Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Canberra

The Sebel Canberra Civic
4.5/541 Recensioni
Canberra City Centre
特別舒服的酒店,本身離Canbarra Centre就衹有8-10min步行,附近可以走到Florida看鬱金香,出門就是公交站,買一日票可以去到格蘭芬河南面的國家圖書館,科技館,美術館,新舊議會廳。房間雖小,但非常精緻,甚至還有很多袋泡茶,4顆膠囊咖啡,全套餐具,鍋,沐浴露味道非常好聞,非常推薦!隔壁就有早餐吃,第一次註冊會員可以免費,價值15刀的一個吃的+一杯咖啡!
The Sebel Canberra Campbell
4.1/552 Recensioni
Just returned from a 2 night stay in a 2 bedroom apartment. Our room had 2 king size beds in two separate bedrooms both with televisions, bathroom, with shower/toilet and plenty of storage, lounge room, with lounge and 2 single seats, dining area with table and 2 seats, a washer/dryer combo and a well equipped kitchen with plenty of storage throughout the unit. Our dryer wouldn’t work and despite 2 people looking at it, no one could get it to dry. This was inconvenient as we had planned on being able to wash and dry clothes and towels. The TV in the bedroom with the window also didn’t work. We tried a different remote that turned it on but still said no signal. We advised reception on checkout and we’re told it would be passed on. As a regular Accor customer, I would have thought a discount might have been appropriate having pain $600 for two nights. Parking is also an addition $25/ day. Our wifi cut off in the morning before checkout time which I also found strange. Checkout was by 10am and at 630am, no wifi. The hotel is in a great location. There is no where to park and check in so I had to double park which was obviously not ideal. The lobby is also very small. The hotel was very clean and everyone we came into contact with was very helpful and friendly. We also didn’t get our room service, which again reception were advised about. The security thing you tap for entry to car park is on the passenger side which is difficult when you are in the car on your own! All these small issues aside, we had a great stay.

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