16 settembre 2023
천국이 있다면 이 곳일까, 엄마와 투숙 기간 내내 얘기했습니다. 9월 초는 미니멈 스테이가 있어서 예상보다 길게 4박을 투숙했으나, 지내면서 일주일은 넘게 있어도 지루하지 않겠다고 생각할만큼 정말 아름답고 환상적인 곳입니다. 최고의 날씨가 함께해서 더 그랬던 것 같고.. 깨끗한 침구와 수건, 아름다운 정원과 꽃, 멋진 호수 풍경과 수영장, 사우나, 그리고 맛있던 레스토랑까지 모든 점이 좋았습니다. 아쉬운 점도 물론 있었지만 호텔에 직접 얘기해서 좋은 답변을 받았고, 다시 방문할 때는 더 좋은 서비스를 기대하겠습니다. 리뉴얼 후 다시 방문할께요!! If there was heaven, would it be here? I talked with my mom throughout my stay. At the beginning of September, I stayed for four nights longer than expected because there was a minimum stay, but it is such a beautiful and fantastic place that I thought it would not be boring even if I stayed for more than a week. I think it was more because the best weather was with us.. Everything from clean bedding and towels, beautiful gardens and flowers, wonderful lake scenery and swimming pools, sauna, and delicious restaurants was good. Of course, there were some regrets, but I talked to the hotel directly and received a good answer, and I look forward to a better service when I visit again. I'll visit you again after the renewal!!