Recensioni su Saipan Hotel(Gaozhuang Xishuangjing Xingguang Night Market)
Saipan Hotel(Gaozhuang Xishuangjing Xingguang Night Market)
Building 22, Jingfazhai, Xishuangjing, Gaozhuang, Jinghong, Yunnan, ChinaDettagli hotel
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1 notte
Recensioni degli ospiti
Molto buono
875 recensione
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Recensioni verificate
Strutture e servizi4.6
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Tutte le recensioni(875)
Recensioni positive(858)
Recensioni con foto/video(468)
Trasporto da/per l'hotel(126)
Ottimo design(111)
Ottima colazione(103)
Reception gentilissima(99)
Vicino all'area commerciale(91)
Ottimo tè pomeridiano(88)
Piscina meravigliosa(54)
Piscina pulita(6)
Recensioni negative(17)
Royal Room - Double Occupancy
Soggiorno: lug 2023
6 recensione
Pubblicata: 12 ago 2023
Il servizio è buono, personale gentile e premuroso. A colazione fanno un’ottima zuppa, molto saporita. L’hotel è pulito e nuovo, la posizione eccezionale, a pochi passi a piedi dal mercato notturno e dalla pagoda. Decisamente consigliato.
Risposta dalla struttura: Thank you very much for your praise of your hotel. At the same time, there are shortcomings that need your understanding, tolerance and support. We will also listen to your opinions and improve them. Welcome to Saipan Hotel next time!
Tahiti Double Bed Room
Soggiorno: giu 2024
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 22 lug 2024
A really nice boutique style hotel with distinctive airy and relaxing character. The modern design works well. Quiet but close to night life and market. The driver who picked us up from station offered a really good guide service and we saw and did so much within a couple of days. Recommend this hotel for holiday stay, suitable for families and couples. The staff were all pleasant and helpful. Breakfast was fine. In room projection tv was great for watching movies.
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您對我們酒店的讚美!塞班酒店坐落在西雙版納告莊西雙景,距離星光夜市300m左右,遊玩方便,酒店還有提供告莊內觀光車出行;我們很榮幸能夠讓您度過一個美好的夜晚。我們非常重視您的評價,將會持續改進我們的服務,讓您每一次的入住都感到滿意
becca an
Provis Loft Tatami Two Double Beds Room
Soggiorno: nov 2023
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 27 dic 2023
We had a fantastic stay at Saiban, excellent location right in the old town and walking distance to the night market. It’s a beautiful hotel with superb views, a pool and quirky cave style rooms. There was lovely shampoo, conditioner, body lotion and shower gel and the water in the shower was high pressured and very soft water- my hair felt so silky! The staff were very friendly and extremely helpful, they worked hard to help us with everything (even though they had no English we managed well using translators and WeChat). There was also a golf buggy to take us anywhere we wanted to go in the old town. We visited the botanical gardens which were unbelievable and well worth a visit!!! Thank you so much for an incredible stay!
Risposta dalla struttura: Thank you very much for your five-star praise. It is also an honor for our Saipan Hotel to meet such a warm little master! The newly opened high-quality hotel is aimed at the good check-in experience of guests. Saipan Hotel is located in the double-view scenic spot in the west of Zhaozhuang. It is very convenient to travel. It is about eight minutes' walk from the Starlight Night Market. The hotel bubble pool is also specially designed and customized, which can accommodate two people to take a bath at the same time. The whole house is intelligent and has a double washing table. Saipan Hotel not only has a good location, the surrounding environment and internal environment are good, and the scenery is good. As you praise, Saipan's service is also very good. Saipan Hotel maintains the principle of hospitality, and always treats the guests who arrive as their relatives, so that you can feel the warmth of home. Saipan will work harder and look forward to your next visit. I wish you a happy life and happy every day!
Tahiti Double Bed Room
Soggiorno: dic 2023
2 recensione
Pubblicata: 6 feb 2024
Good !
Risposta dalla struttura: 感謝您對我們酒店的讚譽,我們會持續努力提升服務水平,讓您的下一次入住體驗更加滿意。
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您對塞班酒店的極高評價和詳細分享。我們深感榮幸能夠成為您全國旅行中最為滿意的星級酒店。我們的團隊始終致力於打造一個不僅外觀精美、佈局合理,而且格調高雅、裝修風格獨特的酒店環境。我們深知,細節決定成敗,因此對於房間內的硬件設施配置,我們力求做到典雅而温馨,以確保每位客人都能感受到家的舒適與温馨。我們特別高興得知您對我們的接待服務給予了高度評價,尤其是我們的服務人員在您入住時的小驚喜,能夠給您帶來賓至如歸的感覺,這是我們最大的成就感。您的肯定是我們不斷前進的動力。我們確實在硬件設施、軟件服務以及顧客體驗上投入了大量的心血和資源,目的就是為了給像您這樣的旅者提供一個理想的休憩港灣。我們會繼續秉承匠心精神,始終站在顧客的角度,不斷提升服務質量,期待您的再次光臨,讓我們有機會再次為您服務。再次感謝您的寶貴意見和支持!
