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Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Distretto di Chiang Khong

Rai Saeng Arun Resort
4.8/57 Recensioni
The pictures of Rai Saeng Arun and its surroundings are beautiful but they do not fully capture the special vibes experienced in this place. We were amazed by the abundance of frangipanis, bamboo trees, rice paddies, various crops and gardens, and the special view of the Mekong overlooking Laos . Extremely calm and quiet. Be ready to climb 200+ stairs every day if you're staying in one of the bungalows on the hill, but there are rooms on the river level - be sure to book the right room for your stay at the reservation stage. When showering, look up and witness trees and plants eclipsing your view of the sky. At night you will shower while looking up to the stars, and since it's a remote area, you will get a crisp view of the milky way. The food is predominantly Thai and delicious - fresh produce is grown around the area, so expect some of the freshest organic food from regions where top notch restaurants in Bangkok likely source from. While you can get much cheaper food in local areas of town, a meal for two here goes for around 600-700 Baht, quite inexpensive for the quality. The people are incredibly nice, as usual with Thai hospitality, but we were lucky to be invited by the manager's nephew on a mini road trip with his family to check out neighboring temples and the golden triangle. The couple didn't charge us a dime and even paid for our temple tickets and dinner. Not that all guests will be this lucky to be awarded this opportunity, but goes to show how genuine and kind the people here are. Advices: If staying on the hill (200+ stairs), pack light. While the hotel offers instant noodles, beverages and water in the rooms, feel free to bring evening snacks of your own as the hotel's restaurant closes at 5pm and the nearest supermarket/convenience store is definitely not walking distance. Reminder that this is a remote place. Most people come with their own cars or arrange drivers for the whole stay. Be sure to plan your day-trips and transportation ahead of the stay. Bring a good book, a good playlist, and unwind. 100% recommend.

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Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel2
Numero di recensioni3
Prezzo più basso11 €
Prezzo più alto11 €
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)11 €
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)11 €