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Scopri questi hotel situati vicino alle attrazioni turistiche più popolari di Chemancheri

Kappad Beach

Prinz Residency
1/51 Recensioni

Prinz Residency

Kozhikode|4.81km dal Kappad Beach
The idyllic town of Calicut nicknamed the City of Truth is located on the shores of serene Malabar Coast. Also called the City of spices, it was the first city where Vasco da Gama landed back in the 14th century. A nice quiet vacation amid lush green coconut plantations and the azure seashore stretching across the horizon, Prinz Residency, founded by Queens Group, located at Koyilandi, will make your stay in Calicut worthwhile. A business class hotel, close by the sea; surrounded by fresh air; away from the always moving city life where time passes at its own pace. At Prinz Residency, we strive to cater to the level of excellence for all our guests. Our trademarks include up-worthy and helpful staff, high-end services, the best-in-town ambience and superior dinning facilities. All the rooms at Prinz Residency are comfortable, sunny, elegant and equipped with the latest technology. Special packages are provided for visitors wanting to explore the nearby places. Calicut has a rich history and the local memorials are worth a visit. The Kappad beach will take you back to the old world charm, the mouth-watering local cuisines have a fascinating blend of European and Arab tastes and the surrounding waterfalls and the Kadalundi Bird Century are nature lovers paradise. Despite being the pioneers of business class hotel in the commercial capital of erstwhile Malabar province, the queens group has also left its signature in industries such as iron and steel, jewels, crude oil and cements. Established nearly 50 years ago, Queens group has been innovative in bringing new facilities to the Samaritans of Malabar and we are bound to keep the century old tagline of calicut city of truth.

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वलियापुरयिल बगावती मंदिर

Prinz Residency
1/51 Recensioni

Prinz Residency

Kozhikode|4.52km dal वलियापुरयिल बगावती मंदिर
The idyllic town of Calicut nicknamed the City of Truth is located on the shores of serene Malabar Coast. Also called the City of spices, it was the first city where Vasco da Gama landed back in the 14th century. A nice quiet vacation amid lush green coconut plantations and the azure seashore stretching across the horizon, Prinz Residency, founded by Queens Group, located at Koyilandi, will make your stay in Calicut worthwhile. A business class hotel, close by the sea; surrounded by fresh air; away from the always moving city life where time passes at its own pace. At Prinz Residency, we strive to cater to the level of excellence for all our guests. Our trademarks include up-worthy and helpful staff, high-end services, the best-in-town ambience and superior dinning facilities. All the rooms at Prinz Residency are comfortable, sunny, elegant and equipped with the latest technology. Special packages are provided for visitors wanting to explore the nearby places. Calicut has a rich history and the local memorials are worth a visit. The Kappad beach will take you back to the old world charm, the mouth-watering local cuisines have a fascinating blend of European and Arab tastes and the surrounding waterfalls and the Kadalundi Bird Century are nature lovers paradise. Despite being the pioneers of business class hotel in the commercial capital of erstwhile Malabar province, the queens group has also left its signature in industries such as iron and steel, jewels, crude oil and cements. Established nearly 50 years ago, Queens group has been innovative in bringing new facilities to the Samaritans of Malabar and we are bound to keep the century old tagline of calicut city of truth.

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करियांद्य श्री भद्रकाली मंदिर

Prinz Residency
1/51 Recensioni

Prinz Residency

Kozhikode|3.64km dal करियांद्य श्री भद्रकाली मंदिर
The idyllic town of Calicut nicknamed the City of Truth is located on the shores of serene Malabar Coast. Also called the City of spices, it was the first city where Vasco da Gama landed back in the 14th century. A nice quiet vacation amid lush green coconut plantations and the azure seashore stretching across the horizon, Prinz Residency, founded by Queens Group, located at Koyilandi, will make your stay in Calicut worthwhile. A business class hotel, close by the sea; surrounded by fresh air; away from the always moving city life where time passes at its own pace. At Prinz Residency, we strive to cater to the level of excellence for all our guests. Our trademarks include up-worthy and helpful staff, high-end services, the best-in-town ambience and superior dinning facilities. All the rooms at Prinz Residency are comfortable, sunny, elegant and equipped with the latest technology. Special packages are provided for visitors wanting to explore the nearby places. Calicut has a rich history and the local memorials are worth a visit. The Kappad beach will take you back to the old world charm, the mouth-watering local cuisines have a fascinating blend of European and Arab tastes and the surrounding waterfalls and the Kadalundi Bird Century are nature lovers paradise. Despite being the pioneers of business class hotel in the commercial capital of erstwhile Malabar province, the queens group has also left its signature in industries such as iron and steel, jewels, crude oil and cements. Established nearly 50 years ago, Queens group has been innovative in bringing new facilities to the Samaritans of Malabar and we are bound to keep the century old tagline of calicut city of truth.

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Kapad Beach Rock

Prinz Residency
1/51 Recensioni

Prinz Residency

Kozhikode|3.75km dal Kapad Beach Rock
The idyllic town of Calicut nicknamed the City of Truth is located on the shores of serene Malabar Coast. Also called the City of spices, it was the first city where Vasco da Gama landed back in the 14th century. A nice quiet vacation amid lush green coconut plantations and the azure seashore stretching across the horizon, Prinz Residency, founded by Queens Group, located at Koyilandi, will make your stay in Calicut worthwhile. A business class hotel, close by the sea; surrounded by fresh air; away from the always moving city life where time passes at its own pace. At Prinz Residency, we strive to cater to the level of excellence for all our guests. Our trademarks include up-worthy and helpful staff, high-end services, the best-in-town ambience and superior dinning facilities. All the rooms at Prinz Residency are comfortable, sunny, elegant and equipped with the latest technology. Special packages are provided for visitors wanting to explore the nearby places. Calicut has a rich history and the local memorials are worth a visit. The Kappad beach will take you back to the old world charm, the mouth-watering local cuisines have a fascinating blend of European and Arab tastes and the surrounding waterfalls and the Kadalundi Bird Century are nature lovers paradise. Despite being the pioneers of business class hotel in the commercial capital of erstwhile Malabar province, the queens group has also left its signature in industries such as iron and steel, jewels, crude oil and cements. Established nearly 50 years ago, Queens group has been innovative in bringing new facilities to the Samaritans of Malabar and we are bound to keep the century old tagline of calicut city of truth.

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Informazioni di viaggio locali

Prezzo più alto78 €
Prezzo più basso39 €
Numero di recensioni10
Numero di hotel7
Prezzo medio (giorni feriali)53 €
Prezzo medio (fine settimana)53 €