Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Singapore

Four Seasons Hotel Singapore
4.8/5311 Recensioni
Orchard Road
For the price that the guests are able to fork out for this hotel,  one might expect them to be able to behave with some decorum/manners, or at least with some social responsibility. But this was certainly not the case during my encounters with some of the guests in this hotel.  Once, I encountered someone as he came out of the lift, and i could hear him coughing along the corridor as the lift doors closed.  Please wear a mask.  On another occasion, someone entered the lift, coughing heavily inside that enclosed space.  Please wear a mask. In both cases, the guests didn't even bother to cover their mouths. Thirdly, when I was checking-in, someone simply stretched out her hand to put her card on the counter, stood there for a while, before muttering ”check-out”, and left. Perhaps i was transparent and she could not see that the receptionist was serving me. Such entitled behavior. I was somehow reminded of how a prankster handed Theresa May a P45 during her party conference in 2017.  Fourth, someone barged into the lift while I was walking out, as though assuming that it would be empty. Next, I ordered takeaway lunch at Jiang Nan Chun, and the server told me that I was using an older menu when it clearly wasn't. It just happened to be a discrepancy between the physical and online menu, and told me to use the physical one instead (which I wasn't shown beforehand). I had encountered a similar price discrepancy at another establishment, and I believe that it would do good for the staff at Jiang Nan Chun to learn from them: What the other establishment did was to admit that the price discrepancy was their error, and that they were going to honor what they had published online.  Later on, their boss told me that ”when something like this happens, we honor it, and investigate or rectify it later”.  I'm also perplexed/baffled about how the restaurant staff at Jiang Nan Chun had assumed that I was only ordering food for 1 person, especially when there were 6 dishes involved. Thirdly, I ordered takeaway from one-ninety, and the server asked if I wanted it sent to the room. I was told that the price would be the same regardless of whether I brought the food up myself or whether it was delivered to my room, so I opted for the latter.  Therefore, it came as a shock when I saw that I needed to pay service charge for the takeaway. When I enquired at the restaurant, they said that it was because I had asked for the food to be delivered to the room (when I was told by someone else that there would be no difference in price if i had collected it myself). The hotel eventually refunded me the service charge, but this misunderstanding could, and should have been averted with clearer communication. The rooms are a bit old, with cracks on the window/tables, but otherwise quite nice and spacious. It wasn't exactly clean though,  dust and some sticky substance on the window, some dust on carpet and certain things that might have/could have been animal fur (although the operator said that this was not the case). Breakfast was good, and most of the dishes were very nice. But it was rather inconsistent. For example, my hot chocolate had choco flakes in them, but my partner's didn't have any. Upon enquiry, the server said that perhaps they had ”forgotten” to put them inside. A better level of service would have been to asked if we wanted a replacement (i told the server that we didn't want anymore, just in case she decided to bring one for me later on) Having said all that, I was genuinely surprised during turndown service. I put my computer mouse on one of their magazines, as the table was quite slippery. When I came back from dinner, this was replaced with a mousepad. The first time I've experience this in a hotel.

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