Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Tallinn

Radisson Blu Hotel Olumpia Tallinn
4.3/561 Recensioni
Booked this hotel as I am very familiar with the Radisson brand, plus it is a tall hotel affording excellent views out across Tallin. We used the tram from the airport to travel to the hotel, the tram stop being a short ten minute walk. The hotel is situated on what appears to be the outer ring road, so this and the rather uninspiring concrete tower construction of the building can give a slightly foreboding feel, this isn't eased upon entry when you are greeted by a rather dull corporate and uninspiring lobby. Still, the staff were pleasant and completed all formalities quickly. We were allocated a city view room on the 19th floor. The views are stunning, we could see the old town, as well as the high rises of the new town area and the port beyond. There was nothing exemplary about the room, it felt a little austere, but it was warm, dry and comfortable. The bathroom seemed to hark back to the early 90's with the colour of the tiles, but again it was all perfectly functional and clean. It takes a walk of around ten minutes or so to walk into the old town area passing a very small mall on the way. This Mall also had a food court run by Lido which we enjoyed in Riga, but did not use here in Tallin. Exceptional value. Getting around Tallin on foot is fairly easy, it's a fascinating city. I would definitely return, but would prefer to stay in a different hotel with a quirky charm perhaps.

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