the exceptional service provided by the staff. From the moment I arrived, I was greeted with warm smiles and genuine hospitality. The event spaces were beautiful and had all the tech stuff you could need. Everything ran so smoothly, it was impressive. I also liked how they care about the environment and support the local community. It made me feel good about staying there. My time at Tiger Palace Resort was amazing. The views were stunning, the staff was awesome, and the events were well organized. Whether you want a peaceful getaway or a special celebration, this place has it all.
Hotel Peaceland Lumbini
3.9/510 Recensioni
#好評#對位置,鄰近活動,防治蚊蟲措施,隔音,安全性滿意;#負評#對房間大小失望;我和家人在蓝吡尼的Peaceland hotel住了六天,这里的服务非常好,满足我们所有的需要。 位置:在摩耶夫人庙旁边,Reception帮我们叫tuktuk嘟嘟车,就是我们国内的大三轮车,1000尼币一天,可以把各国寺庙全部跑一圈。时间够的话,建议再去体验坐船,一个人往返100尼币。 餐食:旅馆内的restaurant环境不错,但是没有中餐,需要提醒no spicy,否则几乎什么菜都会辣,尼泊尔的调料里都会有辣的味道。附近有很多餐厅,孩子喜欢吃中国餐馆的番茄炒蛋。 房间:我们定的标间,虽然小,但很干净,开始的房间临街太吵,帮我们换了安静的房间就好了,设施有点旧,电视有点小,但是可以联网看YouTube,中文节目都能看到。 服务:或许是受了墙上的一句好话,静思语的影响,做好事不能少我一人,做坏事不能多我一人。这里的服务员特别好,他们会竭尽全力满足顾客的需要。 值得推荐的一家旅馆,会再来。
Hotel Da Flamingo
4.8/541 Recensioni
I experienced a warm and inviting welcome, accompanied by refreshing drinks and genuine smiles. The rooms mirror the online photos, showcasing a well-maintained property. The hotel offers spacious accommodations at a great value with ample hot water and all the essential amenities. The breakfast service is outstanding, though a few additional Western options would enhance my overall experience. A fantastic choice for the city. I would stay here again. Great job team Hotel da Flamingo.🦩

Domande frequenti

  • : quali sono gli hotel con internet più richiesti?

    : che tu sia in viaggio in questa città per lavoro o piacere, Hotel Peaceland Lumbini , Lumbini Palace Resort e Asian Buddha Hotel sono tutti hotel preferiti.

  • : qual è la tariffa media degli hotel con internet?

    : per gli hotel con internet, il prezzo medio nei giorni feriali è pari a 49 €, mentre quello nei fine settimana (venerdì e sabato) è di 48 €.

  • : quali sono gli hotel di lusso con internet?

    : molti hotel con internet sonodi lusso. Tiger Palace Resort è molto richiesto.

  • : quali promozioni sugli hotel con internet sono disponibili? offre agli utenti vari sconti e promozioni durante tutto il corso dell'anno. Per scoprire le offerte disponibili, vai alla pagina dedicata su

Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel116
Numero di recensioni459
Prezzo più alto233 €
Prezzo più basso8 €
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)49 €
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)48 €