Panoramicanelle vicinanzeRevisioneWin Prizesconsigliare

Tanesashi Coast

67 recensione
in base a 193 recensioni
Punto di riferimento
Aperto Aperto tutti i giorni, 24/24 h
Tempo di visita consigliato:1-3 ora
Tanesashi Coast, JapanMappa
Telefono+81 178-51-8500
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

Sitting on the grass on the poor coast, holding a book or just gazing at the vast ocean, watching the blooming flowers dancing in the sea breeze, enjoying the time with themselves, and gaining new insights. " The beauty of time lies in its inevitable passing. Spring flowers, autumn months, summer, winter snow. If you are in full bloom, the breeze comes. It is believed that the sea will always be quiet and blue in the memory of visitors.

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