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Hotel vicino alle attrazioni più famose di Mulifanua

Scopri questi hotel situati vicino alle attrazioni turistiche più popolari di Mulifanua

Cape Fatuosofia Beach

Return to Paradise Resort and Spa
4.2/554 Recensioni

Return to Paradise Resort and Spa

We just spent a wonderful week at this Samoan owned resort and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We had a beachfront room, which was quite large and had two lovely recliner chairs, comfy bed, and a very large bathroom. The resort is quite large, though there weren’t many people there, unfortunately. The beachfront is gorgeous with a lovely swimming area, though not good to swim at high tide, which was when we used one of the 3 the pools. Two places to eat at night, our fav was the Rockpool Bar with a view over the rocks, ocean and great sunsets, a reasonable menu though not lots of veges. There was an absolutely stand out show on Saturday night with the Maeve String band cultural group that you won’t want to miss! Wednesday night is Fia Fia Night which was another wonderful night to attend. Thursday night is the Return to Paradise Movie, where you learn more about the movie being made where the resort now stands, the actors snd more importantly about the Samoans who were in the movie. The $10 per person is given to the village medical fund so well worth the effort. We took school supplies, which are needed as wages are poor and schools receive very little support. Unfortunately we couldn’t bust the school but we’re happy to leave them for the resort to get to the local school. This resort was the second one in our two week visit, and we can say the staff here were amazing. Friendly, efficient and made you really feel like you were home. In fact they liked a joke with you, which we liked. The resort owners, Ramona and her son Raz were up front and mingled with guests. If there was something I felt could be a bonus would be a handrail into one of the pools, as difficult to get into if you had any disability. This wasn’t only at this resort though, as the other resort we stayed at didn’t have rails either. If you do have mobility issue however the rest of the resort has ramps everywhere! That was wonderful. Even a wheelchair if needed. If going we suggest hiring a car to get around to fill in time or get to many great spots, like the clams and turtles close to the resort, the many Waterfalls, Apia Town, Trench, other beaches etc. Tours can add up! We didn’t and regretted it. The island however isn’t somewhere you’d venture if you have mobility issues on the whole. Waterfalls , most beaches have Rocky outcrops to clamber over for snorkelling, ladders into the trench and the Piualla. Caves as well as Apia are not for the faint of heart or designed for people with mobility issues. Something to think about as it can certainly limit what you do. Thoroughly recommend the resort and glad we had the opportunity to visit Samoa, swim in the crystal clear water of the resorts Sandy beachfront and meet wonderful people. Thank you Ramona, Raz and all the wonderful family and staff who are part of your resort.

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