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Sultan Park

46 recensione
Parchi cittadini
Chiuso oggi Open tomorrow at 6:00-21:30
Tempo di visita consigliato:1-2 ora
5GH6+2C2, Malé, MaldivesMappa
Telefono+960 334-4050
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

At first, my girlfriend and I went in directly. Not a few black policemen would come up and tell us to ask for tickets. It's embarrassing. It's about 40 Lufia. I can't remember clearly. Because I think Lufia is beautiful, I changed a lot, and RMB is about 20. Then most of them are children, many children, the park is not big, because Male is not big, I'm not sure. I will not be able to walk through the whole city, but it feels good. After all, it's very humane and interesting. I recommend green rows of plants, which are very suitable for taking photos.

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