No. 115 Fayu Road, Putuo Island, Putuo Mountain, Putuo District, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, 316107, ChinaDettagli hotel
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3083 recensione
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Strutture e servizi4.5
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Utente ospite
Camera Standard
Soggiorno: feb 2024
Viaggio con amici
4 recensione
Pubblicata: 17 mar 2024
This hotel is near the bus station and Fayushi. There are also stores around, if you are vegetarian, there are a few stores - behind the bus station.
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您對普陀山雷迪森莊園的點評。作為禪文化酒店,酒店的素齋向來是傾力推薦,特設“無塵”禪房,備有專屬佛堂,提供配套的禮儀、餐具和音樂。普雷的素齋,以“佛素”為已歸,衹以當季新鮮時蔬為原料,烹飪上以顯現食材本身的鮮美真味為根本,出品上則講究清新素雅、返璞歸真、素雅養生。每道素齋取名均有故事禪意,比如“蓮洋午渡”、更有將普陀十二景融入菜品,如“磐陀西照”等。期待有機會您能再來體驗,祝您和您的家人身體健康,佛佑平安!
Camera Deluxe Queen
Soggiorno: apr 2024
12 recensione
Pubblicata: 29 mag 2024
Lovely place. Awesome location
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您選擇入住普陀山雷迪森莊園。踏着禪意小徑,看古寺、幽林、速寫成一幅意境深邃的山水畫,在這一呼一吸,一吐一納之間,突然就忘記了時間。隔着茫茫海域,從塵世的盡頭,一路踏碎梵歌。期待您想到了再來,祝您和您的家人身體健康,越來越好~
Amanda Michelle
Camera Standard Superior
Soggiorno: apr 2023
Viaggio con amici
8 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 15 mag 2023
Challenging for foreigners right now.
Went for my birthday this year. Plan to sit by beautiful outdoor pool, go to beach, see some temples, eat some good food.
Despite paying for upgrade, our room was on ground floor looking directly on construction. However, they did move us to a smaller room with great views.
Also, pool was “closed”. The whole reason I booked the hotel. However, after much negotiation, they let me use the pool.
The food was supposed to be excellent, but was really just mediocre. My travel partner is Chinese and I have lived here 8 years. I was just hoping the Chinese food was better. I didn’t even try the western food, as it did not look appealing.
Also, rules were not consistent. One morning we could eat breakfast outside, next morning we could not.
So a bit of a challenging birthday trip.
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您一如既往地選擇普陀山雷迪森莊園。此次我們預訂的是高級標準房,原計劃給您預排一樓的房間,朝向千步沙,視野較為寬闊;面積也更為寬敞(同豪華標間約40平米),瞭解到您不喜歡一樓的房間,便第一時間給您調換至3樓的房間,朝向中庭800年古樟樹,相對一樓房間,面積略小10平米。關於您提出想要使用泳池的需求,因為室外泳池開放月份為7月-9月(預訂界面有説明)。目前五月份氣温還不穩定,且這個季節正是大量古樟花籽掉落時期,對水質有一定影響,故不建議您使用。同時,非常感謝您對餐飲提出的寶貴建議,正值禁漁期,部分海鮮品類較少。目前我們已經更新了一期廚師長推薦菜,包含一些應季的瓜葉蔬菜、海鮮創意菜等。早餐餐位問題,一般建議在室內使用,具體可根據實際的現場情況,比如天氣和就餐人數,進行合理的調整,原則是讓您有一個愉快美好的用餐環境。最後,非常感謝您的入住,期待您的再次光臨。祝您和家人身體健康,佛佑平安!
Camera Standard
Soggiorno: mar 2023
Viaggio con amici
3 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 14 apr 2023
Very good location, super convenient within a minute's walk to the bus terminal. Friendly staff for assisting my need. The room 317 's lighting is too dark, the button sometimes works sometimes not, inside of the room is a bit old. But overall is a nice experience with the location and the service team. We also tried the restaurant in the hotel. The waiters & waitress in the restaurant seems a bit out of focus, missing orders, and one of our dishes found a piece of plastic inside and asked for canceled but still shows on our bill. Also, pricing is not worth the value, and food quality is just ok. Don't understand hows the good ranging comes from on the website. Will not recommend this one.
Risposta dalla struttura: Dear guests, thank you for your stay. For the feedback of catering, we have the first time to implement. However, we have not had similar complaints recently. If convenient, please inform us of your specific check-in information so that we can check. The engineering staff has come to the scene to adjust and improve the dim lighting problem you reported. At the same time, thank you very much for your recognition of our other team services. Mount Putuo is a beautiful island, with both the majesty of a Buddhist state and the scenery of an island. Look forward to your coming again. I wish you and your family good health and smooth work!
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: mag 2023
6 recensione
Pubblicata: 20 giu 2023
Very convenient location and there’s a very beautiful garden in the hotel.
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您入住普陀山雷迪森莊園!您所提起的花園,想必就是中庭。栽有一棵800年古樟樹,其旁設有一座“畢竟空”抄經亭。往前走內設一座“雲廬”書院,初衷是為有緣人提供一處修身養性、治心怡情之所,同好之人可在此交流心得同修共悟,禪學經史、茶香花道可在這裏交融昇華,一起感受禪的般若智慧,把平日善於攀緣的心和浮躁煩惱的心收回來,返觀自我,轉識成智,使我們本具的清凈心得以現前,找到自己身心安頓所在…… 期待您常來,祝越來越好!
