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Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Mengla

Mengla Fudu Hotel
4.2/52 Recensioni
5/518 Recensioni
不得不説 勐臘最有性價比的酒店 堪稱一絕 不管是一個人還是情侶 還是家庭結伴都是很好的選擇 酒店位置在勐臘潑水廣場附近 從酒店出來就走幾步路就到達勐臘星光夜市 吃喝玩樂樣樣俱全 吃了晚飯還可以到樓下散步 氛圍感拉滿‼️家人們還在等什麼 力推力推
Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort
4.8/51957 Recensioni
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden.Chinese Academy of Sciences
We were welcomed warmly by Joanne who was so helpful and friendly. The room was stunning with a beautiful view of the river from the balcony. The bathroom is enormous and I have never seen such a colossal bathtub in a hotel room before. It was such a fantastic experience to soak in a tub so deep! I am tall and yet I couldn't reach the end of the tub! Then one evening we met Jasper who took great care of us too in the restaurant and the bar. Both Jasper and Joanne excelled in their care and we can't thank them enough! The location of the hotel is great for the Botanical Gardens... they even offer a buggy to take you to the gate! The spa was really relaxing and enjoyable. Came away feeling chilled and unwound! Would love to go back in the future!
4.7/5296 Recensioni
大堂應該是按五星酒店來設計的,空間很大,很奢華,辦理入住也快捷方便,前台小徐很耐心為我們解決了很多出行問題,房間很智能進屋燈光和窗簾都是全自動的,簡約設計,進屋就感覺很輕鬆,詮釋了新酒店的裝修理念,夜間工作人員熱情的安排了夜床服務準備了晚安牛奶很暖心,住了那麼多酒店沒想到在邊陲小鎮能體驗到 這麼高標準的服務,必須五星[強]
Hejin Garden Water Scenic Resort
4.5/5542 Recensioni
以前都不寫評論,每次出行前還是習慣看看別人的評論,但是發現現在認真點評的越來越少,可參考的不多了。而且,評論還可以攢積分當錢花。所以,我也要參與評論啦! 滿以為暑假出遊,會人爆多。沒想到到了勐臘,吃住都不打擠,天氣也很舒適。和錦大酒店應該算起縣城比較好的酒店了。雖然不算很新,但是從服務到硬件,質量都槓槓的。非常驚喜的是,辦理入住時,經理幫我們升級了房型,而且是連升兩級,太豪了!自助早餐品種豐富,有現煮的米線、米幹或麪條,也有炒菜、雜糧、麪點和傣族粑粑,還有粥、咖啡、豆漿之類,關鍵味道都很不錯!對了,酒店周邊半徑一公里以內,有多家中餐、燒烤、米線、涼拌,用餐很方便。
3.5/54 Recensioni
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden.Chinese Academy of Sciences
很滿意的一次入住 房間很乾凈,床是超大號的,一個房間裏有兩張超大床還是很滿意的。整個色調很温馨。 在房間的陽台可以欣賞到院子裏的花,還有碧藍的游泳池。感覺很愜意的。 樓下公共區有茶桌,自己可以在那裡泡茶,招待朋友,一起閑聊。 樓上的話有一個超級大的健身房,裏面有各種健身的器具。 最最值得推薦的就是老闆娘人非常好,做的菜很好吃,特別是土雞燒的土豆。在那裡住的感覺有點像在家裡一樣。老闆娘還擔心我們的菜浪費,中午給我們放到冰箱,晚上又幫我們熱菜。 非常值得推薦。

Domande frequenti

Informazioni di viaggio locali

Numero di hotel221
Numero di recensioni13,230
Prezzo più alto222 €
Prezzo più basso6 €
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)34 €
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)34 €