My husband and I visited Quality Inn Harrisonburg, Virginia on Saturday, January 13, 2023,. We walked to the front desk and there was a sign on the counter that said the staff would be back shortly or something to that effect. My husband had to use the bathroom very badly. We just put my father in Hospice care that morning, and we were on the road since 10 am driving back to New York. I waited at the counter. My husband turned the corner to look for the restroom. Next, I hear someone, yell, WHOA and my husband say, I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in there, and then the employee, his name is Robert, screamed in the hallway, it was locked and arrived in front of me at the desk and with wide eyes said, are you checking in if you're checking in with him, you are not staying here, what is your name, I said, Patterson, he said, you're not staying in this hotel, your reservation is cancelled, I don't care, I will give you refund, but you are not staying. My husband appeared next to me and I asked how he got in the locked door. My husband said he put the end of his key and tried to turn the back of the lock. So now the story behind that is he walked up to the door, jiggled the handle because he was about to go to the bathroom on the floor. Nobody said anything so he jiggled the handle again. Nobody said anything. He thought that somebody might have locked the door by mistake so he tried to turn the little thumbnail screw. The very second he heard whoa, he let go of the door said sorry and stepped 3 or 4 steps to the side. The door never opened. He did not see Robert until Robert walked out of the bathroom, which happened immediately. We told Robert, we were sorry he just needed to use the restroom. He then said ”I could call the police!” So my husband went outside to the truck. Robert never said another word to me. He just put the receipt in my hand and said I could go. We are senior citizens, and my husband is a disabled veteran. We have never been treated like this ever! We travel a lot and have never in our lives had a problem with a hotel before. I called to speak to the manager at the actual hotel. His name was Eric. He told me he's sorry this happened but this story is contradicting. He said that Robert said, my husband opened the bathroom door, but he never saw Eric until he stepped out of the bathroom. He did not open the door, he let go immediately, just as anyone would, if you accidentally push open a door when someone is in a bathroom stall. He said, he's sorry, and he stepped aside to wait for someone to come out. It's absolutely outrageous that we were kicked out of the hotel and threatened to call the police. After all of this, and being in the car for 10 hours, we then had to get back in the car again and drive 20 minutes to get to another hotel. It was dangerous with how tired my husbands eyes were. Please look at your cameras, because this ENTIRE story was maybe 4 minutes total, maybe somebody should check in to see whether the emp
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