Panoramicanelle vicinanzeRevisioneWin Prizesconsigliare

St George's Church, Beckenham

1 recensione
in base a 25 recensioni
St. George's Church, High St, Beckenham BR3 1AX, United KingdomMappa
Telefono+44 20 8663 6996
Cosa dicono i viaggiatori:

paris The bus ride out to Glenorchy was very scenic, and the driver/guide Sam narrated points of interest and local history as we drove. If you can, sit on the left side of the bus on the way there for the best views. We did the nature walk first. It was very pleasant and not too strenuous. Don’t wear fancy shoes as you do walk through some muddy spots if it has been raining. Sam pointed out many filming locations for movies, and had a great sense of humor that kept us highly entertained.

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Consigliati nei pressi di St George's Church, Beckenham

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