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Chiesa di Holmen

Holmens Kirke
15 recensione
in base a 120 recensioni
Open today at 10:00-16:00
Tempo di visita consigliato:1-2 ora
Holmens Kanal 21, 1060 København K, DanimarcaMappa
Telefono+45 33 13 61 78
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

Situated in the heart of Copenhagen, the Island Church is a small and inconspicuous church, but it has a very long history of nearly 500 years. When we went, the church was closed. There was no way to visit the scenic spot. We could only take pictures outside. However, although the church was not tall and grand enough, it was still very delicate and very durable.

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Consigliati nei pressi di Chiesa di Holmen

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