Utente anonimo
Camera Superior matrimoniale
Soggiorno: ago 2022
9 recensione
Pubblicata: 30 ott 2022
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您選擇普陀山雷迪森莊園。盛夏如花,生命如秋,美好如葉。在普陀山看秋葉飛舞,聽秋葉呢喃。在這燦爛而奔放舞動的金色秋葉中,來感受小島秋日的靜美。
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您的入住及美圖分享。您拍的圖片有禪意、生機,是小島活力的春天!酒店店招處有五棵三四百年古樟,猶如三柱清香,一對蠟燭,迎來送往各有緣人。這幾棵古樟,我們以民國四大高僧的名義供養。中庭更有一株栽植於南宋嘉定間的八百年古樟(全山第二古木),枝繁葉茂華亭如蓋。觀樹,亦可見自己,我想這就是“古樹”帶給我們的感受。最後,感謝您對我們餐廳謝主管的肯定,期待您的再次下榻和光臨。最後,祝您和家人身體健康,越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您的入住及美圖分享。酒店地處明萬曆年海曙禪院原址,周圍古樹環繞,自然生態優良。莊園作為寺廟的起居室,希望為您提供一份安心真境之旅。私人管家想您所想,為您提供優質服務,實乃本職工作。感謝您抽空體驗生活課堂,一筆一劃,用虔誠恭敬心書寫。佛經抄寫後,可帶走,或由我們統一去寺廟迴向。同時,感謝您對我們早餐的寶貴建議,我們後續再關注品類更新及提升。最後,再次感謝您的入住,期待有空再來,順祝越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您入住普陀山雷迪森莊園。圖片拍的很有意境。普雷除依靠品牌特色和人文環境創建文化空間外,更多專注於酒店文化主題吸引力、感染力和滲透力的打造,讓抽象的文化變成住客具體的感知。遊覽佛國、朝拜觀音、觀海聽濤、聆聽梵音、沐手抄經、吃齋聞香、感悟人生。在普雷,一切美好都可以被具象化,讓身心得以休憩,蓄力再出發。最後,再次感謝您的用心體驗。值此農曆二月十九,觀音聖誕吉日,順祝您和家人身體健康,越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝有緣人的入住及美圖分享。從照片中,可以感受到此行的休閑愜意。普雷舊址明萬曆年間如玻法師所建海曙禪院原址,2008年改擴建為普陀山首家禪文化主題精品度假酒店。酒店周邊名寺古剎雲集,步行可至法雨禪寺、慧濟禪寺、雙泉禪院、楊枝禪院、伴山庵等寺院禮佛。濃郁的文化環境,賦予普陀山雷迪森莊園天然禪文化氣質,似乎不費力便能讓身處其中的遊客自然生髮禪心。很高興普雷的禪意、服務能得到您的肯定。您反饋關於餐飲的寶貴意見,我們已同步反饋給餐飲部。下次點單時,我們會再留意口味的詢問,提供個性化的服務。最後,再次感謝您的入住,祝您和家人身體健康,越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您的美圖及點評分享。在雲廬書院內,三兩好友圍坐小聚,取茶、燒水、慢煮、品茗。小口啜飲茶湯,在淡淡薰香中細嗅悠悠茶香,或體驗一場抄經。沐手書寫,禪意悠悠。如您説述,私人管家是您貼心的夥伴。關於旅遊諮詢、代買葯品等均可以聯繫我們。最後,再次感謝您的入住,順祝您和家人身體健康,越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您的入住普陀山雷迪森莊園。您的點評十分具體且真誠,足見您的用心體驗。如您所述,雷迪森莊園系列以“一店一題”為引,在地文化為主題,尊重並還原屬地基因。普雷就是一家以“禪”文化為主題的度假精品酒店,熱情親切的服務風格,落地的禪修體驗,希望可以給您帶來安心真境的旅居體驗。“旅拍”和“祈福牌”服務是我們今年推出的免費服務,目前反饋都不錯,能得到您的認可,我們也十分開心。硬件方面,我們日常維保工作不斷,也期待儘快裝修改造,以更好的狀態為各位服務。最後,再次感謝您的入住,值此農曆二月十九,觀音聖誕吉日,順祝您和家人身體健康,越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您選擇入住普陀山雷迪森莊園。普雷各班組踐行“優質服務”理念,能得到您的認可,我們也甚是開心。入住普雷,您的一切需求都應該被關注,點滴的日常工作,卻被您收藏點贊,足見您的細心與柔和。作為“禪”文化酒店,除了禪意氛圍的營造外,我們還開設“生活課堂”,豐富的體驗項目,讓您在禮佛之餘,更可感受內心的寧靜。各房型配有不同的佛經、普陀山典故及舟山旅遊指南。希望有緣人翻閲,感受這個城市的鮮活。最後,再次感謝您的入住,祝您和家人身體健康,越來越好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 尊敬的貴賓:感謝您的入住及美圖分享。從您的圖片中已經感受到了“春”的氣息。普雷的春裝,從樹樹的紅梅開始。餐桌上也多了些許“春”的味道。這一季,時令菜陸續登場。“香乾拌馬蘭頭、薺菜小黃魚羹、香椿煎笨雞蛋”,野菜的“鮮”樸素而直接。“蟶子”也到了一年中最肥美的季節,配以韭菜和春筍清炒。韭菜的鮮、春筍的脆、蟶子的肥嫩,豐富的口感,獨樹一幟的美味。期待各位上島赴一場“春”之約,踏青嘗美食。在充滿希望的春光裏,快樂向上!