Leggi le recensioni degli ospiti sugli hotel di Lakewood

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Tacoma South - Lakewood
4.2/5102 Recensioni
Freeway noise is pretty loud but that’s not what bothers me. The issue with this place is the staff! When I arrived exhausted from traveling, all I wanted was to shower and sleep. But I’m standing there with another guy and there’s no one to help us. The desk was empty. Other guy yells “Hello” and no response. We can hear a girls voice talking in the back so she had to have hear guests calling her. The other guest starts getting visibly annoyed. He was there when I got there so who knows how long he was already waiting, so I decided to sit down in the lobby to wait. I started looking for other hotels in the area I could go to and looking into how to cancel my reservation without a cancellation fee. It was 23 minutes (yes I timed it) before that employee decided to grace us with her presence!! That by itself is completely unacceptable. But it gets worse. After all that, when she gets to the desk she just says “ID and credit card” not hello or welcome to the hotel. She was so inconvenienced by us being there and it was obvious. I’m still sitting in the lobby while this other guest checks in and he’s asking why he had to wait so long and the front desk girl says she was busy. That’s it. No apology. Busy doing what?? She was giggling and chatting it up with either another employee or someone on her phone. She clearly heard us in the lobby and just chose ignore us! My turn to check in and I think I’ll try a different approach than the other guest. I check her name tag, “Bailey.” So I proceed with “Hi Bailey is everything okay? We were waiting for a while and you seem a little flustered.” I’m thinking maybe this girl has something personal going on and she’s having a bad day. It happens. Her response was “you weren’t waiting I just saw you walk in.” And she proceeded to check me in snatching my card out of my hand (scratching my finger) and rolling her eyes with her attitude tuned up to 100%. She slams my room key onto the counter and pulls out her phone and starts texting. Didn’t even tell me where my room was. I’m never going to this hotel again. Huge disappointment.

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