8 luglio 2024
Two casually dressed multi-millionaire retirees enter this magnificent, Spanish government sponsored example of excellence with their wives to enjoy a light lunch. Within the vaulted, ancient stone entrance, stands a grand plate glass doorway upon which is written, "Only registered guests beyond this point." The men request entry to the restaurant within, but the hotel's government employee descending gestures to the left, toward a perfectly appointed cafe, and then with great pomp, throws the glass door shut! The gesture reminds the ladies of an American motor vehicle office; an environment dominated by ill-trained, unmotivated beneficiaries of political graft. One wife remarks, "I won't eat in that dark cave! Let's go elsewhere." What could have been an exquisite invitational experience was, for lack of training and simple human courtesy, a lasting disincentive. The men had planned, after their lunch, to book a three week tour of Spanish paradors. Instead, they chose to adjust their plans west of the Spanish border.