Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Pensacola

Quality Inn
2.8/5102 Recensioni
The Good: • The staff were all pleasant. The maid and maintenance staff were great, especially Manny. More on why we spent time with Manny below. The Bad: • This was the most minor issue: The TV was stuck in demo mode. The remote didn’t work with it at all since it was for the cable box. It could only be turned on/off at the source. 2 maintenance men helped, but Manny set it up again like it was new. Thanksomuch! • I chose this hotel because it was supposed to be pet friendly (albeit, at an additional cost). They knew in advance I was bringing a pet (a 15-yo cat who can no longer be boarded because of her age). But when I checked in and reminded the clerk that we had a pet (there’s always extra paperwork and the fee to pay), she told me, ”We don’t take pets.” As I’m mentally scrambling to try to figure out where we’re now going to stay, I questioned her about it, and in the end, she told me my pet would be okay, as if she was doing me a favor. That was not a great start. • The halls of the main hotel area, which is a separate building from the lobby & breakfast area, were vacuumed, but the outer and fire doors were so black with dirt, we carried wipes for after touching them • The room was tidy, but it had not been properly cleaned. — The the previous guest’s trash remained. — There were still pee drips on the floor from a previous male guest in front of the toilet — There was only 1 set of towels, and they were were still damp, seemingly previously used. One was still wet and drying on the side of the tub rim. — The floors were so dirty we bought swifter floor wipes to wipe them down because my pet, a cat, left black footprints across the bed sheets whenever she jumped on the bed. That wasn’t just gross, but a health issue for my pet. — Oh, and speaking of the beds — we reserved a king, but got 2 queens. Tho honestly, that’s not a really big deal, it just adds to the rest… especially the fact that there was only one pillow in the whole room. AFTER 3 REQUESTS (One in person) FOR AT LEAST ONE MORE PILLOW, WE GAVE UP AND WENT OUT AND BOUGHT OURSELVES PILLOWS & CASES!!! We don’t expect pristine or new anything from a budget hotel. But we shouldn’t have to wonder how long it’s been since it’s been properly cleaned. Much less have to buy pillows. I once cleaned hotel rooms, so I totally understand the difficult job it is. With this in mind, it’s important to me not to add to the maid’s chores with extra work because I travel with a pet. I bring a hand vacuum to clean up any stray litter, and the litter box left behind is completely bagged so it only needs to be disposed of. We routinely choose Choice hotels, and although we had never stayed at a Clarion before, we had a good impression of th

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