Cerchi un hotel vicino al seguente luogo di interesse: Mahayaya Youth Play Ground? Fatti ispirare da viaggiatori reali.

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Stai cercando un hotel vicino al seguente luogo di interesse: Mahayaya Youth Play Ground? Confronta tariffe e recensioni delle camere per trovare il soggiorno ideale.
Kalindu Residence
5/53 Recensioni
Sulla nostra prossima giornata a tangalle noi sati kalindu residenza tangalletanalle era luoghi passeggiando distanza dalla spiaggia e città . Ma questo è quasi un villaggio eco . Intorno all'hotel ci sono tanti alberi e ambiente . Uccelli cantano presto al mattino . Mi sono divertito molto.
Anantara Peace Haven Tangalle Resort
4.8/550 Recensioni
La spiaggia dell'hotel è troppo ondulata per nuotare e può solo crogiolarsi al sole. Ma non lontano, c'è un'altra spiaggia pubblica a più di 100 metri, dove è possibile fare il bagno. Ci sono molte scelte per colazione e cena a buffet e il gusto è buono. Certo, ci sono errori occasionali, come la spalla di manzo alla griglia troppo cruda. Ci sono poche cose per far divertire i bambini. C'è una sala giochi dove puoi disegnare, guardare la TV, giocare, ecc., Ma la manutenzione non è molto buona. Il servizio è generalmente buono, inaugurato. Tuttavia, ci sono più ingredienti per lo spettacolo e alcuni dettagli richiedono attenzione. Nel complesso, il rapporto prezzo / prestazioni è nella media e dovrebbe essere fatto.
4.7/543 Recensioni
Coming off a 16 day trip that included stays at a 5 star hotel in London, both Aman properties in Sri Lanka. and Soneva Fushi in the Maldives. We have stayed previously at a similar price point in South Africa, the Netherlands, the Caribbean, and Canada. Everything considered, Amanwella rates, for us, as the best that we have stayed anywhere in the world. The important caveat is that you must have your expectations set properly — this is a mature hotel set in a tropical location. Expect heat, insects, spiders, and lizards. Some may even make their way into your room. A quick phone call to housekeeping will solve any such issue immediately, in our experience anyway. Accept this, and the hotel is likely to rate as the destination of a lifetime. For us, the staff are easily the greatest asset of the hotel, starting with the general manager of the resort, Sonam. Every day he checked in on us, usually at breakfast, but sometimes more often than that. He was easy to speak to and we felt he was genuine in every respect. We missed a connection in Dubai and arrived late in the evening (11pm); regardless, he was present at our arrival along with a full contingent of staff for welcoming! Janith, our Guest Assistant, while only 26, rated as leagues above anything else we experienced on this trip or anywhere else. He is, without doubt, a rising star for Aman. Every need was anticipated and every request acted on in a timely fashion. Janith has continued to message us on WhatsApp since our departure, checking in on the rest of trip, and we feel that we made a real friend in Sri Lanka. Dinusha, who we met at the main restaurant, well, his smile is simply contagious, and he came across as down to earth, friendly, and eager to do whatever is necessary to make our stay memorable. His memory for our preferences is impeccable, which is something we did not find elsewhere as often as we would have liked. Ruwon, often a driver for us, treated us with consideration and spoke candidly while behaving professionally at all times. Again, we feel that we made another friend here during this trip! The resort is beautiful, well maintained, and while we spent more time on activities than on the beach, I assure you this is a beach resort first and foremost and that the beach is world class. The vibe is laid back but there is no element of luxury missing. Of everything we did, the lagoon experience was our favourite activity. Highly recommended. Make time also for a private dinner at the beach club. You will not regret it. I see that that past reviewers have expressed concern about the cost of food. The solution for us was to book the Fort & Beach package which included half board, experiences, and transfer between resorts. Perfection, Amanwella. Book it and enjoy!

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