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Friendship of Nations Arch

15 recensione
in base a 3 recensioni
MonumentiArchitettura moderna
Aperto Aperto tutti i giorni, 24/24 h
Tempo di visita consigliato:30-60 minuti
Parkova Dorcha, Kyiv 02000 UkraineMappa
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

The Ukrainian-Russian Friendship Arch, built in 1982 in a park on the north side of Horixia Avenue, has a radius of 50 meters. It faces the Dnieper River behind it and has a grandstand in front of it. Below are statues commemorating the friendship between Ukraine and Russia, beside which are ochre carvings commemorating the Ukrainian representatives who helped promote cooperation between Ukraine and Russia in 1654, like hills. After nightfall, friendship arch lights up like a rainbow.

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