Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace

Recensioni su Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace

Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace

839-91 Yoshida, Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 414-0051, JapanDettagli hotel
Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace
Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside TerraceIzu Ippeki Lake Lakeside TerraceIzu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace
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Soggiorno: Jul 2021
23 recensione
Pubblicata: 13 Okt 2021
La camera è molto spaziosa, ma il problema è che è un po' lontana dall'edificio termale?
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Soggiorno: Jun 2023
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 5 Jun 2023
Amazing!it was really good, amazing, hope to stay again, people super friendly! Love this place!
Camera a Tema (per 8 persona/e, fumatori)
Soggiorno: Jul 2023
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 7 Agt 2023
I stayed at Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace for 5 nights booking though Trip.com. Be warned that problems may occur when booking through travel websites such as this one. I booked a standard room with no meals. What I did not know however, was that this reservation did not include any room cleaning services for the entire stay, no taking of garbage or towel replacement, no bed making, nothing at all. When I contacted the travel website to show my disappointment, they immediately contacted the hotel requesting a full refund. I did not expect a full refund for my entire stay. What I did expect, was for someone to acknowledge the fact that this important piece of information should have been indicated someone on the online reservation confirmation. Neither the travel site nor the hotel would acknowledge this. The travel site replied with a response from the hotel, saying that I was a regular guest and knew about this “regulation”. It’s true, I have visited Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace on several occasions when housekeeping services were not included. However, this was clearly indicated on the reservation, and I stayed during the COVID STATE OF EMERGENCY, when it was standard practice for many hotels to exclude cleaning services. My recent stay was at the beginning of August, WHEN THE STATE OF EMERGENCY AND COVID RESTRICTIONS HAD BEEN LIFTED. It is no longer standard practice to exclude cleaning services at hotels in Japan. The hotel stated that I visited the front desk every day to get towels and never mentioned the need to clean the room. This is untrue. I only came to the front dest 2 times during my stay, and this is because room cleaning staff entered my room on 2 occasions, so I was expecting them to clean or take out the trash, but they did nothing and left. I expected them to return, however, they never did. The bottom line is the hotel is responsible for communicating their services to customers, especially after covid restrictions have been lifted. Blaming guests for their lack of communication is completely unprofessional. Now in regards to the hotel itself, I have stayed here on several occasions, I find it to be perfect, mainly because of the location and modest room size. The hotel is conveniently located near Lake Ippeki (Ippekiko) and there is plenty of nature and a few trails in the area. You can step out the door and be on a simple hiking trail within minutes. It’s a very quiet area and very good for children and families. Though the hotel is dated, the rooms are all quite large and include a living room, kitchen with cooking supplies and dishes (but no forks or spoons), a large bath, and both Western and Japanese style bedrooms. Some may be discouraged by the age of the hotel (it’s quite old and could use some renovation), but if you don’t mind that, then I would highly recommend staying here. One point that I need to mention is in regards to the bedrooms. The hotel has replaced their blackout curtains with super thin curtains which allow sunlight to easily shine through. We were woken up at 5:00 am every morning because of the bright sunlight in our room. If you’re a light sleeper, please take note. I wish management would consider this. Also, it’s highly recommended that guests come by car, public transportation is very inconvenient in the area. Overall, Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace is a very convenient place for a reasonable price. I will definitely be staying here again in the future, but hope that they act with a little more professionalism and consider the fact that the covid state of emergency ended long ago.
Utente anonimo
Camera a Tema (per 8 persona/e, fumatori)
Soggiorno: Jul 2024
4 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 7 Jul 2024
Utente ospite
Camera a Tema (per 8 persona/e, fumatori)
Soggiorno: Agt 2023
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 19 Agt 2023
