Dai un'occhiata alla nostra offerta di appartamento a Saint-Martin-aux-Chartrains

Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Saint-Martin-aux-Chartrains

Hotel les Jardins de Deauville
4.4/561 Recensioni
We booked Les Jardins de Deauville because we wanted to stay close to friends who live in the area. We thought we would just park our bags, visit our friends and then head up to Deauville for dinner. (We've been to Deauville on previous trips - it's lovely and certainly worth a visit.) However. When we arrived at the property, we had a ”pinch me” moment - the grounds and landscape were stunning. We were personally greeted on arrival by the owner and his amazing staff. He gave us a quick tour and showed us the gorgeous swimming pool before we headed to meet our friends for lunch. We booked a triple room which was very spacious and stylish. On the way to lunch with our friends I asked my family if they really wanted to go up to Deauville for dinner. Our teen said ”Can we please just go back and chill at the hotel?” So we did. The pool is really terrific and I loved that the staff came around and offered orange wedges as a light refreshment. Service at the pool was amazing. Service everywhere in the hotel was amazing. They have considered pretty much every detail and how to balance excellent service without being too stilted. We had an incredible dinner that night but do book ahead on weekends - we had a late seating, which was fine but they do fill up. I had booked the hotel because it was close to our friends' house. I had no expectations - I just wanted a convenient place to stay for the night. It was such a happy surprise to find such an inviting, chic hotel. It's a great base if you do want to visit Deauville but it's also the perfect place to just go and chill for a weekend and think about nothing. Truly love this special place and am so glad we found it!

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