Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Olympia

DoubleTree by Hilton Olympia
4/5101 Recensioni
Pros - they actually had a towel rack near the sink. Many hotels are forgoing this for some reason. The towels themselves where very plush, and the coffee maker can provide two cups of coffee simultaneously. Cons - Extremely poor design of the shower. In order to turn the water one, and it starts cold, very cold, there is no way to turn it on unless you’re STANDING IN THE SPRAY!! The shower has two glass panels one is a glass wall and one is a door. Of course, the solid glass panel is the one next to the spigot. The only way to reach the spigot is to get into the shower and turn it on and there is no way to predict where the water is going to hit and the nozzle is to high up to reach for most people. As a result you get to start your day with a nice cold blast of water from head to toe! But don’t worry this is in lieu of coffee. They do provide coffee in the room but if you go down to the lobby after 9:30AM there is no coffee. Period! Most hotels provide coffee in the lobby throughout the day – not this one and if you don’t have your tail feathers down in the lobby by 9:30AM you are SOL. We booked this hotel to stay their New year’s eve night and New year’s morning the maid decides it’s a grand idea to knock on our door at 9AM in the morning to see if we need service!! There are signs all over the room stating if you need service you have to let them know otherwise, they won’t bother you. Apparently, this does not apply to the day of check out even though checkout is at noon and it was a Saturday and New Year’s day to boot. I called and complained about it and was told – well you should have put your sign out that you were not to be deserved. And I replied that is absolutely no excuse given the date and that check out is not until noon! I will not be coming back and would recommend not staying here unless you like cold showers, no coffee, and being waken up early by the maid. FYI that this hotel also requires that you pay for parking and breakfast.

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