周りのホテルより安いので仕方ありませんが、 コンドミニアムタイプなので部屋は広くて設備も十分なので良いですが、 ホテルの周りにコンビニ等ないので車で買いに行くしかないのでちょっと大変。 寝るだけに利用する人や部屋内で料理を作って大人数で楽しむ人、またチェックイン後車を使って周りの娯楽施設等に出かける人には良いのでは。
Camera a Tema (per 8 persona/e, fumatori)
Soggiorno: Agt 2023
Viaggio con amici
4 recensione
Molto buono
Pubblicata: 6 Agt 2023
Utente ospite
Camera a Tema (per 8 persona/e, fumatori)
Soggiorno: Feb 2023
3 recensione
Pubblicata: 21 Feb 2023
いい思い出になった。 部屋が広く、周りに池があって散歩にはとて置き。 温泉施設まで歩くのが残念。 しかし、食事は最高‼️ コース料理は最高‼️ ありがとう!
Utente ospite
Soggiorno: Jun 2023
1 recensione
Pubblicata: 19 Jun 2023
Utente ospite
Soggiorno: Agt 2023
Pubblicata: 6 Agt 2023
I stayed at Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace for 5 nights booking though an online booking site. Be warned that problems may occur when booking through travel websites. I booked a standard room with no meals. What I did not know however, was that this reservation did not include any room cleaning services for the entire stay, no taking of garbage or towel replacement, no bed making, nothing at all. When I contacted the travel website to show my disappointment, they immediately contacted the hotel requesting a full refund. I did not expect a full refund for my entire stay. What I did expect, was for someone to acknowledge the fact that this important piece of information should have been indicated someone on the online reservation confirmation. Neither the travel site nor the hotel would acknowledge this. The travel site replied with a response from the hotel, saying that I was a regular guest and knew about this “regulation”. It’s true, I have visited Izu Ippeki Lake Lakeside Terrace on several occasions when housekeeping services were not included. However, this was clearly indicated on the reservation, and I STAYED DURING THE COVID STATE OF EMERGENCY, when it was standard practice for many hotels to exclude cleaning services. My recent stay was at the beginning of August, WHEN THE STATE OF EMERGENCY AND COVID RESTRICTIONS HAD BEEN LIFTED. It is no longer standard practice to exclude cleaning services at hotels in Japan. The hotel stated that I visited the front desk every day to get towels and never mentioned the need to clean the room. This is untrue. I only came to the front dest 2 times during my 5 night stay, and this is because room cleaning staff entered my room on 2 occasions, so I was expecting them to clean or take out the trash, but they did nothing and left. I expected them to return, however, they never did. The bottom line is the hotel is responsible for communicating their services to customers, especially after covid restrictions have been lifted. Blaming guests for their lack of communication is completely unprofessional. Now in regards to the hotel itself, I have stayed here on several occasions, I find it to be perfect, mainly because of the location and modest room size. The hotel is conveniently located near Lake Ippeki (Ippekiko) and there is plenty of nature and a few trails in the area. You can step out the door and be on a simple hiking trail within minutes. It’s a very quiet area and very good for children and families. Though the hotel is dated, the rooms are all quite large and include a living room, kitchen with cooking supplies and dishes (but no forks or spoons), a large bath, and both Western and Japanese style bedrooms. Some may be discouraged by the age of the hotel (it’s quite old and could use some renovation), but if you don’t mind that, then I would highly recommend staying here. One point that I need to mention is in regards to the bedrooms. The hotel has replaced their blackout curtains with super th
Utente ospite
Soggiorno: Des 2022
Pubblicata: 24 Des 2022
ツアーでの宿泊でしたので、評価は普通です。別棟の風呂やレストラン利用でした。二人で泊まるのにあんなに広い部屋はいらないし、そういう意味で旅行社の判断の問題でしょう。朝夕食ともに和定食で、おいしいですが、量は少なめでした。 近くにはお店もないし、売店での商品の取り扱いも少なめです。 家族連れやグループで泊まるなら、広々した部屋でゆったりくつろぐこともできますし、キッチンで食事も作れます。いろいろと持ち込んで楽しめると思います。経年劣化は目立ちますが、清潔にしています。
Utente ospite
Soggiorno: Okt 2022
Pubblicata: 31 Okt 2022
家族連れで泊まった(犬同伴) 駐車場せますぎ。土曜日だったのでなかなか止めれずイライラした。入るだけでもかなりストレスを感じた。 F棟に泊まったけど、建物がとにかく古くて暗かった。中もカビ臭く、暖房入れたら7歳の息子が少しはしゃいだだけで咳が止まらなくなってしまった。やむなく暖房を止めてしまった。 犬も床がカーペットのせいか他の犬のにおいが気になってしまい、落ち着かないどころか、興奮しだしておさまらなかったため、やむを得ず、車で寝かせるはめに。 夕飯はバーベキューだったけど肉のチョイスが全然だめだった。息子は骨つき肉は食べにくいと感じたのか全然食べなかった。もっと食べやすい肉にするべきだ。 夜、バーベキューでは物足りず、近くのコンビニ行って戻ってきたら、駐車場のスペースがなく入れず困っていたら、ロータリーの所に乗り上げて止まるように言われ、芝生の上に止めたけど、ロータリーの意味あるの?潰して駐車場にしたほうがよくないか?存在する意味がわからない。 風呂も部屋のやつは古くて暗く使いたいともこれっぽっちも思わず。スパテラスの風呂入ってきたが、脱衣所がかなり狭いのと、風呂の温度が暑すぎて最悪だった。しかも窓あけると外から丸見え。 夜寝る時も加湿器がなく、妻も息子も喘息が出てしまい、妻は全然寝れず。 翌朝の朝食もいまいちだった。スーパーの惣菜並かそれ以下かなと。 帰りにフロント寄るためそばの駐車場に止めようとしたら相変わらずスペースなくて路肩にとめるはめになってしまった。駐車場早急になんとかしないといつ駐車場内で事故が起こっても不思議ではない。 最初から最後まで最悪だった。もうこんなとこ2度とくるか
Utente ospite
Soggiorno: Sep 2022
Pubblicata: 29 Sep 2022
建物がかなり古く、さらにメンテナンスが行き届いていない感じで全体的に暗い印象でした。 部屋は1人では広すぎるくらいの広さでした。 室内はきれいではありましたが、トイレの換気扇が機能しておらず、ずっと臭いがこもっているのでドアを開けっぱなしにいていました。 またベランダにはタバコの吸い殻がありました。 せっかく自然に囲まれ、一碧湖の遊歩道が目の前にある恵まれた環境なのにもったいないな、と思います。 もっとメンテナンスやお手入れを頑張れば、もっと気持ちよく過ごせるリゾート施設になれると思います。 大人数でバーベキューする場合には良いかもしれません。 食事は夜も朝も美味しく、大浴場は光が降り注ぎとても気持ちの良い温泉です。ただ、それぞれ別棟です。