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Hotel vicino alle attrazioni più famose di Weerawila

Scopri questi hotel situati vicino alle attrazioni turistiche più popolari di Weerawila

Sri Abhinawarama Wiharasthanaya

Saraii Village
4/511 Recensioni

Saraii Village

Wirawila|1.38km dal Sri Abhinawarama Wiharasthanaya
It started on the wrong foot where I was informed that the Hotel is unable to provide the Tree House which I booked and alternate accommodation was offered on a ground floor mud chalet with a late checkout. I was indeed disappointed and that's when I spoke to the Hotel. From the moment I phoned the experience was unbelievable. The owner of the property, Ms Charitha did her best to explain the mishap and to compensate and to make me feel comfortable offered so many add ons on a free of charge basis and also promised to get me a Tree House if a change takes place. My next call was on the day of arrival to get few directions and wasn't I pleasantly surprised to hear that a Tree House was ready for us I was introduced to their efficient manager Mr Prasanga who made sure that we got the correct directions and upon arrival we were given the best possible treatment. It was a classy Tree House, secluded but very close to nature. It was very spacious and super clean. Tea / Coffee / or even a fresh juice was just a telephone call away and it was all for free. Mr Prasanga and his Team was at our disposal even for the tiniest of requirement s and made sure that we are comfortable. Going to bed with nature was a first time experience for myself and my wife and it was a very special experience. We were greeted with a hot cuppa coffee, the following day morning and the Sri Lankan breakfast with Milk Rice and Pol rotti was out of this world. I was willing to forego the complimentary lunch which was offered in lieu of the Tree House but the Hotel staff persuaded that we do not miss the ”The Farmer's Lunch” prepared the traditional way in a nearby farmhouse. The hotel staff even accompanied us to visit a nearby farm (known as a Hena in Sinhalese) The Farmer's lunch was another unique experience where 12 curries were served in a natural setting. A must try to any visitors. We checked out shortly after lunch after an unforgettable stay at Saraii Village. Many Thanks to Charitha, Prasanga and everyone else at the property
DoubleTree by Hilton Weerawila Rajawarna Resort
4.6/575 Recensioni

DoubleTree by Hilton Weerawila Rajawarna Resort

Wirawila|3.14km dal Sri Abhinawarama Wiharasthanaya
這家希爾頓酒店是比較讓人滿意的酒店,性價比很好。當晚入住的時候外面下大雨,到達酒店的一刻感覺終於安心了的感覺,這樣的安全感讓我頓時對這裏產生了好感~~~晚上辦理好入住沿着長廊走回房間,伴隨着風雨飄搖的黑暗,即使有服務人員陪同走去房間都還是有點小怕~~房間風格有點老舊,可能是木色調的原因吧,床鋪還是比較舒適的,還有可以通向花園的陽台門~~房間隔音效果比較差,隔壁洗澡我們都能聽見水嘩嘩聲~~~~晚上下雨沒出門,早上天亮了再看這裏的大環境還是讓人很舒心~滿地的花落知多少~~~由於趕着去雅拉動物園,都沒來得及看一看酒店和使用一下酒店設施~~第二天5:30從酒店出發去雅拉國家公園,大概40分鐘會到達雅拉國家公園~~來不及在酒店吃早餐,酒店早餐時間是6:30–10:30,出發前和回來都是趕不上用餐時間的,所以如果要吃早餐的話,一定要在前一晚讓酒店準備好早餐帶着去~~~看了一下酒店餐廳環境,沒時間在這裏慢慢享受還是有點可惜的~~~順帶説的是我原本這天晚上入住的是雅拉辛納蒙野生酒店(Cinnamon Wild Yala)酒店,想着住那裡可以早點去Safari~~~由於天氣原因臨時改訂了這家希爾頓酒店,後來我去完雅拉公園去了看了一下那家酒店……真的很慶幸自己改來這裏~~簡直太明智了……那裡出發去雅拉國家公園近~但通往酒店的全部是泥巴路,需要吉普車才能去~~而且那裡性價比極其低………性價比在地上摩擦~~如果去雅拉Safari的話真的推薦寧願開車多半小時都不要住那裡~~時間不趕的話推薦住這裏

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