I was very dissapointed that the Hotel turned to be a run-down hotel. It did not have the eateries as what I want. The Location of the hotel seems shady with only the occupancy rate about 5 stayers there. I only managed to stay for 2 Night's Stay before embarking on my holiday at Bangkok, Thailand. After my absence for 3 Consecutive weeks, I was shocked to find my items in my room a mess. The bed was made without permission of my absence of my stay there. The Chili Sauce, Nutella Jar and a few Bottled Waters was arranged at the Dressing Table provided in my room. I felt my baggage was ransacked. It has been computerised in a way that didn't allow me to think clearly and I believe I was hijacked by a group of Management that was not honest and transparent with their procedures. When I came back from my trip from Bangkok, Thailand after my 3 Weeks absence, I got a bad headache when I check-in my room. I complained to Management whether I can have an arrangement for a room. They check in system & agreed for me to move to the 2nd Level, from 3rd Level Room. After the arrangement was done, they gave me the access card key to the room. I got a rude shock when I was to take my night's rest. The bed seems to put me in a stark way that disallowd me to think clearly. I suspect I was a target of crime at Batam, Jln Sukajadi, Sudirman there. I even request for a FULL REFUND of my unsuccessful stays there. The reason they mention it was a third-party website and I cannot have that arrsngements. Why is that so? I have experience stays at other Hotels if such issues and they are willing to offer refunds of unsuccessful stays to win customers on a broader perspective, for their exclusive stays there. Is this hotel trying to earn profits for unsuccessful stays? Are they trying to monetize on her stay there? Management, please highlight the truth ELSE the hotel will be CLOSED for good.