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Altes Residenztheater (Cuvilliestheater)

12 recensione
in base a 157 recensioni
Chiuso oggi Open tomorrow at 14:00-17:00
Tempo di visita consigliato:1-2 ora
Residenzstrasse 1 | Downtown, 80333 Munich, Bavaria, GermanyMappa
Telefono+49 89 290671
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

A magnificent and amazing opera house, splendid golden carvings, red curtains and brocade seats, built in the 18th century, is the birthplace of the Wittlebach family of the local aristocracy. It can be imagined that the nobility and style of the aristocracy at that time could be called the most classic Rococo theatre in Europe.

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Consigliati nei pressi di Altes Residenztheater (Cuvilliestheater)

Altes Residenztheater (Cuvilliestheater) Reviews: Insider Insights and Visitor Experiences

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