Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Puerto Vallarta

Hotel Encino Malecon Centro Puerto Vallarta
3.6/5101 Recensioni
Book in advance and get room conformation and rate in writing or email. There are communication challenges. This year (2023) I dillydallied because I was waiting on a friend with health issues. I monitored daily on the various booking channels and it was reasonable. Then when I decided to go, 12 Feb. It was no longer available so I booked Holiday Inn Express. Lovely hotel but 50 min (to/from) drive into old town where friends were staying is a whole lot of jostling cobblestone. On 17 March I went to Encino to nail reservations for the rest of my stay. I was offered undetermined room at 1,000 MP or king with balcony at 1500 MP. I try to avoid being out and about with money or credit cards so I said I would come back the next day to pay. Next day it was blocked at check-in so I telephoned later in the evening and was quoted a new rate of 1,700 MP $127 Can) . Life is short and allowing Holiday Inn was lovely, clean, cheap, and sumptuous breakfast? But, it is an airport hotel and not a vacation destination. So I checked out of Holiday Inn and went to Encino. Puerto Vallarta Hotels were pretty much blocked to capacity and rates, where you could find them? Beyond $150 per night for lower quality than Encino. To cut the quick. 1,700 got me a room with three beds (I was solo) and an exterior window. Life moves on. Wi-Fi did work in lobby and over the courtyard. The staff spoke very little English, then I speak no Spanish, and it is a Spanish speaking country. Room was clean, TV worked, A/C worked, coffee was available in morning, elevator was only down once. The location is perfect. Relative to what was available in the romantic area? I still got value for money. Puerto Vallarta is grossly over touristed in Old Town. I have stayed at Encino many times. Safe, clean, and reasonably priced. In early Jan 2020 I booked (Expedia). I was scheduled to arrive mid Feb but I cancelled my reservation shortly after because I anticipated COVID. On 11 March 2020 (WHO) declared COVID an international concern. Prepaid / non refundable with 7 weeks notice shortly after booking. Thems the breaks. All in all. No staff issues. Just communication challenges.

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