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您分享如此細緻且充滿情感的體驗感受!我們很高興得知您在房間內的舒適和乾淨環境中找到了放鬆與愜意,尤其是在午後陽光的照耀下,窗外的五彩花朵一定為您的時光增添了不少色彩。我們的設計理念就是希望能夠為客人創造一個既美觀又舒適的環境,讓您和朋友們在悠閑的氛圍中品茶、喝咖啡、談心或放空。聽您描述喜歡的奶油風和穹頂設計,我們知道我們的努力得到了您的認可,這讓我們非常欣慰。我們也很高興早餐和下午茶能夠滿足您的口味,讓您的度假體驗更加完美。泳池邊的早餐體驗和充滿陽光的下午茶時光,確實是放鬆身心的絕佳選擇。最後,感謝您對工作人員熱情服務的讚賞,我們會繼續保持“有求必應”的服務態度,確保每位客人都能夠享受到高品質的住宿體驗。期待您的再次光臨,我們將繼續為您提供温馨舒適的服務,讓您的每一次停留都成為美好的回憶。祝您生活愉快,期待與您再次相遇!🌟
Risposta dalla struttura: 哇,聽起來您在我們這兒吃得超級開心呢!米線能得到您的青睞真是太好了,還有下午茶的蝦片,看來小朋友也很喜歡啊!能邊吹涼風邊享受早餐,確實是個不錯的體驗。我們工作人員幫忙拍照留念,也是希望您能帶走更多旅行的美好瞬間。服務能讓您滿意,我們心裏也是美滋滋的。希望這些美好的回憶能讓您每次想起都感到温暖,下次再來,我們還會努力做得更好!
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您的寶貴反饋!我們很高興知道您和您的孩子在我們酒店度過了愉快的時光。我們始終致力於提供乾淨、舒適的環境和熱情的服務。對於泳池水温的問題,我們會考慮您的建議,力求在未來的服務中做得更好。很高興房間內的泡池能夠滿足您的需求,為您提供一個温馨的放鬆空間。期待您的再次光臨,我們將繼續努力,為您帶來更加舒適的體驗。
Risposta dalla struttura: 您好!我們非常感謝您的支持和信任。我們始終致力於為每一位客人提供舒適、貼心的住宿體驗。如果您有任何建議或需求,我們都願意傾聽並盡力滿足。希望我們的服務能讓您的旅程更加難忘。期待您的再次入住,西雙版納塞班酒店隨時為您敞開大門,祝您旅途愉快,生活精彩!🌴🌺
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您對我們西雙版納塞班酒店的認可和好評!您的滿意是我們最大的追求。我們很高興得知您在入住過程中體驗到了愉快和放心,房間的佈局、設施以及衞生狀況都能達到您的期望,這讓我們倍感榮幸。我們一直致力於為客人提供簡約清新的居住環境,以及細緻周到的服務。您的肯定是對我們裝修風格和服務質量的最佳證明。同時,我們也會將您對前台小玉的讚揚轉達給她,她的細心和體貼是我們服務團隊的學習榜樣。再次感謝您選擇西雙版納塞班酒店,並留下如此寶貴的評價。我們會繼續保持24小時值班服務,確保每一位客人的安全與舒適。期待您的再次光臨,我們將繼續為您提供更加優質的服務體驗!祝您生活愉快,一切順心!
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您對我們西雙版納塞班酒店的詳細評價和高度讚揚!我們很高興得知您享受了我們提供的額外服務,包括免費接機、旅遊諮詢和包車服務等,這些都是我們為了讓您的旅程更加便捷和舒適而精心準備的。我們也很自豪酒店的位置、寬敞舒適的房間、高檔的設施以及美麗的景觀能夠得到您的喜愛,並且為您的拍照打卡提供了完美的背景。我們的目標是確保每一位客人都能夠在這裏留下美好的回憶。此外,我們很高興您提到酒店距離星光夜市不遠,以及您對豐富早餐的滿意。我們的前台團隊總是致力於提供熱情周到的服務,您的肯定將會是對她們工作的最大鼓勵。再次感謝您的選擇和支持,我們期待您的下一次光臨,將繼續努力為您提供更加卓越的服務體驗。祝您生活愉快,旅途充滿歡笑!🌟
Risposta dalla struttura: 非常感謝您對我們西雙版納塞班酒店的驚喜評價!我們很高興知道您在隨機選擇下發現了這樣一個令您滿意的住宿體驗。我們的團隊一直致力於保持酒店的新鮮感和高品質服務,您的認可對我們來説意義重大。我們也很自豪地聽到前台工作人員的熱情和專業服務贏得了您的讚賞,我們會繼續努力,確保每一位客人都能感受到家的温馨和周到的照顧。同時,我們對於房間清潔和床品的高標準也會繼續保持,以滿足像您這樣的高品質要求。感謝您對酒店性價比的高度評價,我們承諾將繼續提供優質的服務和舒適的住宿環境,以確保每一位客人的體驗都物超所值。期待您的再次光臨,我們將竭盡全力為您創造更加美好的回憶!祝您旅途愉快!