Utente ospite
1 febbraio 2025
在酒店入住期間,我們去了小童俱樂部。第一天,我兩歲的孩子在託管時被一位當地馬爾代夫員工嚇到了。第二天,他就拒絕再去那裡了。我的兩個姐姐告訴我,她們不被允許玩公共遊戲,我已經跟經理談過了,他們説希望孩子們按照時間表來,但那天的時間表是去花園玩,可他們很久都沒帶孩子們去花園,孩子們從上午 10 點待到下午 2 點,難道管理一些孩子們真正想做的事情就這麼難嗎?一個印度人,還有一個俄羅斯人。我對他們很不滿意,他們沒有耐心,也不懂得如何引導孩子。比如,當你看到一個兩歲的孩子試圖進入一個不允許他們進入的房間時,你會怎麼做?他們衹是大聲説:“你不能進去!”還是蹲下來跟孩子説:“我們去那裡玩小汽車怎麼樣,給你講些故事?”我們的孩子很聰明,我們從不以不尊重的方式對待他們。我認為酒店在聘請小童俱樂部的工作人員時不夠認真。這讓我在入住期間非常不滿。因為這些員工,我不會選擇華爾道夫酒店,也不會向我的家人和朋友推薦它。我們選擇那裡,可不是為了體驗這種不愉快的事!
During our stay at the hotel, we went to the kids club. On the first day when my little child only 2yrs in the baby-sitting, he was frightened by a local Maldivian employee. The next day, he refused to go there again. My two elder sisters told me they were not allowed to play the public games and I already talk to the manager they say they want kids to follow the schedule but in that day the schedule is play in the garden they didn’t bring them to the garden for a long time,the kids stay there from 10am to 2pm, there is no reason managing some works that the children really want right?.One Indian and other Russian. I’m unsatisfied about themselves,they had no patience and educate to leading children. For example, when you see a two-year-old child trying to enter a room which they are not allowed, what will you do? They just loudly: "You can't go in!" or you squat down and tell them: "shall we go there play the cars, ready some stories ?" Our children are very clever,we never treat them in a disrespect way. I think the hotel did not hire the kids club staff seriously . This made me very dissatisfied during the stay. I won’t choose Waldorf Astoria because of these employees, And I won't recommend it to my family and friends either. We choose there, not to experience such unpleasant things!