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Heliservices Hong Kong Helicopter Tours

18 recensione
Tour aereiEsperienze in elicottero
Apre alle 1 gennaio-31 dicembre ,- 09:00-18:00
Tempo di visita consigliato:0.5-1 ora
The top floor of the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong or the apron opposite the Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan ChaiMappa
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

It's a great experience, and it's also experienced by local people in Hong Kong. Arrive on the first floor of the Peninsula Hotel according to the scheduled time. Turn left through the restaurant and you can see a staff member with helicopter-related content on the top screen. When people arrive, take the elevator to the top floor and watch the movie. There will be plenty of time to take pictures before take-off. The captain introduced the scenic spots all the way in English. The scenery is still wonderful. If it's sunny, it's even better. The experience of a companion who has never traveled in a helicopter is recommended.

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